Emperor Confidant Rank 1 and 2

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(A/N) Note the Confidant chapters take place out of order from the main story chapters.

No one's POV

Currently, Nhzual and Akira are at Shibiya station and as they're walking, they run into Yusuke.

Nhzual: You, Kanji.

Yusuke: Ah, Nhzual, Akira.

Akira: What are you doing out here?

Yusuke: This station is always full of people. It serves as the perfect spot for people watching. By the way, do either of you have any business here?

Akira: Nothing in particular.

Yusuke: Hah, you both must have a wealth of free time if that is your decision. If that's the case, may I have a word with you both?

Nhzual: Uh, sure. What is it?

Yusuke: Do you remember our conversation a while back, my need to understand the heart?

Akira: Yeah?

Yusuke: Well, I'm having a hard time grasping it. How will I be able to reach the truth of pure beauty...? What should I paint to capture the contents of the heart?

Nhzual: Maybe something in Mementos?

Yusuke's eyes widened.

Yusuke: Ah, I see...! Mementos! The desire that emanates from that place is the root of humanity! Incredible! You honestly have a unique perspective on things. With that destination in mind, let us make haste!

Akira: Okay.

Nhzual: Alrighty then.


Currently, Joker, Fox and Tenor are in Mementos as Fox was painting the environment.

Fox: This distorted realm, teeming with shadows...The physical embodiment of the desires of the human heart...The same thing which brought forth the beauty of the Sayori can also create such morbid fabrications...But I actually find that aspect to be quite fascinating...The heart is akin to an abyss...Now, regarding  the source of my slump...I actually have an idea. I'm that other dimension, I saw the perversion or Madarame's heart... At that moment, the art realm I had so much faith in was distorted by greed and unchecked desires. That is when the true ugliness of the world became clear to me...And from that point forward, my brush has been stayed by crippling hesitation...Does true beauty truly exist? And If do, can hands tainted by Madarame's depravity capture it? Considering such intense questions only served to distance me from reality. Doubt filled my mind. I struggled to find a reason to move my brush again... And honestly... I still have yet to discover a suitable answer.

As Fox continued to paint, he looked back at Joker and Tenor.

Fox: What's the matter? Have you both been overcome by the urge to paint?

Joker: How much longer?

Tenor: ...-_-...We've been here for two and a half hours...

Fox: Please, do not rush me. I only need a little more time...Hm, the lingering uncertainty present in this place seems to be sharpening my senses...I feel a revelation approaching...Hm, yes...! Inspiration has struck! That must be it! Such brilliant composition! Ah, my heart races!

Suddenly, multiple shadows appeared in front of them.

Fox: How inelegant! You wish to carry out your distorted will, foolish shadows? I shall cut you down for interrupting my work!

Tenor: Finally, something to do!


After defeating the Shadows, Fox looked at Joker and Tenor.

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