Chapter 3

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You know those moments when all you ever want to do is sleep and never come out? And you are just in a crappy mood since you wake up?
Let me tell you how my day started.

I missed my morning alarm, woke up 30 minutes before Millie was coming, got tangled in my bed sheets,fell of the bed,I go to the bathroom and bamm,I got my period. I hear Millie hooting and as I was running down the stairs i tripped and fell face down. I get to the car and Millie can already see that something is wrong.

"Are you okay? Because geez you look like as if you were in the middle of a hurricane or something!" I was actually not going to answer her but it's not her fault that my day started horrible.

"Yeah I'm fine,it's just a horrible morning, that's all!" Millie knows that I am hiding something but she doesn't push it. We get to school and we separate. It was still kinda early, which is surprising considering the fact that I woke up late,so I decide to grab a book,I look inside inside my bag and there is none,I look inside my locker and there is also no books, urgh,what am I going to do the whole day. I slam locker shut and decide to just go to class and do some school work.

I did some work until that bell rang,we had history right now and I know that it's going to be awkward because both Hunter and Charlie are in this class. I look around and see that Charlie is already here and he was staring at me,when I caught him staring he turned a shade of red and turned around, Hunter came a few minutes after the teacher came and he sat right next to me,and I did my best to avoid him.

The teacher started talking about some weird monuments or something,then he said something about a group project and I broke out of my day dreaming,he said something about researching our town and that we would be put in groups of 3,the only thing I was hoping for was that I was put in a group that has neither Hunter nor Charlie,but ofcourse today is just not my day.

I was put in a group with both Hunter and Charlie, we literally just stared at each other, I don't even know how we are going to finish the project given the fact that Hunter and Charlie hate each other and I am not in the mood to handle them.

The bell rang a few minutes later and I rushed out of the class,thank God I did not have classes with any of them till after break.
During break,I tried to ignore Millie the whole break,but it's kinda hard when you don't have a book to read or any other distraction. Millie saw that I was not paying attention to her but she didn't say anything and all of a sudden she got up and said that she needed the bathroom. I found it kinda odd,because Millie hated going to bathrooms here at school unless she absolutely needs it.

After she left,I decide to put my head down and try to calm down the headache that is on it's way,when I feel someone sit down by the table, I look up and see Hunter,he looks worried.

"Are you okay? You don't look so well." First of all,if you see a girl who looks like she is going to murder someone, never, ever ask her if she's fine.

"I'm fine." He seems kinda shocked by my tone. I decide to put my head down when I hear him clear his throat. I look up and he is staring at me.

"We need to do the project, so when do you think we should do it?" It's unfortunate that the project is worth half of our marks,otherwise I would just not do it.

"You do know that to do the project,you,me and Charlie have to be together in the same place,and last I checked you and Charlie hate each other." He saw that something was wrong but didn't push it,and then Charlie walked up to the table and I saw that Hunter was about to get up.

"No,don't go,if we are going to do this project, you and Charlie need to be able to not hate each other." He seemed amazed at my request, I think it was more like a command.
Charlie sat down,and him and Charlie just kept throwing daggers at each other. Urgh,men and their pride.

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