Friendly Face

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This wouldn't do. This seriously wouldn't do. Taehyung ran a hand through his red locks for the millionth time this morning. He's never felt more frustrated in his entire life. Not only was he stuck on what to do with you, but he then gets the pleasant surprise that another has arrived on Earth! How lovely is that? Taehyung wanted to rip his hair out. From the moment he saw Neptune shove Mars onto the ground, he felt like screaming into a dark void. Why in the world do they have to get in the way of literally everything!? It was difficult enough with Mercury being so close with you. Now he has to deal with Mars who has anger issues and wants to kill you! Yeah, Neptune caught him up on that part.

Don't be mistaken. Taehyung doesn't have an alliance with Hoseok nor does he intend to form one. The only reason Hoseok cared to share was because Jungkook was here on a mission to kill. If Mars wants to kill then Taehyung needs to be aware that he can get taken out too. It's not like Jungkook will care. He'll kill anyone that gets in his way. That meathead lives for the sight of blood anyway. Whatever! Taehyung didn't have time to deal with Jungkook or Hoseok for that matter. They're both annoying to him and shouldn't be here. Taehyung came here to make you his wife so that's what he intends to do. No matter how much the others make him struggle.

It was almost bringing Taehyung to the edge though. Namjoon could at least get along with you and then he has an alliance with Hoseok. Then Jungkook, though currently alone on Earth, has an alliance with a Jovian. Taehyung had to keep his eyes peeled. There was no way Hoseok would kill him unless he pushed him far enough, but Jungkook was a nut case. Not having an alliance with a Jovian just might be the death of him. That's why he needed you. That would be killing two birds with one stone. It just didn't look like that would be happening any time soon for some reason.

He really does try to make things better, but then you get all moody. Why was it his fault? He was just trying to making it right so you should be appreciative of the effort alone. He wouldn't do this for other women. That's how Taehyung saw it at least. He was getting tired of waiting for you to forgive him already. If you're not going to then he might as well just use the power of Eros. That might force you to love him, but it's not like you'll have any complaints while you're struck with the invisible arrow. He'll have you be his and then you'll fall for him for real. Brilliant! Taehyung walked with confidence, making his way across the field when he heard a group of girls whispering.

"Who is he?"

"I've never seen him before."

"He's literally perfect."

"How can someone be so handsome?"

They were swooning for him left and right. Taehyung would be lying if he said he was ignoring them. No, he lived for every time this happened. It stroked his ego causing him to smirk and walk at a slower pace. Let the human girls see what true beauty actually looks like. They'll never see anything like this ever again. They should be grateful they even get to breathe the same air as the Prince of Venus. Taehyung chuckled to himself when he noticed the girls rushed past him. What? Out of all female reactions, that one shocked him the most. He understands them turning away in embarrassment but running right in front of him as if he didn't exist? His blinked as his eyes followed where they had run off to.

"What's your name? Are you new here?"

"You look like an actor!"

"Are you single?"




Taehyung had officially lost it. Just as he thought things couldn't get worse, they did. A large crowd of girls were surrounding another instead of him. The person in the center was Taehyung's arch enemy. A completely one sided rivalry, but that didn't matter. Taehyung's eyes twitched to see the male smiling gently at all the girls. He was acting modest yet he stood out with that blueish purple hair. Of course he stood out if he was walking around looking like that! Taehyung was steaming at this point to hear the girls showering his enemy in compliments. None of them ever complimented him to that degree. What is wrong with the universe!?

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