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The Straw Hat Pirates, Franky, Kokoro, Chimney, and Gonbe leap into the sea to find the Going Merry waiting for them. It takes a moment for the Marines of the Buster Call to realize what's happening. But by then it was too late, the crew had entered the water. The first one to resurface and make it to the Merry had been Luna, who took a deep breath when she did, but when she was about to try and find a way onto the ship, the rope ladder had dropped. Which seemed a bit odd, but she swam and climbed up it. She made it up the side of the ship. "I guess I should thank you for... Hmm?" only to have stopped when speaking when she see no one was on board. Luna had properly stepped onto the deck. She seemed a bit confused looking around. But it wasn't long till Sanji had come aboard.
"Thanks Luna." He said thinking she was the one to dropped the rope ladder.
"No, it was not me." She turned to him stating.
"What?" Now he had become confused.
"Is something wrong, Luna, Sanji?" Nami asked making onto the ship, with Zoro that had Chimney and Gonbe on his shoulders.
"There's no one on the ship." Luna simply stated.
"Yeah, the rope ladder was definitely dropped, but there seems to be no one here." Sanji added more details, confused more then before. Chimney and Gonbe didn't seem bothered by that fact as they were running around on deck.
"Merry!" Then Usopp came flying onto the deck.
"Seriously, learn his two swim, brother!" Franky followed him by the ladder.
"Now, get on board, power holders!" But when he made it on, more people came flying in, the three Devil Fruit eaters, having been tossed by Kokoro.
"Robin~! Throw yourself into my arms!"Sanji was on Aft deck calling out to her, thing she would flying into his arms, only the one she did that all too was Franky, as the other two just hit the deck.
"This is the Merry... it's the Merry!" Chopper was crying once again as he was laying on the deck. "I love you Merry!"
"Merry... Merry..." and he wasn't the only one crying. "My Merry is alive! Why... why are you so..."
"If... If I was... If I was more..." Chopper couldn't seem to be able to get the words out while crying. But there were two people who couldn't seem to believe it. They had both witnessed the Merry drop into the sea.
"Who on earth sailed the ship here?" Nami was asking since it couldn't have gotten here by itself.
"Do you think it's the time to be worry about that?" Luna had asked, since they still had the marines surrounding them.
"That's right." Nami had realised that she was right and began to move.
"Let's get out of here!" Zoro took off running.
"Hey! What're you going, Sanji!?" The man was all depressed over Franky being the one that Robin fell into.
"N-Nami!" But instantly feel better when the navigator called out to him. At the same time
"That was close! I thought I was gonna be killed by the battleships!" Luffy felt that he could relax still being unable to move. "Hey, Robin! You saved me! Thank y..." before her could finish, an arm sprouted from his chest to cover his mouth. All had stopped to look at her as she stood up smiling.
"Luffy... and everyone...thank you!" And they were all smiling since it didn't mean anything. All but Luna, since one has never seen her do that before.
"Say stupid stuff like that after we escape from here." And Zoro who had completely ruined the mood.
"What do you mean 'stupid stuff,' you damn moss head!?" Sanji over come with anger had attacked him.
"What do you mean, you damn moss head!?" Along with being bitten but Chopper, who shouldn't be able to move.
"Shut up! If we die here, it'll all comes to nothing!" Zoro was blocking against the kicks will trying to shake the biting off
"Apologise to Robin, you bastard!"
"He's right! Apologise to Robin!"
"That's enough!" That had been snapped but... "hm? Hey, can move now?" Zoro pointed out, looking down at the reindeer clinging to his legs with his arms and teeth.
"What?" It seem he hadn't have noticed till now. "Y-You're right! I'm moving! I can move now! Zoro!" He was in tears overjoyed. "Apologise to Robin already!" but that only lasted a second as he turned Heavy Point and grabbed ahold of Zoro's legs, bending them back.
"Give up yet?" Sanji was beside asking with a smirk across his head.
"No! No!" But the swordsman refused to. Seeing this seemed to have brought back to warm feeling from before.
"Now, guys! We're gonna hurry up and get outta here!" Nami shouted in front of the kitchen where she always stood.
"Yeah!" The Merry began to take off sailing before
"All ships! Prepare to fire cannons! All ships! Prepare to fire cannons!" The marines had began to point the cannons at the ship.
"Hey! Hurry up and load the cannonballs!" All could hear the shouting of some idiot from one of the battleships.
"So Spandam is alive." Franky was disappointed as he saw the man beside the front cannon of the battle ship.
"They're gonna fire at us!" Usopp shouted loudly.
"Catch the wind from starboard and head east!" Nami had throw the order at the guys.
"We can't! We're completely surrounded!" Zoro was yelling as there was no where the escape to.
"There are a lot of cannons aiming at us." Luna seemed a but relaxed saying that.
"It's impossible that they wouldn't all miss this ship." That was completely true.
"Fire!" All the cannons had been fired at once heading right for the Merry.
"Ahh! They're coming!" However, for some reason, they were hitting the water and each other for some reason. "Hey, are they firing at each other? None of the other attacks are hitting us, either!" The Merry was still completely unscathed.
"Where are you all aiming?!" There was a lot of confusion and then, two of the ships crash into each other. It had been one that was Spardam on. It sent panicked, but it made sense to why this was happening, since the giant Gates of Justices were closing, meaning the whirlpool currents are returning. The ships were crashing into one another due to the currents.
"Whoa! This is more than I expected!" Sanji was looking at the damage being caused.
"Sanji! Don't tell me you did something earlier!" Usopp had come to realise.
"Yeah. Upon Luna's orders." The man looked to her saying.
"It made sense, there was no way we were going to get out of here with guts alone." She stated, flicking her hair. Before the Marines that began to attack, she had ordered Sanji to go find a leather that controls the Gates of Justice and close them.
