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That had been the story and reason behind Robin's actions and past. She couldn't trust anyone and was left on her own. This was the reason the thought of a Buster Called frightened her so much that she were surrender without a fight. "Right now, in the very place... if you trigger the Buster Call, Enies Lobby will be exterminated... and so will al of you."
"Wh-What kind if crap are you saying!? As if we could be hurt by an ally attack! What are you babbling about, you bitch!?" Spardam was in complete deny about the whole thing.
"How naive." Luna had spoken up, looking to the stupid man before her.
"Twenty years stole everything away from me, why crushing a lot of people's lives. With a simple strike... the Buster Call." Robin took a stand so that she was able to see her friends. "This attack has... finally shown up. It's aimed at the friends I love. The more I wish to be at your sides, the more my fate bares its fangs at you! No mater how far I continue my journey on the sea, there's still that gigantic enemy I can't shake off! Because my enemy is... the world and it's darkness! With Aokiji and this time too, I've involved you in this twice! If this continues forever, no mater how kind you all are... someday you'll see me as a burden! It's obvious that someday you'll betray me and throw me away! That's what scares me the most! That's why I didn't want you to come save me! If it's a life I'll lose someday, i want to die here and now!" None of them could say anything, as it was clear that a woman who has lived like that as a little girl would come to.
"I understand now! That's right on the mark!" Spardam being the asshole he was, laughed about it. "That's exactly it! There's no one out there who would be stupid enough to not think of you're a burden after travelling with you!" He bursted into laugher once again before turning to Luffy and that. "Look at this flag, pirate scum!" His index finger was pointing above, where the World Government's flag flattered in the wind. "That mark!It represents the union of over 170 countries, starting the foresees and the Grand Line! This is the world! Do you even get how insignificant your existence are compare to this? Do you get how powerful the organisation after this woman is?!" He was asking them.
"I understand Robin's enemy very well..." Luffy had spoke, looking up at the flag above. "Sniper King." Hearing that he was being spoken to, he slightly turned to Luffy. "Shoot down... that flag."
"Roger that." With that being said, Sniper King.... "My new weapon, the Great Slingshot. Going by the name of Kabuto! Closely behold it's immense power!" Held out a massive sling shot. "Special Attack..." The sling had been pulled back. "...Fire Bird Star!" He released it sending very strong and massive bird made of fire, a phoenix, that had summoned a massive ring of fire once it made contact the World Government flag on top of the Tower of Law, burning it.
"No way..." Robin could only shout in shock, watching the flag burn. By doing such a thing, they had just declined war against the World Government.
"Are you out of your minds? Don't think you'll be able to survive having the world as your enemy!" Spardam shouted at the small group of pirates below.
"YOU WANNA BET!?" Luffy snapped right back at him, which had scared him. The tears could no longer be held back as she looked up at the flag. "Robin! I still haven't heard it from your mouth! SAY YOU WANT TO LIVE!!" Luffy screamed at the top of his lungs.
"What will it be?" Luna stood beside the woman asking. "Live or die? Choose." But Robin had always thought that wishing for such a thing was forbidden. No one had allowed her such a thing. Tears rolled down her face, no longer being held. If she really was allowed to say her wish... that...
"I WANT TO LIVE!! TAKE ME OUT TO THE SEA WITH YOU!!" She screamed as loudly as she could, which caused the others to smile or become even more serious then before.
"I love you guys!" Franky had bursted into tears.
"That settles that." Luna sighed to then look down at Franky who was still crying as the draw Bridge began to go down from the court house.
"We'll definitely save you!" Luffy shouted over to her.
"STAY AWAY!" Spardam seeing this was freaking out, while members of CP9 were enjoying the sight. "STAY AWAY!" However, the bridge had stopped after cannons had been fired at it.
"It stopped!"
"They're trying to stop us!" Luffy had become angry at this fact. "Who did that!?"
"Chief Spardam! You should leave the Tower of Law and take shelter!" A man was yelling from the courthouse bridge way entrance.
