Friends Forever

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Mercury. The closest planet to the Sun and the smallest terrestrial planet out of the four. It may not stand out to most, but Namjoon held the most pride in it. Being Mercurian was something to be proud of. Especially since he was the Prince of this beautiful planet. His parents didn't push this idea of Mercurian pride onto him. It was something he felt on his own. Something that took Namjoon a while to understand was that not everyone has expectations for him. While he knew the Mercurian people depended on him for the future, he also didn't want to let down his parents. They were the current King and Queen who seemed to rule the planet so effortlessly. There was a charm to them when they took charge that Namjoon always admired. Of course, his parents always switched into parent mode whenever talking with him. How could they not? He was a kid.

Namjoon was only ten years old, but he had big plans. There was always a lot going on his mind. Being ten years old was a very important accomplishment. It was a huge milestone for every child of royalty among the planets. That meant he was finally allowed to participate in the Kuiper meetings! Participate was a very loose word though. It basically only meant that he was allowed to be standing next to his parents and listen to everything. He couldn't really make plans and take charge or anything like that. He was still a kid. This was just meant to get him used to the meetings and for him to learn how they work for when it's time for him to become King. That made these meetings a big deal to him in the first place. He didn't want to disappoint his parents so he was going to make sure he paid extra attention and then he would impress his father!

He dressed well today in his monochromatic blue uniform. His mother told him that he looked so handsome. That got Namjoon to blush immediately, but he appreciated the compliment from her. Anything to look ready to stand in front of the other Kings and Princes. From what he knew, there were only three other Princes who were already participating in the Kuiper meetings. The Princes of Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune. It was a little intimidating if Namjoon was being honest. They may be around his age, but all three of those were Jovians. He was just a tiny telluric so he knew he would have to play his cards right if he wanted to gain an alliance with any of them. His father was allowing him to choose one on his own without any guidance. Hopefully he chooses well.

"Namjoon! Are you ready to go? It's almost time!" His father called out to him.

The young boy jumped in surprise to hear his father. He didn't expect it to be time to leave so soon. How much time passed? Namjoon stared at himself in the mirror. The tips of his ears were becoming red with embarrassment. He's spent the longest time practicing how to speak to the other Kings and Princes once he meets them. He thought he had it down until now. Everything he had memorized went completely out the window when he looked at his reflection. Well that wasn't supposed to happen. The back of Namjoon's neck was heating up as his father called out for him again. There was no time! He would just have to go like this! The flustered child ran out of his room, making his way over to his father who stuck his hand out for him.

"Making me wait, I see?" Dad teased as Namjoon shifted awkwardly in front of him.

"I was just getting ready..." Namjoon mumbled. Father Mercury nodded, crouching down to get to Namjoon's eye level.

"How do I look?" Dad raised a brow.

"Great!" Namjoon smiled.

"Breath?" Dad opened his mouth as Namjoon covered his face, squealing as he turned in a circle.

"Gross!" Namjoon giggled.

"Aw, you can't be mean like that, Squirt." Dad laughed, wrapping his arms around his son. He lifted Namjoon up to pepper his head in kisses. Namjoon was happily kicking his legs around before he was set down to see his mother staring at the two of them with a twinkle in her eyes.

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