Chapter 72 Apologetic Part 1

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No one's POV

Currently, Nhazul, Akira and Morgana are all upstairs and in the room and Nhazul was making more lock picks and Akira and Morgana looked at each other and Morgana spoke up.

Morgana: Hey...Nhazul...?

Nhazul: Yo.

Akira: Can we talk for a minute?

Nhazul: Sure, what's up?

Nhazul spun around in his chair to look at Akira and Morgana.

Morgana: We were remembering what happened awhile back... When I said I finally had a place where I belong...

Akira: And how you'd always have my back whenever someone would badmouth when we first started school.

Morgana: But we both fell right into Maruki's hands...Even after all that...I know I've made it obvious how much I want to be human...

Akira: And I don't say openly, but I hate that I have this record to my name.

Morgana: I can't believe we were off having a blast when you were busy trying to help us.

Akira: You even threw away your chance to spend time with your sister to help us out.

Nhazul: Well, it's not like I don't understand why you did it though.

Morgana: Hey! Stop being so nice to us!

Akira: You can't excuse something this big...

Morgana: Even despite your own problems you were going through, you still been helping us even from the very beginning. Hell, I was locked up in a prison when we first met...

Akira: And if I hadn't had met you, I'd probably have a harder time as a whole.

Morgana: We're nowhere near as cool...

Nhazul: No shit. You can never be as cool as me.

Nhazul said as he held his hands behind his head and leaned back on his chair.

Morgana: I know! I just said that! We didn't need to hear it parroted back at us!

Nhazul: I don't think you know who you're taking to, Pikachu.

Akira: Well, in any case. We're going to make you a promise.

Morgana: We can't keep relying on you. But no more. We're going to stand on our own two feet and support you even more.

Akira: And we're going to make sure what happened with Maruki never happens again. We have your backs no matter what happens.

Nhazul just smiled at the both of them.

Nhazul: You guys always have a habit of telling me things that I already know. Nothing has changed since the beginning. I know you all have my back, and I definitely have yours.

Akira and Morgana: Right!

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