Faith Confidant Rank 5 to 10

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No one's POV

Currently, Nhazul and Sumire are on the roof at school after she told him that she needed to talk to him about something.

Nhazul: So, what's up?

Sumire: Um...Nhazul Senpai....

Sumire then bowed her head and Nhazul looked confused.

Sumire: I am so, so sorry!

Nhazul: For....?

Sumire: Seeing me trying to act like Kasumi must have been so painful and awkward for everyone...Everyone must have noticed how strange I was acting...They were probably being nice to me knowing I'd just lost my sister...But even then... I had no idea I was even supposed to be sad. I didn't remember that my sister was gone. When my coach told me to"think about who I really am" I thought it was just figurative. Something about my slump. I was just living by life like I didn't even care that was gone! I can't take this shame...

Nhazul: Well...At least you've come to realize it now.

Sumire: Well, yes...But even then, how can I forgive myself...? Ever since we wee kids, Kasumi was always the one to decide what I did, what I chose, where I went... I couldn't do anything without her... I suppose it's clear why my grades weren't going up much. I was never on Kasumi's level to begin with... I was so pretentious, so wrapped up in my own stupid little problems... I was too self absorbed to do anything!

Nhazul: Oh come on. Don't be yourself up so much over it.

Sumire: I'm sorry... I lost my composure... I-I'm remembering things from our past now...It's hard, but I'm trying...There's a lot of it..starting from when we first started gymnastics up until recently...I want to talk about it...How it used to be for us...Would you listen?

Nhazul: Of course.

Arcana Faith rank 6


Currently, Nhazul and Sumire are at the gym after she has asked him to come with her for some training.

Sumire: You know, Kasumi helped me through this special regimen several times. It gets tough after awhile. Your limbs start feeling heavier the longer you keep them up.

Sumire then looked down saddened.

Sumire: Whenever we did this, all I could focus on was how good Sumire was doing... And how much I wanted to stop...

Nhazul just looked at Sumire annoyed and chopped her on the head.

Sumire: Ow! Senpai?

Nhazul: Stop. Stop downplaying yourself. Focus on you and you only.

Sumire: R-Right...Oh wait, I think my coach will be her soon...I'm kind of nervous.

Nhazul: What is she scary?

Sumire: Only when she's frustrated, but mostly strict.

Nhazul: Huh. Didn't know Makoto was a coach.

Sumire: Senpai...Anyway. She's been helping Kasumi and me for a long time. Even though all my stupid delusions as Kasumi, she never stopped helping me... I don't know what I'd do without her.

Suddenly, a woman walked over to the two of them and Sumire bowed to her.

Sumire: Hello, Coach Hiraguchi.

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