"Okay. YOSH. Well done. I'll head to the Gates of Justice before they make it across!" Spardam stated before jumping down to grab ahold of Robin. "Someone escort Cutty Flam!" He ordered,
"Those pirates aren't even worth arresting. I have CP9 here - an assassination squad!" He was shouting over at the pirates that stood on top of the courthouse. "I've got Nico Robin, that's a survivor from an island whose people were plotting to resurrect an ancient weapon... and Cutty Flam, the man who inherited the blueprints for such a weapon... not to mention Athena, the World Government's trump card in everything. There's no way in hell I'd risk losing the power this will earn me!" He bursted into laugher
"Pathetic till the end, ain't you?" But hearing that being said about him, in anger he had turned to Luna. "You have no actual power yourself, so you have to use others to get what you want. You're weak, pathetic, you can't do anything for yourself."
"How dare you..."
"Becoming violent is the proof of a simple minded person. You know what I speak is truth, but you think you'll get anything by using your so-called authority. However, I bet you in the end you will be demoted." Her arms had crossed over her chest as it was clear she wasn't all that interested in the man. "In the end, you won't get what you want. Wouldn't you agree, Cutty Flam?" Her head turned to the blue hair man that was standing beside her, with something in hand. All eyes had looked upon the stack of paper that he had.
"That's... don't tell me you..." It had 'PLUTON' written on the first page. "The blueprints for the ancient weapon, Pluton!" Spardam was in complete shock upon seeing it.
"The real ones." Franky was grinning widely. "Don't believe me?" He had lifted up some of the papers before calling out to Lucci and Kaku, whose eyes began to widen as the papers were being released one violent one of the flicking through them.
"I never imagined this. You had them hidden inside your body this whole time, huh?" Kaku had come to realise this.
"And it appeared Miss Athena knew about from the beginning." Magnis stated looking at the woman beside Franky, her expression not even changing in the slightest.
"Th-The real thing... Those are the real thing!?" Spardam seemed surprised as his arm were slightly stretched out. "Hand them over. Hand them over! My previous blueprints!" He was demanding.
"First of all, they're not yours. Not even in the slightest." Luna told him. "Secondly, Nico Robin..." her sights feel upon Robin as she spoke to her this time. "... as I travelled around or not I've heard many things about you. However, it seems not all of them are completely true. I realise this through travelling with you. And I'm pretty sure someone else notices heading here." Her eyes had glanced to Franky that didn't deny anything she said. "Truth be told, I already knew about the truth of Ohara. Not about the fake fabricated information the World Government gave to the world." She had honestly informed the woman, which caused her eyes to widen. She had knew everything from the ever beginning. But about the past and now. "Believe it or not, Play time was never meant to be decorated as a weapon."
"Hey, Spardam." Franky had cut in before Luna could say anything more. "Tom and Iceberg protected these with their lives."
"Hurry up and hand them over!" But it seemed that the egotistic man hear anything that had been said.
"If an idiot like you got his paws on an ancient and weapons and went on a rampage... A second weapon could be conducted to counter it - those were the architects' intentions." But Franky had continued not listening. "It is certainly possible for you to use Nico Robin to resurrect the weapons. As a result, even if she is against the idea... she is still a dangerous woman. However... she has friends who are willing to look death in the face to protect her. Therefore..."
"...We're going to take a chance." Both him and Luna said together looking right at Spardam's ugly face.
"Given the circumstances, there's only one way for me to satisfy the architects wishes." Franky then said.
"Stop babbling and give them to me! They belong to me!" But Franky lifted about him, to then breath out fire at the blueprints which had caused the blueprints to burn away as they were nothing but paper. Which seeing this had sent Spardam panicking. "Damn! What have you done!? It's nothing but ashes!" He had ran over to the burning piece of paper that were falling off to cast his them, only that they were black and broke apart. "Shit! I'm gonna kill you!"
"Those blueprints existed only as a countermeasure... but you, the Government, kept coming after them. Their existence used to be a secret... but once that was no longer the case, I had no choice but to destroy them." Franky was smirking proudly.
It makes sense. If you idiots took it there really wouldn't be a point in it, since we would no longer have a weapon to oppose another. But if Nico Robin remains with you... the world still doesn't hope. But that wouldn't be the case if the straw hats were to win... it will mean you got nothing in the end." Luna stood saying, because this has it been exactly what she wanted from the very beginning. The World Government will never get their hands on each one thing as long as she was alive. Because that was her duty...
