Hell on Earth!?

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Akainu stood over the wall, his arms held out towards the sky as they had liquefied in magma which he began launching off at the sky. "He's firing lava fists into the air!"
"Wh-What's going on there!?" Ivankov shouted up. "They vanished into the sky." Silences had fallen across the battlefield for a moment as everyone was looking off to sky, as none of them understood what was happening. All but one.
"What's this noise?" Soon a strange sound began echoing from the sky. It was only then when something began ripping though the clouds that cause terror to spead. Multiple giant magma fists had began to fall from above.
"They can't get away! Melt the ice that they're standing on!" The lava fists fell upon the battlefield wreaking enormous area damage in what resembles a cross between a volcanic eruption and a meteor shower. Those that weren't hit directly were sent off their feet.
"Damn it all." This had caused Luna to be frustrated as she created multiple large domes over herself for protection. The reason she created so many was due to the fact that every time a few of the fist it one they were melt in response. It was a picture of actual hell. "Think!" She shouted to herself, slightly panicked. This meant the situation was far more dire than before. She had to think of something or else. What was she even doing here? Luna would never get involved with something like this, it just wasn't. At this rate she could die and unlike before, there was something she had to do. She couldn't die here or now. She needed a way to escape from here. Her thoughts had then come to Luffy and needing to take him with her. There was no way he would leave voluntarily, made she needed to knock him out. The young man might not forgive her, but at least it was better then dying. Yeah, even if he hates her it would be fine!
Please, look out for them. Someone's voice had spoke at the back of her mind, causing her to snap out of her thoughts. No, Luna wasn't the same demon as before and besides, she was one that would always fulfil the request of the dead. As she realise her mistake, she came to notice the ground at her feet began melting. Luna had removed the dome and taken off running while also simultaneously avoiding the lava and the melted ice that turned into boiling water in response. However, a large amount of the pirates weren't so lucky, as their screams filled the battlefield. They were trying to make it out of the water before it was too late. However, the attack had yet to begin. The cannons began firing and those that tried to escape were blocked by the Pacifistas. Whitebeard uses a quake punch on the walls, but the walls are capable to resist.
"So even that wasn't able to break through." Even Luna was surpised by this, looking down at her hands. If Whitebeard wasn't capable of breaking it, there was no way she would be able to, especially since she wasn't at full percentage.
"Alright, let's finish this up!" Akainu's voice pulled her back to where he stood as he fired more lava fists. However, unlike before, these one had a pacific target, setting the Moby Dick on fire.
"The lava hit the back f the Moby Dick! Put out the fire!" The Whitebeard Pirates took off running for the ship, hoping to stop the flames.
"Whitebeard! Your days are over!" That was then when the ship completely erupted and was destroyed causing the pirates to being mourning upon the sight.
"No way..." Even Luna was stun upon those, but she soon became light headed and fell to her knees. Between the battle she had with Kizaru and now all the lava and heat, she was beginning to weaken again.
"I got you." Her body had been lifted up so that she was able to standing on her feet.
"Jimbe..." she looked up to the large blue fishman that was using his hand to support her up.
"The plan is going well! Now let's move on to the execution of Portgas D. Ace immediately!" Sengoku's voice had ripped through the speakers announcing this, shocking everybody, much to Gecko Moria's delight and the despair of the Pirates, who know that if they try to approach, they will be killed. However, there one a single person that didn't hesitate.
"Ace!" Luffy took off screaming, deciding to move forward and rescue Ace.
"Straw hat..."
"We're coming too!" Upon seeing this, the Whitebeard Pirates were influenced into following him.
"They shouldn't take such an obvious route!" Ivankov yelled. The cannons had yet to be fired as the pirates continued to charge towards before they had been fired. "Of course they're going to defend the only way out! It's more like a trap!" But despite having that shouted at them, the Pirates continued, only to be are held back by the massive barrage of cannonballs.
"Ace..." Luna's eyes followed Luffy that kept moving forward as those around were being blasted by either the lava fists of the cannon. Dispite all of his own injuries that he gained from the after blast from the attacks. Her eyes came to widen as another silhouette appeared over the young man. Someone that long left this world and the cause of all this. "Ace... Ace!!"
"Fire!!" However, it was in that moment that a large barre of cannonballs fired in the direction Luffy was and before anyone knew it the young man fell into the water.
"Straw boy!"Causing panicking as he was unable to swim, though it would not matter if he hadn't eaten a Devil Fruit because he was far to injured and tried to swim.
"Luffy!" Seeing this had Luna running toward the large gap in the ice where Luffy had fallen through. But she collapsed to her knees and hands just before making it to the edge. She was still suffering from the heat caused by the lava and fire. A shadow leaped over her and dove right into the water after the young man.
"Damn it...!" Meanwhile, Luna shouted slamming her balled up fists onto the ice she was kneeling on. What was the point in all he power she had if she couldn't use it to protect something? What was the point if she was over come by heat and unable to stand? Luna was meant to become a Demon Lord but she felt just as powerless the night her family was taken from her. However, just as she was thinking all this, her head shot up upon sensing something. It caused Luna to look around through all the smoke and fire.
"Miss Luna, what's wrong?" Noticing her strange behaviour, Ivankov ended up asking her this. Instead of asking she stopped looking around as she looked right ahead towards the execution platform.

Battling the Demon (One piece)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن