Heaven's Jugement!

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Like nothing was happening of huge urgency, the guys were mucking around making snow sculptures out if clouds. "How's this! Usopp, look!" Chopper had asked making a snowman the same height as him,
'I'm done with mine too!" But Usopp made a sculptures of the whole crew worshipping him. "How about that? My art is the spitting image!" He was laughing completely impressed with himself.
"Amazing!" Chopper was completely impressed, while Sanji...
"The spitting image of what exactly!?" End up kicking the man in the face pissed off. "This thing... is going down!" And destroyed all but four sculptures, which were of course of the three woman on the crew plus Chopper. "Jeez! That's not the spitting image of anything, Long Nose!" And was stopping on them.
"No! Still! What a horrible thing to do!" Usopp was clinging to his legs crying trying to stop him.
"What a bunch of morons." Luna has stated watching them from the shelter. She thought a change of place would stop her unsettling feeling but it didn't change. Her attention had then gone over to Luffy
"Can you fix?" He had asked Pagaya who was still examining it with his daughter standing behind him.
"I've never seen one of this make before." He had informed him.
"Please try to fix it!" But Luffy wanted it fixed,
"I'm sorry. Without examining this a bit further, I can't..."
"Anyway, I'm counting on you." Of course Luffy didn't seem to understand.
"I'll try disassembling it." He was happy to hear that but it was when the sound of marching had caused Luna to left up her body that was laying on the seats in the shelter. Her eyes had been drawn to the stairs that the crew, Conis and Pagaya had all climbed up and down from their house. There a group of men were marching down them.
"Oi, who are those people marching down the stairs?" She had gone up to Conis and Pagaya asking them since it would be clear that they would know. One by one, everyone had began to look up wot where Luna was pointing up at.
"Suspicions-looking ship! Stop right there!" A male voice had shouted down to them.
"Who're they?" Luffy had repeated the question but it wasn't long before they made it to the beach but in an instant Luna had wondered if they were alright in the head as they were drawing on the ground in commando style.
"Why're they all crawling towards us like that?" Sanji has asked not seeing the point in it.
"Dunno." Usopp could only say since it wasn't clear to any of them. "They're... probably perverts."
"Eh!? So that's what a pervert it." Chopper had asked completely forgetting that they had one on the ship themselves.
"Troops, halt!cA tall, tan man stood at the front of the group had shouted and they all began standing up.  The man at the front was one with black hair and wears a white berets. He had a small scar under his left eye, which goes diagonally downwards from his eye to his cheek. He also wore a light-blue coat dropped over his shoulders. For some reason the group of men had then wore all the same thing, a short sleeved purple shirt underneath, pants with a cloud design on them that were held up by a simple, brown belt. They had a pair black boots, and like all had a pair of small white wings on their backs.
"Heso!" They had all shouted, pulling a hand behind their heads and stuck up the index and pinkie fingers like a rabbit ears.
"Heso." Conis had responded
"Good afternoon. Heso." And Pagaya greeted them along with Suu.
"What the hell are you guys saying!?" Luffy was completely shocked at how normal they were acting.
"Who're they?" It was the same question that had been asked a few times now, it being Zoro that asked this time.
"Perverts." Chopper had responded thinking that what the answer.
You are the eight illegal entrants from the Blue Sea, correct!?" What the appeared to the leader had shouted towards them. But they were all confused since they didn't understand what they meant. "We are here to bestow Heaven's Judgement upon you!"
"illegal entrants? What's that mean?" Luffy had turned to both Conis and Pagaya asking but the two of them were completely shocked as they had slightly backed away from Luffy and Luna standing beside one another.
"I-Is that true?" Pagaya had asked him all nervously.
"There's no use denying it." At that moment, the leader had pulled out pictures from his coat. "The Heaven's hate lookout, Amazon, has sent us these photos, taken with her Vision Dial." He head them up showing Luffy's golf face on one of them.
"No! That isn't possible! There must be some mistake, Captain Mckinley!" Pagaya was shouting over to the leader saying that the crew weren't bad people.
"What's he calling us illegal entrants for?" Sanji was asking since none of them understood why either.
"It would be because of the 8,000,000,000 extol we didn't pay upon entry." Luna had come to that conclusion since the gate keeper asked if they were tourists or invaders and since they didn't pay it would make them invaders.
"B-But, that old woman said we could pass without paying." Usopp had informed the Captain Mckinley.
"She did!" Chopper had also stated.
