Chapter 37 Tales Of Desired Death

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No one's POV

It has been a day since Nhazul had went missing and everyone had been looking for him non stop, but to no avail and currently Akira was texting the others about what they should do next in his room.

Akira: Where the hell could he be...? We've literally looked around all of Shibuya and nothing...Where else could he-

???: You won't find him by normal means.

Akira looked back surprised when he saw Elizabeth sitting on the window.

Akira: Who are you?!

Akira then looked at her outfit and instantly recognized it.

Akira: Wait, those blue clothes...are you-

Elizabeth: Like my two younger sisters? Yes, I am. I am a former assistant of the man you know as Igor. But that isn't important right now. What's important is saving Nhazul's life.

Akira: Saving his life? What do you mean?

Elizabeth: Nhazul plans to end his own life.

Akira then looked at Elizabeth completely shocked.

Akira: What?! Why would he do that?!

Elizabeth: To be with his family again.

Akira's eyes widened she said that.

Akira: His family?

Elizabeth: Given Nhazul's personality is a carbon copy of his older sister, it's understandable that you wouldn't see it. But that's only a mask that Nhazul wears.

Akira: A mask?

Elizabeth: Nhazul's sister made him promise to always smile. And he took that promise to heart. Despite the amount of immense pain he's constantly in from losing his family. No matter where he went, he continues to keep smiling. But that masks has finally broken. And that pain has become to great for him to handle. " The prettiest smile hides the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes cry the most tears. The kindest hearts have felt the most pain. But despite all of it, they have the purest souls." And Nhazul is the embodiment of that quote.

Akira then looked down saddened remembering Sojiro telling him and everyone Nhazul's past and now realizing that Nhazul despite always putting a smile on everyone's face, despite always helping anyone in need, despite being an amazing friend to everyone, he's been dealing with such pain all on his own. And he then looked up at Elizabeth.

Akira: What can we do to help him?

Elizabeth: Nhazul wants to die and be reunited with his family. His sister in the after life. But you all need to show him that he still family here.

When Elizabeth said that, Akira automatically understood what she meant and nodded.

Elizabeth: Good. Now bring him home. To find him, you will need to enter his Palace.

Akira then looked Elizabeth completely shocked.


After his talk with Elizabeth last night, Akira had called everyone and they were up in the room and Akira had told them everything.

Everyone: A Palace?!

Ryuji: So you're telling me that Nhazul has a Palace?!

Akira: Yes.

Ann: How did you find that out?

Akira: I can't tell you how, but I know that they weren't lying.

Smile (P5/Royal Story x OC/Male reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon