Unwavering Stance

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Protecting Saturn was luckily not anything too hard. It happened a lot faster than you imagined it would. Still, there were no complaints on your part as you left Saturn to return to Kuiper. Once everyone finished the business they had on their assigned planets then they were to meet back at Kuiper. You thought that maybe Yoongi and you would be the first ones back. All you two did was roam around a bit and then that little confrontation occurred as well. Not that time consuming and Saturn was completely clean of Plutonian protectors. The mission was completed in less than an hour yet when Yoongi and you arrived, Jungkook and Jimin were already there waving at you guys. How long have they been back?

Yoongi wasn't all too surprised considering how strong these two were. You suppose that's pretty reasonable. The four of you all sat at the table when Namjoon and Hoseok returned. They were content to see a majority of you were already back. That meant things had gone well. All that left was Taehyung and Seokjin who eventually joined minutes later. They sat at the table with the rest of you as Namjoon took charge of the meeting. Now that everyone had sorted things out on their planet, it was time for another update as well as coming up with the final plan. The final plan obviously being the eight of you sneaking onto Pluto to deal with your Mother and save Sohyun. Getting Sohyun back to Earth was the main thing on your mind. Wondering what would happen to your Mother was also another great concern.

But you didn't mention this to any of the others. You sat back as the Jovian Princes spoke about their planets. According to Jungkook though, Jimin annihilated the Plutonian military. That's when Namjoon brought up Hoseok single handedly sinking the entirety of Pluto's navy. Seokjin only chimed in that he crushed a bunch of skeletons to dust. They were all proud until they awkwardly made eye contact with you. It's war. You reminded yourself of that constantly even though you had mixed feelings. You were fighting on the side that killed your own people, but...for a reason. You only shoved that thought in the back of your head as you shrugged to the boys. It's fine. You're fine. Everything will be fine.

"Is that everything though?" Namjoon looked around the table once more.

"(F/n) learned something new." Yoongi smirked as you turned pink. You didn't think he would bring it up so suddenly. Each of the boys turned to face you with interest. Some with innocent curiosity and others giving you little smirks, making it feel like you had been caught with a secret. There was no secret though and you're really not sure how it happened in the first place.

"Oh? What's that?" Hoseok grinned.

"Is it good?" Jimin asked.

"Tell us!" Taehyung excitedly bounced in his seat, his boxy grin appearing on his face.

"Uh, I don't know. I mean I know but like..." You frowned. What were you even saying? Yoongi rolled his eyes at you but at least he came to your rescue.

"She reached the celestial state for the first time. I didn't even teach her how, she just did it and got all the skeletons to leave Saturn," Yoongi said. He looked at you with an amused smirk before looking at the others. Their eyes were all wide and their mouths gaping. All of them were now beaming with excitement for you as they flooded you with questions about your first experience. Not to mention, congratulating you and being impressed you managed to reach it so fast. Even if by accident.

It apparently took a lot of practice and fails for the boys. Maybe because they were young children who struggled to keep their mind at peace. As they got older, it got easier for them to clear out their mind and speak to their protectors telepathically. Having them all talk about their experiences and breaking down how they did it helped you get a better understanding on what to do. Hopefully the next time you plan to do it, you figure it out again and not by accident. You were a quick learner according to them and you felt like that rang true. It didn't take you long to master your power after receiving some guidance from your Mother.

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