"It will do you no good. Please, no excuses. Just accept your guilt." He had told them not believe them. "However, there is no need to worry. Illegal entry is a minor, Class-11 crime punishable by Heaven's Judgement. Once you have received your punishment, you will be returned to the status of peaceful tourists." Captain Mckinley had explained to them which was very reasonable.
"Well, why didn't you say so sooner? I'm still not happy about it, but what's this punishment?" Sanji was asking them his eyes rolling at the beginning.
"It is a simple matter. Pay 10 times the immigration fee. If you lay the fee immediately, your crime will be written straight off. 10,000,000,000 extol per person. So that's 80,000,000,000 for all eight of you." He had explained like it was simple but the problem was...
"8-80,000,000,000? J-Just how much is an extol in beli!?" They had all looked to Luna since she knew quite a bit about the White Sea
"What is 1 beli in our sea would equal up to 10,000 extol here. Which would mean that we would pay 8,000,000 beli for 80,000,000,000 extol." Luna had explained to them all since she knew of the currency difference.
"That's too much!" Sanji had lost it after dropping his cigarette from his mouth. "I could buy tons of rice with that! Why do we have to lay such a ridiculous amount after rushing our lives to get up here!? It's unacceptable!" He had raged on.
"What are you saying? You should have just paid the original 800,000 beli immigration fee at the gate." Captain Mckinley had stated to them
"That's still too expensive!" He snapped back at him.
"Let me warn you that we, the White Berets, act under direct orders from the Priests. Refusal will increase the severity of your punishment."
"Alright, forget it. Leave them be." As Captain Mckinley was speaking the crew had gathered together. "At any rate... I'm worried that something might happen to Nami if we don't find her soon." Sanji was telling them going on about how she could be crying her eyes out.
"Yeah, let's get going!" Luffy was in completely in agreement.
"You're not think about her!" Usopp snapped since she was clearly the second on his mind. But as they were ignoring Captain Mckinley, his temper was beginning to lose patients.
"Yosh! Since the winds changed, let's go adventuring!" Luffy had shouted but then... "No, I mean search for Nami!" He had corrected himself.
"Oi, oi, Luffy!" Usopp had ran up to him and grabbed his shoulders.
"W-What's wrong, Usopp? What's up?" But he was confused to why the long nose was acting like that.
"Well, if Nami's only out for a little walk, she should be back soon." He had answered completely calmed down saying that they would miss her but leaving.
"A walk?" Luffy had repeated
"She's been out too long for just a walk." Chopper had spoken out to him which Usopp had then ran over to cover his mouth,
"Get it!? Luffy's just using Nami as an excuse to go adventuring in the Land Where God Resides!" Usopp was telling him since he didn't realise it.
"Indeed." Robin had agreed,
"He's set on going." Zoro had stated.
"She's just an excuse." Luna repeated the same thing.
"Exactly. That's what I'm saying! She said that incurring God's wrath is a terrible thing, didn't she?" Usopp had gone up to the three of them whispering, reminding them of what Conis had told them before.
"Then, What should we do?" Chopper had looked up to them asking.
"We won't get into any more trouble than we're already in and wait until Nami comes back. This is Nami we're talking about here! She's probably got 8,000,000 beli lying around she could lend us! " Usopp had tried to tell the others but the problem was that he was talking about a woman that was a money pincher.
"What were you discussing just now?" Captain Mckinley had began to approach them asking. "That reminds me... if an illegal entrants cannot be found... they will be treated as an escaped criminal."
"W-W-Wait! Wait a sec!" Usopp had shouted running over to him. "She'll be back really soon! Then we can lay you the full amount! You'll find us quite reasonable people! Just take it easy and wait." He had then ran back over to the others, "Luffy, Listen here! Don't do anything uncalled for or you'll make Nami angry! Understand? Okay? Just wait."
"Only for a bit." Luffy seemed to have given up... for now.
"Sanji, you too." Usopp had turned to the cook, who just grunted. "Well then, everyone! You are dismissed for the time being!"
"Shall we have tea over there, Robin, Luna?" Sanji was asking steering both women to the shelter.
"Sure." They had both answered, Robin in a delight voice while Luna's was in a flat one. Zoro had then headed for a tree where he had sat against.
"Things seem okay for now..." Usopp was muttering to himself and then began walking over to Chopper. "Oi, Chopper! How about we go fishing?" He had asked the little reindeer,
"Yeah, that'll be great!" Chopper was all for it.
"Conis, is there any place we can fish around here?" Usopp turned to her asking.
"Yes, close by. I'll show you where it is." She had answered him and began walking off with both of them following after her.
