Chapter 21 Breaking The Piggy Bank

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No one's POV

Currently, Nhzual, Morgana and Akira are in there room and they were talking about how Makoto is a Persona user.

Morgana: A motorcycle shaped Persona, huh...You know, I can turn into a car too, so it's like...I feel a sense of familiarity?

Nhzual: Maybe you're a Persona.

Morgana: Uh, no. I'm supposed to be human! Well, motorcycles are nice too, but it can't carry large numbers of people. I really am special after all...huh? Wait...Carry..? No...Take somewhere?

Akira: Something wrong?

Morgana: Something just crossed my mind...It's no use. I can't remember at all...Eh. There's nothing I can do about it if I can't remember. I need to concentrate on Kaneshiro for now. Unlike you guys, Makoto's clever, so we can expect great things from her.

Nhzual: What do you mean? I'm plenty clever.

Morgana: Yeah, yeah.

Magician Rank 4


Currently, everyone is running through the halls away from guards after Skull triggered an Alarm.

Makoto: Is it always like this?!

Tenor: Skull being clumsy any triggering alarms? Pretty much, yeah.

Skull: Hey!

Makoto; Do you guys even have a plan?!

Mona: Um, we go in, have a look around, and if there's something of note, we use the Navigator...

Skull: And if there's shadows, we kick their asses!

Makoto: I see. I have a feeling I'll be useful to this team.

After escaping from the guards, the seven of them made it to a monitoring room and Tenor pulled up multiple screens and Makoto walked up next to him.

Makoto: Looks like there's another level below this one.

Joker: Then let's head there.

Everyone: Right!


After reaching the lower levels, everyone saw that the paths to the center elevator that led to the Treasure was blocked off by multiple walls and had to find codes around the area to open and currently, their on the last wall and Tenor was putting in the code and had three numbers punched in.

Makoto: Hold on,  it's 2 at the end.

Majority then put in the last number which removed the final wall blocking the elevator and then they took it down and found Kaneshiro's Treasure.

Mona: There it is! Treasure!

Makoto: That?

Joker: Not yet. It hasn't materialized.

Skull: We'll need to leave a calling card.

Makoto: Calling card...I see. Making the target believe that the Treasure is in danger will cause it to materialize. A bold but simple trick.

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