"Are you sure this is fine? Speaking up against him now?" Franky looked for Luna, completely ignoring the screenings and threats of the pathetic man before them.
"Yeah, after all, the one thing I find distasteful is working friend idiots he doesn't understand his place." She stated shrugging while speaking.
"You've really done at this time. It seems that you, too, are eager to die!" Luna had noticed the craziness in Spardom's eyes had gotten worse, which was why she had backed off heading to the ledge of the balcony.
"BIG BRO!!" Someone seemed to be yelling from the bottom entrance of the courthouse, which pulled Franky's attention. "Big Bro! Big Bro Franky!"
"It's Big Bro, all right!" But it was coming from the left tower of the building.
"Big Bro! We're here to save you! And the left. They were all from members of the Franky Family.
"We tagged along with Straw Hat's crew!"
"Sodom and Gomorrah pitched in, too!"
"Let's go back together, Big Bro!"
"Are you hurt?" They were all shouting one after another.
"G-Guys! You punks... when did I ever ask you... ask you... to save me!?" Franky bursted into tears at the sight of them. "Idiots! I'm not crying, dammit!"
"Gross." Luna stood even further away from him, as snort was going everywhere as the Franky Family were all shouting still.
"Everyone shut up!" That was until Luffy lost it down at them.
"Are you heartless!?" Both Nami and Zoro had asked him shocked.
"Robin and Luna are waiting for us! Hurry up and lower the bridge!" But when he had said that
"Oh, that's right. Get cracking, people!" Zoro snapped down as well as Nami shouting to hurry if they didn't want her to hurt them. Which seemed to have stopped them.
"I love nami's wild side!" Sanji shouted loudly but it wasn't the time.
"Oi! Straw Hat!" Franky shouting caused the rubber head to look back over to the Tower of Law. "Looks like you took good care of my men. As their boss... I, the great Franky, will lend you my super strength!"
"Do whatever you want! I still haven't forgotten what you did to Usopp!" But Luffy was shouting that,
"B-But he's standing right next to you..." the long nose boy he spoke about was right beside him.
"What an idiot." Luna stated, but then noticed Spardam dashing right for Franky only to push him off, as Luna moved. But the man was falling.
"Big Bro!"
"Big Bro's falling into the waterfall!" The Franky Family were freaking out at the sight of it.
"FRANKY!" But they hadn't been the only one. But...
"Oi, pirates!"
"Huh? Gran Cocoro?" Nami held up the small transponder snail in hand.
"I heard everything. What're you st aiding around for?" The old woman was asking through the snail.
"What do you mean?" Nami was confused at why she would ask that, since the bridge was only halfway down and explained it to her.
"Halfway is enough! I'll be there in four seconds. Take a big leap into the waterfall!" Luna could hear everything even the sound of the sea train, Rocket Man, approaching.
"Was that Granny? What's going on?" Luffy was asking her.
"I don't know. She told us to jump into the waterfall!" Nami informed him, thinking it was insane. It was then the whistle of the train could be heard by all.
"The Sea train whistle?" And a giant grin came across Luffy's face.
"I don't like that smile." Sniper King stated, looking all panicked.
"This is where I take my leave for now." Luna stood onto of the ledge, looking at Spardam or more like Robin. While Luffy's arms had stretched outwards, until they were behind all of his crew beside him and they saw this, and knew what was coming.
"Let's go!" He leaped off after they wrapped around Chopper and Nami, which had pulled the others with him. They were all falling down the waterfall, three of them crying, while the other two hold on for dear life.
"I got better things t do then hang around you lot." Then Luna pushed off backwards, where she began falling down the water fall like others. However, she wasn't even the slightest panicked. Then Rocket Man came riding up the half down bridge where it had took to the sky once reaching the end and Luffy and that began falling onto the shell one by one. While Franky got caught up its nose, and Luna landed gracefully beside Zoro as if this thing was moving at all. The train was flying over the fall and heading right for the Tower of Law.
"We're gonna crash!" Luffy had finally came to realise that.
"W-We'll be crushed!" Franky screamed after moving from the nose.
"Stop yelling." Luna said standing up, not holding onto anything as the others were all screaming.

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