"Hurry up and fix it~! I wanna ride it soon!" Luffy had completely forgotten about the time he fell off instantly and that he wanted to go to Upper Yard. However...
"That Waver right there... it seems to be broken." Captain Mckinley has pointed at the Waver that Pagaya was back to looking at. "If That is your doing, it is a Class-10 crime. Destruction of Sky Island property by Blue Sea dwellers, that is." Hearing him say that, Luna began to feel that something was right.
"No, no! I'm sorry. This is actually their property." Pagaya was informing the captain.
"That's right! It's mine!" Luffy shouted at him.
"Their property? That's quite suspicious. There should not be any Wavers on the Blue Sea." Captain Mckinley was saying as he had taken the steering pose moving it. "If this was stolen from Sky Island, then it would be a Class..."
"Shut up already! Before I kick your ass!" Luffy snapped, getting sick of hearing all the stuff about class crimes.
"Kick my ass...?" Usopp, who had head it from all the way where he was had sprinted over to them.
"Y-You heard nothing! You're the one wrong here, Luffy!" He had grabbed and dragged Luffy back to Chopper. Time moved fastly after that point and it was relaxing despite being watched.
"Now this is nice. These seats are so cushiony." Sanji had throw his hands up behind his head, with Robin and Luna reading on either side of him. Zoro was away sleeping like he alway did with Suu beside him as for the three idiots...
"It's a huge one...!" Usopp was having difficulties welding a fish in, however, the last time that happened it wasn't all that big.
"Don't let it get away, Usopp!" Chopper had wrapped his arms around the boy's leg.
"It's about to get away!" He had shouted back to him.
"Luffy, hurry!" Chopper shouted over to him.
"Oh! Leave it to me!" Luffy had grabbed onto the rode from behind and now the three of them were trying to pull in the fish. It was moving all over the place until finally
"IT'S A BIG ONE!" They had pulled it up and unlike last time it wasn't small but big enough to swollen but the line snapped and the three of them were rolling backwards down the hill they were on. The fish on the other hand was heading right for Conis which didn't give much time to think as Zoro had leaped over to her as he pulled out his sword and had used the back of his blade to his it.
"What the hell is that?" Usopp asked looking at the now crying fish. "Another funky fish..."
"It was about to eat Conis!" Chopper had said shocked.
"So this is another type of Skyfish?" Zoro had asked looking at it.
"Ah, Excuse me." The three of them had turned to Pagaya that spoke. "My sincere thanks for saving Conis." He told them but
"Father, that fish..." Conis had caused her father to look at the fish now,
"This is most distressing..." he had said that and then next thing they knew
"Well, well." Captain Mckinley was walking towards the group. "This Skyfish is a rare species. Its capture is prohibited. You have violated the law protecting rare species! That is a Class-9 crime." He had shouted at them.
"What makes it a crime!? Zoro saved Conis' life!" Chopper had shouted at him since it was unfair. But it only make Captain Mckinley chuckle but now Luna was beginning to see that it wasn't just her thinking, something really was off about this.
"Zoro, did you finish it off?" Usopp turned to the Swordsman asking.
"Hit it with the back of my sword." He had answered.
"That's good! Then if we release it, there's no harm done, right?" Usopp had kicked it and the fish work up. "Yosh! Look at that: he's just fine!"
"Looks tasty!" Luffy was drawl over it,
"W-Wait, Luffy! Don't do it!" Usopp was shouting try to block his away because he knew what the rubber head was thinking. However, it didn't matter because he had bit down on the fish.
"You cannot deny trying to eat it! Tantamount to theft- that is a Class-8 crime!" It was clear that he was delighted about it.
"It's so tough I can't eat it!" Luffy was completely oblivious to what was happening around him.
"That's enough! Move it, Luffy!" Usopp had ripped him off is it. "Oi, Skyfish! Scurry back into the sea before you get eaten! You're free to go!" He was holding onto Luffy and it began to bounce away. However, Usopp had to worry about something else now
"Standing around here listening to this guy go on and on about all these bullshit crimes is pissing me off." Zoro was getting ready to draw his sword again. "If he doesn't cut it out...!"
"Wait! Wait, Zoro! Don't be so rash!" Usopp had stepped in his way.
"Your behaviour just now was quite threatening. Such behaviour is commensurate to a Class-7 crime!" It was clear that this was all nothing but pointless crimes that he was spouting.
"That wasn't a threat or anything! Zoro was just going to say 'cut it out or I'll laugh'." Usopp was still trying to reason with him. And coming up with excuses.