"Th-That's amazing, Luna! Sanji!" Usopp had completely lost it.
"Are you a genius or what!?" As did Luffy, still laying on deck.
"It took you that long to realise?" She responded, looking at the boy.
"We can go on rejoicing forever. The whirlpools are a problem for us, too." That was until Zoro had mentioned that.
"Ahh! That's right! We're gonna die!" Usopp was now panicking once again.
"Ship up, you guys!" Until Nami shouted at them. "There was no see that the Merry couldn't cross with us on board!" None of them could argue with that.
"that's right! We counting on you, navigator!" Usopp shouted up to her while Sanji was lost in his own little word.
"Just hang on until I figure out the trajectory of the whirlpools!"
"Leave it to us!" With that being said, the crew had split up.
"One Sword Style..." Zoro was standing at the stern with one sword out, horizontally above the shoulder of his sword arm. "... Thirty-Six Pound Phonenix!" He performs a circular swing that launches the air compressed projectile spiraling towards the group of cannons coming at them, which then exploded. "Dammit! I can't do the Hundred-and-eight version with just two swords!" He was upset about losing one sword.
"You can just take a break, then." Sanji was to the left of him saying.
"What'd you say, you jerk?!"
"H-Hey! They're coming again!" Usopp on the right had pulled their focus away from each other and at the cannonballs flying at them again. Which Sanji leaped into the air
"Collier Shoot!" (Neck Shoot, French) Before sending one back to where they came from.
"Cein Fleur!" (One Hundred Flowers, Spanish) At the front of the ship, Robin's arms had sprouted from the to of the mast to deck. "Defense!" They were in a crisscross fashion, that created a giant net-like structure made from her arms. Using this, Robin blocked the cannonballs coming from the front. The cannonballs after being blocked fell into Franky's hands.
"Here! I'm returning these to you!" Who had then thrown them back. Then...
"Krovavyye..." The sea began to bubble... "... Steny!" (Blood Walls, Russian) Before a large wall of blood appear on both port and starboard caused by Luna. The wall had blocked the cannons bending fired from the sides of the ship. The crew was doing everything to protect the ship from the cannons and were doing it without any difficulty, as Nami was concentrating on the whirlpools. "Krovavyye..." Luna's hands were pointed out to both sides where blood came together taking shape. "...Tarelki!" (Blood Saucers, Russian) Two giant spinning blood disks had been launched at two of the battleships, cutting right through them like they were butter. The Merry then began heading towards 9o'clock, where the falls were located.
"The pirate ship escaped towards the falls!"
"Fire! Fire! What're you doing!?" Spardam's voice shouted over the speaker asking it the marines were idiots and the ship the ship already. However, none of the cannons were getting a single hit.
"It seems that they caught the flow of the whirlpools! They're moving at an incredible speed!" The Merry was sailing strongly.
"Go! Speed forth with all your might!" Luffy shouted still on the deck but at the stern. They were leaving the battleships far behind them burning up in fire.
"Dammit! Dammit! Those bastards!" Spardam was shouting watching the ship sailing away. "With The entire military force of Enies Lobby at disposal...With the power of the Buster Call, as strong as an entire country is military... Why..Why in the hell can't we... Why? Why can't we take a single woman... from a puny little band of pirates!?" He was completely throwing a fit. But that very same woman... her arms began sprouting out from the imbecile, covering even his mouth, as she stood at the back of the ship. Her arms began to pull the man's head back.
"Chief!" And he wasn't able to do anything. But this was going easy on him after everything he had done both physically and mentally.
"Clutch!" And that was the end of that, as a large burden had been lifted.
"Franky! Could you do that thing?!" Nami asked looking down to the cyborg.
"Got it!" Who knew what he was on about. Shouting that, he had leaped all the way the the stern. "Everyone, be prepared for a shock."
"Block their Route! The enemy ship can't get out of the whirlpools!" One of the only ship intact have began sailing to try and block the path of the Merry.
"It'll be fought on the ship... Sorry about that." Franky stated, with both of his arms together with a T-shaped pipe then aiming down at the sea. "Coup de..." He then sucked massive amounts of air into his abnormally large arms, making them grow even larger. "...Vent!" (Wind Cannon, French) A massive blast of compressed air had been fired, which seemed to have caused the Merry to take to the sky, clearing the whirlpools, the Buster Call, and Enies Lobby altogether.
"Don't underestimate what she's been through! The Merry flew 10,000 meters high in the sky!" Usopp told Franky before firing a Smoke Star that created a large smock screen before they come down onto the sea. Leaving the Marines unable to fire their cannons to hit the Merry. They are basically just desperate now. But they had completely escaped to a clear blue sky above with no sign of the Marines chasing after them.
"Is the top of this sheep here okay?" Kokoro was asking as she was pulling Luffy onto the Merry's figure head, where he always sat.
"Yep. That's my seat."
"There you go. Be careful not to fall." Although, he was laying on it this time, since he was unable to move still.
"Yeah. Thanks, monster granny." Luffy told her before looking down at the Merry. "Thanks, Merry. Thanks to you, we were able to escape. I never thought that you would come, Merry..." the others had all gathered up on the front deck listening. "But when I think about it, you've always protected us. I'm so glad that you're our friend. Thanks, Merry!"
"At any rate..." All had looked to Franky that spoke up then. " guys sure did pull one outrageous stunt back there. To start with, do you think that you shoot through the World Government's flag..."
"Well... it's not a big deal." Luffy managed to turn on his back. "All we did was take back two friends who were taken away from us. Thanks for helping us save Robin and Luna."
"Well, to me, it was no big deal." Franky was getting all shy about it.
"Anyway...this fight... is over... and it's out victory!"

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