Chapter 32: Disarray

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(It took awhile to update so you might want to reread the last chapter to remember what happened before)

Zane ♠️

The rain pounded heavily against my windshield and made it 10 times harder to drive. But luckily, I made it to the cemetery unscathed.

I'd been to this cemetery before. The grounds were small so it wouldn't be hard to look from one end of the graveyard to the other end. However, because of the deluge of water pouring from the sky, I could barely see through any of my Jeep's windows.

So, the next best thing was to be patient while I waited out the storm until my visibility improved.

After a good 20 minutes of the rain battering against my vehicle, the storm began to ease up and I could finally see through the hazy sheets of rain.

I cranked up my Jeep and began to drive around the cemetery for a few minutes, searching every and anywhere for Mia. The distance between the front of the cemetery and the back of it was only about 3/4 of a mile.

After driving through the area a few times, I was forlorn at the fact that there was no luck in finding Mia.

The sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach only intensified as more and more of my anxiety began to bubble forth. Alicia said that she thought Mia might be here, visiting her brother. But if Mia wasn't here? Where the hell was she....

In a desperate, and probably pointless move, I drove around the premises one last time and scanned my eyes keenly over the landscape to make sure I didn't miss her. But again, there was no Mia.

What more could I do other than to go home?

Hopeless and disheartened, I cranked up my Jeep to head home. Now that I thought about it, I should've headed home in the first place instead of coming here.

Since I was closer to the back end of the graveyard, I decided to leave through the rare exit instead of from the front, where I originally came from. The winding road leaving the cemetery was a small, one-way street, that would eventually lead me back to the main road.

By now, the rain was barely a drizzle as I cruised down the back road. For a short lived storm, it sure did some damage. Water flooded the road while broken tree branches laid scattered about the area. Up ahead, I could see the traffic light blinking yellow, indicating that the storm had knocked out the power briefly.

But that wasn't the only thing that I noticed that was flashing it's yellow lights. Off to the side, in a shallow ditch, was a very familiar  red Honda Accord.

The back hazard lights of the vehicle were blinking repeatedly as I pulled closer and closer to the vehicle. But the closer I got, the more realization dawned on me. I soon recognized that this was in fact Mia's car and it was slammed directly into a light pole.

My heart dropped deeply into the pit of my stomach.

After everything registered in my mind, I jumped into overdrive and I urgently pulled over. This was one of my worse nightmare's coming true. I'd found Mia but the last thing I expected was to find her like this.

Once I pulled over, I jumped out of my Jeep and ran around to the driver side of the red vehicle. And like I suspected, I found an unconscious Mia slumped against a deflated airbag. I called out Mia's name to check if she could hear me while simultaneously pulling my phone out and calling for an ambulance.

My mind was racing so fast that I'm not entirely sure what was happening. Everything seemed to happen in the blink of an eye. The only thing I knew for sure was that I was working on raw adrenaline and my emotions were sky high.

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