"Isn't it funny." Luna's voice had spoken up from behind Captain Mckinley
"What is?" Causing him to step back and turn to her. He was wondering where she had suddenly come from.
"No matter what we do, you find fault in it. It's almost like... You're purposely trying to make our crime higher then they needs to be." When she had said that, Usopp had freaked out.
"Luna!" He had ran over to her and dragged her to the others. "Don't say things that'll make it worse!" He whispered to her.
"Luna's right! We can't do anything with them around!" Chopper had shouted at him which seemed to have given someone an idea.
"I got it! We shouldn't do anything! Let's take a nap!" Usopp had come up with making a pillow out of clouds. "Let's all just take a nap." He had fell asleep which it seemed to work on the guys as they were all asleep. Luna was only looking down at them, eyes empty as if she were looking at bugs. It also didn't help that they were snoring.
"Making such a contemptuous sound on the serene Angel Beach... you are guilty of environmental pollution. Your charge has now been upgraded to a Class-6 crime!" They only got a bigger crime
"Oi! You can't even snore?" Usopp's head had shot up while asking that. Even he was starting to get annoyed.
"Ahh, What the hell?! I'm gonna kick the shit out if this Old Believer Guy!" Luffy was shouting pointing at Captain Mckinley.
"Shall we?" Zoro was all in for it as he got ready his sword.
"W-Wait! Oi, Stop right there!" Usopp was still trying to stop them even when it's clear that Captain Mckinley was doing all this just to upgrade the crimes. "Calm down, Luffy, Zoro! Understand? You've heard of snails, right?"
"WAIT A MINUTE!!" A familiar voice had shouted.
"Ah! Nami, you're safe~!" Sanji was shouting out to the see where they had all turned to see Nami heading for the shore on the Waver.
"Luffy, don't make those guys mad!" She was shouting over the sound of the Dials
"But this guys being a...!" Luffy had started shouting.
"Nami! Use your money to pay the 8,000,000 beli illegal entrance fee!" Usopp had shouted curing him off.
"That great! So this can be settled if we pay a fine!" It was surprising that she actually agreed to it, at least... "8,000,000 beli... that's..." The Waver had picked up its speed.
"... TOO DAMN EXPENSIVE!!" And it had been crashed into Captain McKinley's face, sending him flying.
"Shot! In my anger over that ridiculous sum of money, I accidentally...!" Nami had realised what she had done,
"Oi!" Both Zoro and Usopp had said to her,
"That was to be expected." Luna wasn't even the slightest be surprised when Nami did that.
"C-CAPTAIN!" Captain Mckinley had become unconscious after impacting the stones belong to the base of the shelter.
"Ah, Pagaya! Thanks for the Waver. It was really fun." Nami had brought Pagaya back his Waver and acting like she did just wam the face of the captain of the White Berets.
"No, it was nothing. I'm sorry." He had sounded like he forget to but it didn't last long. "More importantly, you are in quite a predicament!"
"Everybody, let's run for it!" Nami had shouted to them after seeing all the men had began to try and wake up their captain,
"Why!? Aren't you gonna finish the fight you started!?" Luffy was shouting as he asked.
"This guy they call 'God' is not someone we should mess with!" She had responded to him
"By the way, what kind of crime did she commit just now?" Zoro was asking out of curiosity.
"Most likely obstruction of a public servant, a Class-5 crime." Pagaya answered him which only made the crime charges escalate even further.
"Good. It's only a Class-5." Usopp seemed satisfied with that, however
"It's not good!" Conis had shouted at him. "If you commit a Class-5 crime... then in the name of God Enel, you will be sentenced to Cloud-drifting." She explained to the crew that had once again gathered together.
"What's that? Cloud-drifting sounds like fun!"
"It's not! It's a death sentence!" Conis informed them and that had caused Nami, Usopp and Chopper to begin sweating buckets of sweat.
"He's out cold." Zoro pointed out the obvious as blood was running out of his nose. "But, a death sentence in Godland seems kind of redundant?" He said which made sense since God is supposed to be kind and forgiving.
"It's true! It really happens!" Conis had shouted at him in response. "Cloud-drifting is when a ship is set upon a piece of Sky Cloud. It drifts through the sky endlessly, until everyone on board has perished. It's a death sentence!"
"I see. So that's how that ship fell out of a clear sky." Robin had finally pieced together the mystery behind the St Bliss.
"What do you mean, Robin?" Usopp slightly walked over to her asking.
