Chapter 34 Our Fault?

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No one's POV

Currently, everyone is at the station, discussing everything that had happened with Haru's father suddenly collapsing during the press conference.

Ann: Cardiac arrest...

Ryuji: Haru's dad will be alright, won't he?

Makoto: I'm sorry.... I hate to say this, but usually after such a report, it's followed by a conformation of death...

Everyone then looked down saddened.

Ann: No way...

Futaba: Haru...

Yusuke: Why? Are we responsible?

Ryuji: Of course not! We forced a change of heart and it went well, like always, right?

Morgana: I can't make heads or tails of it either...

Nhazul: Like it or not, it's clear that something else happened to trigger this...

Akira: Now the question is what?


It's the next day of school and currently Nhazul and Akira are walking to class and as they're walking, a man in a suit quickly ran past them down the stairs.

Nhazul: What's he in such a rush about?

Akira: Who knows.


Currently, everyone is at Leblanc in Nhazul and Akira's room after school, and they were waiting for Haru as she's the one who asked for the meeting.

Futaba: Where's Haru?

Makoto: Not here yet. She called this meeting, so we should wait for her.

As everyone was waiting, Ann was going through her phone and looked shocked.

Ann: People are posting that we killed Mr. Okumura!

Yusuke: So It's already begun...

Ryuji: What's the matter?

Yusuke: The CEO collapsed the way he did, during an apology conference that our group caused. It's no wonder that some would make a fuss about it.

Ann: Still, they were raving about us so much, and now they're treating us like murderers?

Ryuji: They don't know a damn thing about it!

Suddenly, they heard walking up the stairs and saw it was Haru.

Morgana: Haru!

Haru: I'm sorry I'm late.

Nhazul: You're fine, Sachi. How are you doing?

Haru: It's very difficult...But I'm managing.

Makoto: My condolence...

Haru: I'm okay. But I want to ask something...Did you all target the principal?

Everyone looked at Haru confused.

Nhazul: The principal?

Haru: A public prosecutor came to my home this afternoon. A woman named Sae. I overheard her saying a Calling Card was found in the principal's office.

Everyone then looked shocked.

Morgana: What?!

Ryuji: That's the first we've heard of it!

Haru: Then who would leave one there?!

Nhazul: That Calling Card is obviously a fake. We didn't even hear about his death until we had gotten back from Hawaii.

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