Chapter 22 Gaining Trust

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No one's POV

After defeating Kaneshiro, everyone went back to Leblanc to see what was in the case and fix up Morgana.

Makoto: This place is oddly calming. Have you learned anything new?

Nhzual: Nope. It's a rotary lock. It's gonna need a combination.

Makoto: A rotary lock, hm?

Makoto then sat next to Nhzual and pulled over the briefcase and opened it with the right combination, surprising everyone.

Nhzual: Or you can just do that.

Yusuke: How did you get that?

Makoto: I memorized the combination when he opened it before.

Makoto then opened the briefcase and everyone saw it was full of money.

Ryuji: H-How much is it?!

Makoto: If one stack is one million...

Nhzual: Then it should be thirty million in all.

Morgana: What?!

Ryuji: Oh man! It'll be deluxe pork soup combo for me from here on out!

Yusuke: Not to bring down the excitement, but does this money look real to you?

Nhzual then picked up some of it and it was fake money.

Nhzual: Yup. It's fake.

Ann: Children's Bank?!

Makoto: I guess it's just all for show.

Ryuji and Morgana: No way!

Ann: Still, didn't it turn out well? We beat Shadow Kaneshiro and we totally busted this case.

Makoto: What do you mean? An achievement? Or maybe satisfaction?

Ann: Both!

Makoto: To think the reward for the Phantom Thieves is a sense of accomplishment!

Yusuke: A sense of accomplishment is good enough for me. Perfect. We're not normal Phantom Thieves.

Akira: We're the Phantom Thieves of Hearts.


Currently, Nhzual, Akira and Morgana are in their room and Morgana was talking about Kaneshiro.

Morgana: That Kaneshiro truly was an evil stain on society. Same with Kamoshida, and Madarame too. They hurt and exploited others just to satisfy their desired...Still, there were people around them who noticed their terrible deeds, weren't there? I wondered why they turned a blind eye...Why doesn't anyone help?

Nhzual: There's to many factors to take account of when it comes to that.

Akira: Nhzual's right.

Morgana: Is that so...Humans are so weak...Humans...Hey, do you both think I'll really be able to be a human? When I touched the Treasure...Some memories came b. I tried to force myself to forget, but... I really may not be human...

Nhzual: Eh, I'm sure you are.

Akira: Yeah, just gotta be confident.

Morgana: Talk about lukewarm responses. Now that I think about it, I gotta be human. I am the core of the Phantom Thieve, after all!

Nhzual: Yeah, you're our mascot.

Morgana: I am not a mascot!

Magician Rank 5

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