Chapter 1

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Jade August west was born on July twenty sixth in 1994 to loving parents Anna and David west

She was an only child and her parents pride and joy. They spent every hour they could with her and and the second she was born all their attention went straight to her

They were very cautious parents because they were also first time parents but if she cried or even made so much as a peep one of them was always there within seconds to calm her down and quiet her

Unfortunately she was an extremely fussy baby and never seemed to be quite happy. Always hungry or always needing to be in someone's arms if not she would wail and cry until she got her way which she always did

Luckily she was a very smart and advanced child her first word was "uh oh" at almost 10 months but she was able to walk at 11 so she was far past most kids her age

Once she started talking and walking her parents pride for her doubled and they often boasted to other parents about how smart she was and how she was such a fast learner

She had always been a very curious child but once she turned one her curiosity spiked and she spent most of her time at home holding on to her fathers finger and walking around the house pointing at things and asking "what that?"

Her father always bent down to her level and explained things in great detail to her so she would be well educated. He always wanted the best for his child

By the time she was two she could speak full sentences that usually people could understand and was bursting with energy

Now instead of walking around the house she would run around her large house without a care in the world

She was a clumsy child and always seemed to be hurt from scraping a knee or bumping into a table but she always recovered and was fine then repeated it the next day and never seemed to be bothered by the stinging or pain

Her parents always told her not to run so fast or not to do certain things but she would just giggle before playfully yelling no and running off in the opposite direction

Her parents weren't exactly wealthy but they did have a lot of money since David was a rather successful lawyer so they loved to spoil their little girl. They made her birthdays and Christmas' the best that they could, buying lots of gifts and spending as much time together as a family

Aside from holidays they loved to buy gifts whenever they wanted. Her dad would buy her dresses because she was his "little princess forever" to which she'd always reply that she wasn't little

Her mother bought her any toys she wanted whenever she wanted them

She loved going to the small park by their house with the two of them

She loved when they would push her on the swing so high she felt like she was flying and could fall at any moment and then she'd laugh and laugh

She loved when David would play with her and they would run around together playing tag or doing he obstacle courses she made up on the equipment

She loved her mother's cooking she'd help with and her fathers games they would think up together

She had the perfect childhood every one would dream of because she loved her parents and her parents loved her

She had the perfect childhood until she turned 6

Yeah so here we are again

Thank you again for all the love on the previous book I hope you like this one as much!!

Vote and comment your thought cause it's gonna get sad

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