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There were no classes today which meant that you would have today free to hang out with your friends! That didn't include Yoongi and Jungkook. They came randomly last time. It was just going to be you and the four guys. If it wasn't you planning the hangout then they wouldn't have invited the other pair. You learned that pretty quick and that had to change. You were going to make them all friends so that can make things less complicated. They probably didn't realize it, but you had a plan of your own. By the time they become friends then hopefully it'll be easier for them to talk to one another and agree on one single system to handle the Queen. That's the plan and you hope it works!

It wasn't time to meet up with them though. There was still about an hour left so you were staying in your dorm. You were so excited because this time you guys were going out to eat. Getting to know each other through food is always the best. Plus, you wanted an excuse to go back to the burger joint. Luckily all the boys agreed and so now you just wait. Laying on your bed, you watched Sohyun who was putting on her makeup. She had plans of her own today, but you could have sworn she told you she was spending it inside. She normally never wore makeup or bothered to dress fashionable if she wasn't going to leave the dorm building.

Your attention was easily stolen by your sister. With an hour left, you were given enough time to interrogate her on what she was doing. She had a peach colored top and white high waisted jeans. A simple outfit yet still not the typical Jang Sohyun that you were so familiar with. Then her makeup wasn't just plain foundation like she occasionally used when going out with Sanghee and Beomseok. She was also putting in the effort of eye shadow, blush, mascara, and a lip shade. Was she going out? Was there a change in plans? Your eyes were stuck on her when she noticed, turning over to look at you in innocent confusion.

"Yes?" Sohyun blinked at you.

"Are you going out today?" You put your chin in your open palm. She closed her lipstick, setting it back with the rest of her makeup.

"No, I'm staying in." Sohyun shook her head. She even heard her own nervous tone and quickly sighed. Her shoulders lowered in defeat before giving you a little smile. "So this is a little strange?"

"I mean, you do you." You shrugged as she giggled.

"I'm just doing a reading for Taehyung today. He'll be coming over in a few hours, but I figured I should get ready about now." Sohyun nodded to herself with determination.

There were multiple things now going through your mind. Taehyung is coming inside your dorm? The one you shared with your precious sister? You almost felt your heart stop. That man better not pull anything or you're going to kill him. Another thing, she's putting in all this effort for him? You really didn't like where your mind was going with this, but it's not like you could say anything. It was Sohyun's life and she could make any choice she wanted. No matter how much you were judging this one, you had to bite your tongue and pretend that you were finally getting along with Taehyung when in reality, you were just getting by with tolerating him. Barely.

The last thing was that you were actually pleased to hear she was doing a tarot reading for him. Sohyun already mentioned before that he's showed interest in it and hasn't judged it. You're glad to see his words matching his actions then. That part could at least gain him an ounce of your respect. The rest wasn't looking so good for him. Your trust in him wasn't that high based off all your interactions with him. It would be easier if you were more optimistic and accepting like Sohyun, but you had a strong personality that clashed with others who were just as stubborn as yours. And Taehyung had quite the personality.

"And you're just doing a reading? Nothing more?" You raised a brow. Sohyun nodded without much thought as you gave her a teasing smile. "Just you and Taehyung alone? Should I trust him to behave?"

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