Not Alone Anymore!

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It didn't even take five minutes for Enies Lobby to be covered in a sea of fire. No mater how one looks at it, this was not justices but pure destruction. And seeing this had caused all the marines to run away in a panic. "O-Oi! Oi, look, all of you! Don't run away! Look, the battleships are just ignoring this bridge!" Spardam had actually been right, the ships were sailing right passed the bridge. "It's 'cuz I'm here!" The fact that he honestly believed that caused Luna look at him like he was a bug. "My father said that too! 'Even that attack that hit everything past me over! Oi, look! We"re safe here! All 'cuz I'm the leader of CP9!" But the actual reason they aren't attacking the bridge is because Nico Robin is still on it. Since they couldn't kill Robin.
"This is crazy..." Franky couldn't believe his eyes looking at the island. But it was then when he noticed Robin on the ground shaking in pure terror. "O-Oi, you..." Luna wasn't all that surprised by this fact, since trauma can't easily be forgotten when come face to face with it. The Buster Call, a merciless, uncaring attack that will destroy everything by hellish flames. But so,eine seemed to find it all amusing as he was laughing
"Hey! Go and capture Nico Robin already!" He turned ordering the soldiers. "When this is all over, I'll be the world's hero. Even the Buster Call sees how great I am and is avoiding me!" Spardam truely was nothing but an idiot to believe that. Out of nowhere, behind them from the building a giant arm had shot out from it. Not much could be seen as Luffy soon came out and ended up destroying the ship with a giant leg. Their battle was dangerous as Luffy and been pushed back into. "Did you see that, Cutty Flam, Athena? You guys are done for! No, you've been done for since the beginning"
"Just shut up! You still don't get it!?" Franky was shouting at him.
"The one fighting with Straw Hat is Lucci! The strongest in the history of CP9! I don't know what happened to all the others, but he's really special! After he takes out straw hat it will be your turns, Cutty Flam, Athena!" But it didn't seem like he could hear anything but his own voice. The ship that Luffy and Lucci were fighting on had then exploded from ally fire. "Straw Hat was on that battleship, and he just got blown to smithereens! Just like he deserves! Your captain is dead!"
"Oi, Oi... why're the marines firing?" Franky couldn't understand why they just fired on their own battleship.
"This is the Power of the Buster Call I summoned! This is justice, Cutty Flam!" Spardam shouted like that was the answer. "Now, hand over Nico Robin. If you do that, I'll pardon you for your crimes. Why're you both protecting that woman anyway? It's not like you're pirates! The World Government devoted itself to protecting citizens like you." He was talking to Franky as he spoke about citizens. "And the Government still needs someone like you." This time it was to Luna. "Do you really trust that dangerous woman, who has the blood of Ohara running thought her, more than us? If you go against us, then, just like Tom..." Luna and Franky didn't even let him. The cyborg sent his iron his at the man's face with while Luna did the same thing with blood in the form of a fist. It had sent him flying off. "T-There's no more room for my face to swell..."
"Keep that annoying mouth if yours shut!" Both them had shouted at him in annoyance. But it was then when Spardam began doing something with his sword in hand.
"Thats the Elephant Sword, Funkfreed!" A soldier had shouted looking behind at Spardam that was standing up, who was whispering something to the sword that no one was able to hear.
"Take this!" Spandam swung the sword over his head. "Elephant Chop!" and it, Funkfreed morphs into his elephant-sword hybrid form, and rushes forward at Rubin to spear her as she was Defenceless. However, there was someone that had heard everything and with her bare hand, she had stopped the blade without any problems.
"She stopped it?" All were stunned at this fact.
"You are beginning to really annoying me." The one that had stopped it was Luna, who didn't seem all that annoyed as she looked at Spardam. He was completely terrified looking at her.
"Dammit, Funkfreed! You're an elephant, how the hell are you losing in a battle of strength!? Slice them all up!" He didn't understand the different in level between the woman and the elephant, however,
"Undo the transformation on your trunk..." The elephant sword had began to sweat when it looked into Luna's glowing eyes. It was because it understood better then it's own master the difference and was terrified to the core. Which was why it did exactly what she had told him to do. It's trunk was no longer a blade. "You are quite smart, are you not?"
"Nico Robin, Miss Luna, will Straw Hat and the others be here?" Franky then asked the two of them.
"They all should be." Robin had answered without hesitation or doubt. And hearing her caused hi to smirk.
"I told you I was betting everything on them, Spanda."
"I never thought this day would come. If I had the power to, that day..." Franky was speaking about the day Tom was taken. "... I wanted to rescue Tom, no matter what. People who knew the stories of Enies Lobby's impenetrability... people who knew the size of the World Government... the Straw Hats ignored all of them, and pressed on. In order to save two friends, every one of them faced the World Government, without hesitation. It's incredible..." he couldn't help by smile at this feat. He then had Luna move aside where he grabbed onto Funkfreed truck. "Even now, I've never forgotten Tom's death. I wished that I could... smash that agent's stupid face in..." Franky was dashing right for Spardam, dragging the elephant. "...until it was..." that was trying to stop him after becoming a complete elephant.
"Oi, wait! Idiot, wait a second!"
"...completely ruined!" The elephant had been thrown over shoulder sent flying right to Spardam crushing him and the ground below. "Just like that. Thanks to them, I finally got to." Franky holds his left arm straight out in front with his palm facing ahead, his arm then rotates inward and his wrist opens like a door hinge. "Weapon Left!" The hole in his left hand opens up to reveal a gun that began firing at the marines taking them out. "I died once before! As long as it lets the Straw Hats get out of here, I don't care what happens to me!" All of them were being thrown off the bridge. Franky twists his left arm inwards moving his hand out to fire a cannon ball. "Ready the ship! I'm making them an escape route!"
"This world is full of all types of idiots." Luna stated looking at the man but then turned behind her to see Robin standing up.
"I'll help too." She had said to them that she was alright. "This... This is different from Ohara. I have nothing to be afraid of. I'm not alone anymore!" She smiled saying that.
"Then let's get rid of this a lot." Luna said causing all eyes to fall on their enemies before them.

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