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Harry missed his boyfriend. He was never around anymore. He had been so proud of him when he landed a job as a help coach for Arsenal as the youngest one to ever get a job like that.

Louis had decided to not go to  University and Harry supported that. He still had a year left of high school when Louis graduated but they made it work. He helped him find an apartment and he moved in after graduation and started Uni. He spent most of his nights there anyway while he finished his last year of  College.

Everything was great for a while. He went to his classes at Uni and Louis was really excited about his new job. He had to be away sometimes for games but they made it work. 

Then Louis got a promotion to second coach while Harry did his last year at Uni and that was when everything changed. Louis never had time for him anymore. His only focus was his job. Even if they lived together they hardly saw each other at all. Harry knew how important this job was for him but he started to feel lonely. He tried to talk to Louis about it but he just got angry and told him that he had to focus on his career and that Harry would understand the day he got a job.

Harry felt neglected. Louis seemed to love that stupid job more than he loved him. So when David in his sociology class started talking to him he embraced it. It wasn't like he wasn't allowed to talk to people or make new friends. Okay, David might be on the flirtier side but there was no harm in some innocent flirting.

David complimented him all the time and it was nice that someone found him attractive. He and Louis never had sex anymore. Louis was always too tired. Not that he was gonna have sex with David, he would never cheat. He loved Louis.

David convinced him to go out for coffee one day. Louis was working late and he didn't feel like spending another evening alone in their apartment so he said yes. He could have coffee with a friend. It was the most fun he had in ages and he let the obvious flirting from David slide. They exchanged numbers after that.

David sent him a text that night to thank him for a great evening and he replied that he had a good time as well. Nothing wrong with that. Louis came home and fell into bed and fell asleep right away. Harry sighed.

He had tried. God knows he had. He had even bought sexy lingerie from the women's department and surprised Louis one night. Louis had stared at him in awe and he kissed him but he fell asleep halfway through it and Harry just laid there with tears pricking behind his eyes.

So when David texted him the next day he replied and they were texting back and forth, all innocent at first but David kept on complimenting him and Harry was thriving on it. 

The texts got more sexual. David was describing everything he wanted to do to him and he encouraged it even if he never would do something like that for real. He loved Louis. But David found him sexy and beautiful and his ego needed that. He craved the attention.

A couple of weeks later hell broke loose. He had been texting David and went to the bathroom to take a wee, leaving his phone on the coffee table.

When he came out of the bathroom Louis was standing in the living room with his phone in his hand. He looked up and he looked so hurt that Harry gasped.
"That's my phone! Give me that. You have no right snooping around on my phone."

"I didn't mean to snoop! You got a text and I glanced...whatever. Who the hell is David?" Louis asked upset.

"No one, just a friend." Harry answered, heart beating fast.

"Did you sleep with him? Did you cheat on me?" Louis asked with a trembling voice.

"No!" Harry shouted.

"According to these texts, you're about to." Louis shouted back.

"You read my texts? That's private!" Harry yelled back.

"You're sexting with another man Harry. You even sent him pictures. How could you do that to me?" Louis accused.

"Just of my torso. It's not a big deal. You're never here Lou." Harry answered, voice trembling as well.

"It is a big deal to me! It feels like you've been cheating on me." Louis stated.

"I'm lonely Lou. You work all the time!" Harry whined.

"So that gives you the right to do this? Grow up, Harry! I'm building a future for us, I'm getting a career!" Louis protested.

"Our life is here and now. You don't see me anymore, I'm invisible to you. Your only focus is that stupid job." Harry growled.

"So instead of talking to me about it, you cheat?" Louis questioned, looking hurt.

"I tried talking to you! We never have sex, Lou. You're never here. I'm lonely." Harry said and started to cry.

"No one has time for sex. I'm tired. Yeah, okay, maybe I work a lot but I'm trying to build a life for us and this is how you repay me?" Louis said and broke down crying as well.

"That's bullshit, Lou. People have time for sex if they don't spend 18 hours a day working. It's not even about sex. You don't give me compliments anymore. You're never here. This isn't the life I wanted. I don't care about the future when our present sucks!" Harry said upset.

"You suck! So just because I don't tell you that you're pretty often enough you find someone else that will boost your ego? Fucking attention whore." Louis yelled.

Harry flinched as Louis had slapped him and Louis sighed.
"I'm sorry, that was harsh, but you hurt me."

"You hurt me too." Harry answered between sobs.

"This isn't working out. I'm clearly not what you want." Louis answered.

"I love you!" Harry said desperately.

"Then you wouldn't flirt with this David. We should break up." Louis answered, crying as well.

"You don't mean that!" Harry gasped.

"I do. You're unhappy and this?" Louis said and shook Harry's cellphone before he tossed it over "this is unforgivable."

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