Chapter 75 Apologetic Part 4

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No one's POV

Currently, Nhazul is in Futaba's room after she had asked him to come over and as he was sitting on her bed, she was sitting on her chair wearing her" mask".

Futaba: Sorry...for calling you over...

Nhazul: No problem. But what's with the mask?

Futaba: Um...There's something I've been wanting to talk to you

Nhazul: Given the mask, I guess it's hard to talk about.

Futaba didn't say anything and just took off her mask and looked down saddened.

Futaba: It's about you and me... I made a promise to help you whenever you were in trouble. For your sake and for mine. But, now, I...

Nhazul: I'm confused, you are helping me.

Futaba: Yeah, I'm gonna help us fight back...I'm part of the Phantom Thieves, right? I feel the same way as everyone else. I mean...yeah, I don't want to accept this reality...That's true but... I know this isn't real... I figured thar out awhile ago. But I thought...If I got to see my mom again, then it was okay...I'm so selfish! I was just thinking about what I wanted! You're mad, I know you are. I'm sorry...I'm so sorry....

Nhazul: I'm not mad, Yuuki.

Futaba: Don't lie to me. You're mad at me. You have to be. Why wouldn't you be?! I betrayed you! Don't you get that?!

Nhazul: Buttttt, you didn't.

Futaba: S-Sorry... I guess I'm still a little freaked out...This isn't even what I wanted to talk to you about...There's something else I wanted you to hear, anyway...Can it cool if I say it?

Nhazul: shoot.

Futaba: So like....Dr. Maruki's reality isn't totally one hundred present illusion, right?

Nhazul: Correct.

Futaba: So...that means I really did get to see my mom again...She was so nice...

Nhazul: You're a lot like her.

Futaba: You think...? I'm happy to hear that, in a weird kinda way. But when it comes down to it... I won't get to stay with her... I know... I mean. I know now that this is all in my head... But I wanted to talk with her more. Go on shopping trips and stuff. I dunno, I just wish I had more time with her.

Nhazul: You're not alone in that feeling. I wish I got to spend some more time with my sister. I would've loved just to have one day, with just the two of us. But I know she would want me to keep on going for her. And I know your mom would feel that same.

Futaba: Right. We can't just live totally dependent on Dr. Maruki's reality! Even if I won't get to see my mom anymore...If I can manage to keep working hard and moving forward, like I was doing in our reality...Then...then I think she'd be proud of me.

Nhazul: I know she'd be proud.

Futaba then smiled at Nhazul.

Futaba: Thanks. But that's what I'm gonna do. If Mom could see that I was working hard, being a part of the group... I think she'd be really happy for me.

Nhazul: I agree. So are you ready to put a stop to this reality?

Futaba: Yeah, I am. I've been thinking really hard lately. Wondering how I'd want mom to see me. And I think I figured it out. I want to be someone who keels looking ahead, someone who never stops improving. This time , I'll do what I can to protect you and everyone else too. So let's go back to our reality. The reality where we can beat anything the world throws at us as long as we have each other. The reality my mom and your sister gave us.

Nhazul then stood up and patted Futaba on the head and she smiled blushing.

Nhazul: Right. Let's make sure to get back to what they gave us.


Currently, Nhazul is in Haru's room after she called him over to talk.

Haru: Sorry to call you over out of the blue like this. Please, feel free to make yourself a home.

Nhazul: Jeez, your room proper. It's like I went back in time.

Haru: Thank you.

Nhazul: So, what did you want to talk about?

Haru: I needed to speak with you about this situation...or rather, because of it.

Haru then looked down saddened.

Haru: I feel I owe you an apology, Nhazul. I'm sorry... I was just so useless...

Nhazul: And you think this why?

Haru: I'm so ashamed...Dr. Maruki crafted me a saccharine, perfect new reality and I accepted it without a second's pause. It was only because of you, that I was able to find my own path...You were the one who gave me a future...and what did I do with it..? I'm so pathetic...

Nhazul; I've been doing this song and dance every day this week, and just like the others, I'll tell you the same. I don't blame you for what happened. It wasn't your fault.

Haru: You're so kind, Nhazul... But I'm afraid that doesn't feel like enough this time... I want to stand at your side through this and I want to do it with pride. In truth... I did wish my father was still alive. I wanted us to rebuild the company together. No, more then that I wanted to save my father. But that's just not possible...No matter how important he was to me, he's gone now, and I cannot bring him back...Surely, if...if I could just rewrite the post for my own benefit, it would be terribly selfish...

Nhazul: And you think this, why?

Haru: I don't know...But what of the newfound purpose I gained after my father's death? What of all the support you gave me? So I need you to understand that I'm determined to see this through. I won't run away anymore. I refuse Dr. Maruki's "gift" to us. I'll chose our reality. The one I defined through my hardship, mistakes, and tears.

Nhazul just smiled at Haru and she smiled back at him.

Nhazul: I'm glad to hear it. And I'll sure your father would be proud of you.

Haru: Thank you! But anyway, thank you for listening to me. But would you like some coffee?

Nhazul: Sure, as long as it's not liquified elephant poop again...

Haru: Oh no, this is normal coffee.

Nhazul: Oh, good.

Haru: But I did ask Mona if he could help me make civets.

Nhazul just looked at Haru.

Nhazul: ...-_-... Oh really...

Haru: Yes. But he hasn't gotten back to me yet.

Nhazul: ...-_-...I can only imagine how that conversation went...

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