Chariot Confidant Rank 2 And 3

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No one's POV

It's the end of the day and Nhzual and Akira both walked out the classroom and they both ran into Ryuji.

Ryuji: Sup, Nhzual, Akira. You two got any plans after school?

Akira: None that we know of.

Nhzual: Why do you ask?

Ryuji: Well, I realize when running through Kamoshida's Palace that I can't really move like I used to...

Nhzual: Cause of your leg?

Ryuji: Yeah...So, how bout we do some training? I can't just sit on my ass here. So how bout?

Nhzual: I'm down for some training.

Akira: Same.

Ryuji: Hell yeah! Let's do some quick warm ups behind hr gym then. Let's get changed.


After getting changed the three of them headed behind the gym and followed Ryuji to a spot he picked out.

Ryuji: Man, this place brings back memories...

Akira: How so?

Ryuji: This is my secret training spot, er...was.

Nhzual: Back when you ran track?

Ryuji: Yeah...Actually, Ive been trying to run again.

Akira: Really?

Ryuji: Fighting in that other world was a total shock. I couldn't move like I used to. It just felt...lame. So I started thinking, maybe I need to build up my muscles again. Anything's gotta be better then this flimsy body, right? Plus, maybe then I'll be able to help out a little more.

Akira: Then I'll be counting on you.

Nhzual: Yeah, can't have some shrimp holding us back.

Ryuji: Yeah, just you wait, I'm totally gonna wreak your expectations! I mean that in a good way! But, anyway, you both act like it's only me who's gonna be doing this. You two are gettin in on this too.

Nhzual: That so?

Ryuji: Whoa, don't look so surprised! Why'd you think I had you both go get changed.

Nhzual: To be honest, I thought was going to ride a tiny scooter and shout at you to do better.

Ryuji: Yeah, fuck no. Alright, I'm gonna do some knee lift sprints. You two are stuck with that normal ones!

Akira: Alright then.

Nhzual: Okay, Saitama, let's get started!


After the three of them ran 3 laps in the back, they went back to where they started to take a break and Ryuji was panting.

Ryuji: Damn, my legs are all tight...

Nhzual: You good?

Ryuji: Yeah...But before Kamoshida came along, the truck team was the biggest thing this school had goin for it. But it all changed after he got our coach fired and took over as the sub. That bastard...Right from the start he was tryin to get rid of us. He'd give us crazy workouts, then when we couldn't do em, he'd add even more on top of that...

Akira: I could only imagine.

Nhzual: Sounds exactly like something he'd do.

Ryuji: Day after day was nothing but that bull shit. He was goin after me especially. He knew...He knew I was the kinda guy to fight back. If my time dropped even a little, he cuss me out. Then on top of that, he brought up my parents...

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