Chapter One : My Story Of The Past

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I was always adventurous. Optimistic some would say. My sisters adored me and loved me. Father was always proud of me even in moments when I was weak. But mother... Mother despised my very existence. Claiming I was the child of a devil.

I resembled none of them. For my father had light brown locks and amber eyes. Mother had golden, wavy hair and bright green eyes. My sister Adiya, the eldest of us inherited  father's looks . Amora the second eldest inherited mother's looks.

But me... I had dark almost black hair, snow kissed skin and the deepest of blue colored eyes. It made mother jealous, it filled her heart with rage. So she made me wear a cloak with a hood that covered my entire body and face. I was to never take it off even when I sleep.

But that didn't stop me from being kind to others. It didn't stop me from training with my father and Adiya. I became a strong warrior.

You see we live in a kingdom, Orion, where each of us has elemental powers. Water, earth, wind and fire. But we can only have one elemental power. It chooses us.

Obviously everyone would be ecstatic to finally attain their power. It was the year 1675, I would finally be sixteen. Which meant it was time to attain my element.

As we went to the castle, my sisters and I were overjoyed. Aiya could control fire and Amora could control the earth. Everyone hoped for me to have the element of water because of my strength and bravery. Even mother.

As each object representing each element stood before the kingdom. I waited for the Queen Saforia to call me. She was an amazing queen. I wished to become like her at one point. When she called up my name, "Elora Fawn Cohen."

I stood up proudly and stepped up to the objects seated before the sword of life. I bowed down on one knee and bowed my head in respect of her majesty. She placed her hand on the handle of the sword and each of the objects glowed. A rock for earth, a feather for wind, a single flame for fire and a rock bowl filled with water.

Only one must be lifted. Only one. Oh how I begged and begged in my mind for the water to lift with no gravity holding it down. But in a sudden all elemental objects lifted. Everyone gasped and screamed out in horror. And I felt a sudden pull, power igniting within me. I felt sparks flowing through my veins. A cry of a creature echoed through the crowd of fearful cries. Louder than their mocks. Shaking the walls. The Phoenix titan emerged, at least her spirit did.

She bowed before me and that was that. A prophecy long forgotten suddenly came back to life. I was indeed the true queen of Orion.

"A demon!"

Some shout.

"A fraud!"

"An outcast!"


"The weapon of destruction!"

"Send her back to hell!"

Tears streamed down my face as they kept insulting me. My sisters rushed and stood in my protection. They were protecting the rightful queen. Which meant we were all disloyal. Punishment... Death.

As the guards gripped our arms and we passed the crowd having things thrown on us. Needles piercing our skin. Amora pleading and begging, Adiya trying to fight them off. And I, kept my face blank showing them no sign of pain or fear or sadness. The queen lead us to our end. Down the cellars to the deep part of the castle. In a dark room filled with candles and three white caskets.

Three trusted witches of the kingdom came performing a spell.

"Placidos facientia somnos, profunda morte. Neque evigilare faciatis nos usque in die illo oblivioni traderetur. Dormiunt, oblivio. Recordatus es solus in die evigilare faciatis."

Adiya fell over suddenly screaming and thrashing in pain. Amora and I watched in horror as she kept screaming until she fell limp in arms of the guards.

"What did you do to her?!" I yelled, thrashing in their arms.

The queen looked at us in sympathy and nodded to the witches.

"Placidos facientia somnos, profunda morte. Neque evigilare faciatis nos usque in die illo oblivioni traderetur. Dormiunt, oblivio. Recordatus es solus in die evigilare faciatis." they chanted, I shook my head and fought, trying to break free to save Amora.

But she too suffered the same pain Adiya felt before falling limp. I cried as I watched them drag my dead sisters into their caskets. I glared at the queen.

"I will rise again one day and I will destroy you all. You will all pay for their deaths." I gritted out with venom. She sighed and flicked her hand.

I waited as the witches once again began their chants. "Placidos facientia somnos, profunda morte. Neque evigilare faciatis nos usque in die illo oblivioni traderetur. Dormiunt, oblivio. Recordatus es solus in die evigilare faciatis."

I gasped feeling my brain literally burn and pain shot throughout my entire body. I cried out in pain feeling my energy drain slowly. 'Fight it' I thought. But I couldn't fight it as another wave of pain washed over me. I gasped, my chest tightening, no air entering my lungs. Darkness closed my vision as I felt my soul leave my body.

340 years later

No one's POV :
A man dressed in what seemed like black armor with a matching cape and a mask covering his face busted through the tightly sealed doors of the abandoned castle.

"They seriously think this place is haunted, Alfred?" his deep voice echoed as he spoke to his butler. A few birds flying here and there.

"It could be, after all the kingdom Orion was known to have plenty of power. But we are here to find out if the legend of the weapon of destruction is real." Alfred said looking at the screen, checking each corner of the castle.

"Right, so where am I heading next?" Bruce or should one say Batman asked.

"Right door next to the demolished throne. Down to your left you'll reach a staircase." Bruce followed the directions and found the staircase that lead to a dark place. He turned on a flashlight and frowned.

"Got it." he said walking down. Hearing the drips and drops of water leaking from the roof and down the stone walls.

"The staircase should lead down to the cellars. Once you get there, there'll be another door leading to your destination master Wayne." Alfred explains.

"Thank you Alfred." Bruce says and goes pass the cellars that was filled with a stench not even a rat could handle. He looked ahead, searching for a wooden door. Once he found it he slowly opened it, holding a weapon of some sort, expecting a threat to attack him.

But there was nothing. There were lit candles, was someone here? Is someone here?

"Alfred, were there any activity here at all?" he asked.

Alfred schemed through the information he had gathered, "No, not since the kingdom fell in the year 1695." Alfred answered.

"Then why are these candles still lit. You don't think we're messing with vampires do you?" he asked chuckling.

"No master Wayne, why don't you check the caskets?" Alfred asked. Bruce looked towards it, hesitating to even touch it. But he had no choice.

He opened the one in the middle, suddenly jumping back at the sight. "Master Wayne? What's wrong?"

"Alfred, these...these are all bodies. But I think they're still alive."

He opened all caskets ad gazed at the beautiful women in each. The one in the middle especially.

Then...her eyes opened....

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