Justice Confidant Rank 6

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No one's POV

Currently Nhazul is walking into Leblanc after school and when he walked in, he saw Akechi siting at the counter drinking coffee.

Akechi: Welcome home, Nhazul, I hope you don't mind me intruding.

Nhazul: Honey, I'm home!

Akechi just rolled his eyes at Nhazul and spoke up.

Akechi: I expect we both had a long day. I was out until now with work, but I think I can finally take a break. You're not planing on anything too strenuous tonight, are you?

Nhazul: Nope, not really?

Akechi: Then perhaps we can talk over some of Boss's coffee.

Sojiro: Not that I'm complaining, but if you two are so tired, maybe you need a bath more then coffee I mean there's a bathhouse right there.

Akechi: A bathhouse? That doesn't sound too bad. Want to come with me, Nhazul? I'd appreciate it if you could show me the way.

Nhazul just started to chuckle.

Nhazul: Oh, I can definitely make a joke out of that, but that's too easy. Come on, Spidey.


After taking Akechi to the bathhouse, the two of them got in and started relaxing.

Akechi: Ahh, this feels wonderful...it's been awhile.

Nhazul: This is very relaxing. Especially since the old man who likes the water boiling hot isn't here....

Akechi: It brings back memories. I spent a lot of time in these when I was young.

Nhazul: Oh really?

Akechi: Of course, these days I'm the Detective Prince, but my family situation was well, complicated...

Nhazul: Complicated?

Akechi: By the time I was old enough to realize it, my father was already gone. My mother was all I had. My mother worked at a nightclub. Whenever she had to bring a man home, she'd send me off to the local bathhouse....

Nhazul: I guess you've been through a lot too.

Akechi: It's all in the past. I have no reason to blame her. The only one who deserves blame is my father. The worthless, degenerate excuse for a man who abandoned my mother. I wanted to force him to finally give her the apology he owes her. But that's no longer possible...

Akechi looked down saddened and Nhazul could already tell just from the look on his face.

Akechi: Sorry. I didn't mean for the conversation to get so depressing.

Nhazul: Nah, don't worry about it. If it makes you feel better, I know exactly how you feel.

Akechi looked at Nhazul confused.

Akechi: I beg your pardon?

Nhazul: The look on your face. I know it all to well.

Akechi: How so?

Nhazul: When I was 6 years old, my family got into a very bad car accident. And I was the only survivor. My mom, my dad and my big sister who I loved more than anything the world, all died. That's how I got all of these scars on my body. Getting over their deaths was a very, very long and painful process. Hell, to be honest, I'm still grieving. So if you ever need someone to talk to or hell, even a shoulder to cry on when you think about her, just give me a call. I'd be happy to lend you a shoulder.

Akechi just looked at Nhazul surprised and just smiled at him.

Akechi: Thank you. I appreciate that.

Arcana Justice Rank 6

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