Chapter 17 A Faithful Meeting

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No one's POV

It's been a few days and Nhzual and Akira have to go help clean at the park with their class and the school and Nhzual had gotten dressed in his gym uniform and went on ahead of Akira and on his way to the train station, he had saw the girl from before with the red hair and a man was harassing her and he immediately went over to help her.

Nhzual; Yo, fuckface.

Man: The hell do you want?

Nhzual: What I want is for you to leave her alone.

Man: Don't get worked up. I'm just being friendly.

The girl quickly hid behind Nhzual and the man looked at her annoyed and then he walked off and Nhzual looked back at the girl.

Nhzual: You okay?

???: Thank you so much ! I'm sorry for the trouble!

Nhzual: Nah, you're fine. You okay?

???: Yes. I'm fine now. It was pretty scary, though.

The girl looked at Nhzual and then looked away.

???: Ah...Um...May I ask you something?

Nhzual: Shoot.

???: So...What made you step in to help me?

Nhzual: Well, I wasn't going to ignore you when you looked like you needed help.

???: I see...Well, I apologize for asking something so strange. You're heading to the cleanup as well, right? The cleanup....?

The girl then pulled out her phone and saw the time.

???: Oh! Look at the time! I haven't even thanked you properly yet! I forgot my gym clothes at school! I'll see you at the cleanup up soon. We can talk more then, if you'd like.

Nhzual: Alrighty then.

The girl then left leaving Nhzual.


At the park, Nhzual had met up with Akira, who beat him there, Ryuji and Ann.

Ryuji: Yo, what took you so long?

Akira: You left before me and I still beat you here.

Nhzual: I had to take care of something.

Ann: Did you two really come here from home in your gym clothes?

Nhzual: Yup.

Ann: It must be so nice to be a guy...

Ryuji: Ain't it normal? And uh, are you planning on doin this clean up in that outfit?

Ann: Of course not! I brought my gym clothes with me. I was gonna change in the bathroom, but now there's a huge line.

Ryuji: Ohhh, that makes sense. Sounds like it sucks to be a girl.

Nhzual: Why didn't you just come here already dressed...?

Ann: Oh, shut up.

Mishima then walked over.

Mishima: It's such a nice day out that even the weather seems to be mocking us.

Nhzual: ...-_-... Oh, that's definitely not awkward way to invade our conversation...

Suddenly, Maruki walked over to them.

Maruki: Hey. Morning, everyone.

Nhzual: Yo, it's snack man!

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