Chapter 28: Questions

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Zane ♠️

I pounded on Tanisha's door like I was the goddamn police and I didn't care which one of her nosey neighbors heard me.

After a few loud knocks, the door creaked open but only slightly. Tanisha was very careful in sticking her face through the doors threshold while simultaneously wedging her body between the door and the door frame; this effectively obscured my view of the inside of her home.

I lifted my gaze above her head and tried to peer into the background of her house in order to spot my sister, but Tanisha was tall. She stood at 5'10. So looking past her proved to be harder than if she were a shorter woman. The moment Tanisha realized that I was actively trying to scope out her apartment, she immediately stepped outside and closed the door behind her. Because of this, I redirected my attention back to her face.

I slowly scanned my eyes over her delicate features and noted how annoyed she seemed. Tanisha's normally perfect brows were now furrowed together and creasing her forehead into tight folds. Her normally dark brown eyes seemed to blacken as she glowered at me.

The moment Tanisha began to speak, I could tell her voice was dripping with irritation. I continued to stare down at her, waiting for her to complain about me showing up to her place unannounced.

It was clear that, because I'd interrupted her and Catherine's little shenanigans, she was pissed.

The funny part was, while she huffed and puffed her unwarranted anger out on me, Tanisha had no idea that I'd uncovered her dirty little secret.

Tanisha squared her shoulders up and rolled her neck with attitude as she fussed at me. "What the hell Zane? I told you I was busy.You need to leave and we can speak later." I gazed at Tanisha with unblinking eyes and noticed her tight lipped expression.

This woman was really standing here getting mad at me while knowing damn well what she was doing behind my back. Was she really this callous? I refused to believe that. I scanned my blue gaze slowly over Tanisha, trying to pick up on any nuances in her body language that indicated that she might've felt somewhat guilty about what she and Catherine were doing only 5 minutes ago.

In my mind, I still clung to the hope that Tanisha couldn't be this ruthless. I reasoned to myself  that maybe this entire situation was a misunderstanding and Tanisha and Catherine accidentally got caught up.

As I observed her, I was trying to detect some hints of remorse coming from her; if she was remorseful, maybe we could salvage this situation.

But unfortunately, as I eyed her carefully, there was nothing in her eyes or her body language that indicated her regret. The only thing I noticed was the fiery anger simmering behind her eyes since I'd interrupted something that she obviously deemed important. This only fueled what I was going to do next.

I needed to expose her.

I smirked humorlessly and narrowed my eyes on her. "Can you please explain to me why Catherine is here. I thought you didn't even like her?" I moved slowly into Tanisha's space as a way to assert my dominance.

"Tell me...what the hell is really going on between you two?" I demanded as my jaw ticked at the thought of them fondling each other intimately.

Tanisha's brows creased even more but this time her anger morphed into shock. It was obvious that she didn't know that I knew Catherine was here with her.

I observed as she took a subconscious step back from me, only to hit her back against the door. Tanisha's mouth gaped open for a second before she caught herself. She licked her lips and opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. I could tell that I had her stumped and she was now looking for a way to weasel herself out of this situation.

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