Chapter 33 A Miscalculation?

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No one's POV

Currently, the Phantom Thieves were battling with Shadow Okumura and he was sending out Worker robots to fight them.

Shadow Okumura: You won't get out alive! Observe the power of Okumura Foods! Go my employees! Be the foundation upon which my victory is built!

Fox: So he would use and abandon them too.

Panther: He ticks me off! Carmen!

Panther then summoned Carmen and blasted them all with fire, but as soon as they were destroyed, four more green ones replaced them.

Queen: More?!

Shadow Okumura: Every problem can be solved with more manpower. That's strength of my company.

Oracle: It's nothing to be proud of!

Tenor: You fight like this is some tower defense game.

Skull: Either way, we're takin you down!

Fox: Without a doubt!

Skull: Captain Kidd!

Fox: Goemon!

Skull and Fox both summoned Captain Kidd and Goemon, hitting the Robot workers with ice and electric skills, but they were still standing.

Fox: They're still standing?!

Oracle: Be careful! They're stronger then the last ones!

Shadow Okumura: Now this is manpower! That's what big business is about! Go!

2 red Robot workers then appeared.

Mona: With those guys shielding him, our attacks can't get through! Take all of them down!

Skull: Right!

Skull and Queen both took out the first wave, while Fox and Mona took out the second, and after words 2 large robot workers appeared, one rushing Panther, but she jumped out of the way, and summoned Carmen to stun it and Noir killed it with gunfire from Milady. The second went after Tenor and went to slam both it's arms down on him, but he jumped out of the way, cutting them off with his sword.

Tenor: Orpheus!

Tenor summoned Orpheus and it blasted it back with a powerful fire skill, killing it

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Tenor summoned Orpheus and it blasted it back with a powerful fire skill, killing it.

Oracle: Leave it to me!

Oracle then used Necronomicon to heal, Tenor, Panther and Noir.

Tenor: Oh? Thanks for the heal!

Oracle: No problem!

Shadow Okumura: It seems ordinary workers are not fit for the job! Executive Director, come!

Shadow Okumura then brought out very large black robot.

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