"She means the St Bliss that fell on us." Luna had been the one to speak up. "It's most likely that 200 years ago, the same thing had happened to the crew on that ship." The memories of that moment flashed before Usopp's eyes and he turned purple. "Is that all? I thought it would be more interesting, but it's a disappointment." It was unsure how much calm Luna can be but there had to be limits.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Nami, Usopp and Chopper had all lost it with her yelling that there is so much that she can be nonchalant about.
"HEY, YOU PUNKS!" The sudden yelling of men had caused them to turn to the White Berets that were still here.
"Do you have any idea what you've done to the Captain!?" One of them was shouting,
"What'd you say?" Sanji was ready to lose it at them,
"Ah! Sanji, hold on..." until Nami had stepped in which he was happy to do. "Please don't get so upset. That was just a reflex..."
"A REFLEX!?" She wasn't really helping her case,
"I mean, how do you say it... unintentionally..."
"UNINTENTIONALLY!?" But the more she spoke the worse it become.
"Ah, that! You know... it was like an accident..."
"That's right, an accident! It was all an accident!" She had decided to go with that story and began to go on about how hard it was to control a Waver and that it was her first time today. Saying that she was a klutz and beginners should definitely get away from such difficult things
"You were having a great time, riding that thing so smoothly." Luffy had to be honest which earned her a death glare.
"Oi, Luffy! Nami's got things under control with this accident story, so keep your mouth shut!" Usopp had grabbed him around the neck and whispered.
"Really?" Luffy was asking not sure about that.
"Um, I'm sorry." Pagaya had stepped in between Nami and the White Berets. "I think we should treat Captain Mckinley as soon as possible. I'm sorry again." He had told them.
"TH-THAT'S RIGHT! CAPTAIN MCKINLEY!" They were all flipping out.
"Then, let's carry him up to my house." He had suggested to them,
"Really appreciate your cooperation. Heso!" They had put Captain Mckinley onto a stretcher. "The eight of you stay there and don't move! UNDERSTAND!? Captain...!" I just like they arrived they began crawling off with Pagaya.
"There they go crawling again... just carry the guy already." Sanji was saying as they left.
"I know that you are not bad people. So please, hurry back home!" Before running off after them Conis shouted at them.
"O-Oi!" Usopp had tried calling out to stop her but she was already gone
"We should listen to her. I saw it with my own eyes. An Island filled with terrifying people!" Nami had turned around shouting and explainin.
"So you did to go to that forbidden holy place." Zoro had said as both Usopp and Chopper were pale.
" The place we must never, ever set foot?" Luffy was sparkling with excitement and the thoughts of terrifying people that made him even more excited.
"No more for you!" Luffy had covered his ears trying to stop him from hearing anymore.
"I'm not sure if their God's or guerillas, but I am sure they're nothing but trouble! Anyway we're leaving! Right now!" Nami had shouted to them.
"Parting With Conis breaks my heart... But is Nami says so~!" Sanji was sighing as he spoke.
"As long as we're here, those two will be in serious trouble!" She had then told them.
"She's right! If they're mistaken for our accomplices, their lives will be ruined! So, if we leave by ourselves, we won't cause them any more trouble. Alright?" Usopp was also agreeing with her statement but it was unsure if it was because he was worried for the two of them or for himself. "Yosh! Let's head back! Let's go!" With that all decided, Usopp, Chopper, Robin and Luna were all already on the Going Merry with Zoro and Sanji heading for her now, however, they had come to a stop.
"What are you doing, Luffy?" When Nami had asked her captain as he was just standing there looking back to the house of Pagaya and Conis.
"What are we running away?" He had asked her.
"Because we're in danger!" Nami had answered shouting at him,
"Aren't we always in danger?" But he did have a point since after Luffy got a bounty they had been hungered none stop and then combined that with Alabasta there was no need to say anything more.
"But, this is just about us. We might get those two arrested too!" She shouted out him again, trying to make him understand but he didn't.
"But they didn't do anything wrong. Arresting them is what would be wrong."
"You've got a point, but..." little did they know that it was too late.
"How long do we gotta wait? Hurry up!" Usopp was whispering loudly to them.
"How many times do I have to tell you!? It's too dangerous here! Not just for us, but for them too!" Nami had ran to stand in front of Luffy shouting even louder then before.
"There's danger no matter where we go." He had said looking off in the distance.
"Pleas run away!" Conis' voice had shouted and that was when they all saw that Conis and Pagaya were surrounded by the White Berets. "Hurry!"
"Crap!" Nami whispered under her breath.
"That's enough, young lady. Know that if you try to aid these criminals, you two will suffer grave consequences as well." Captain Mckinley had glared over to them both stating. "At any rate, for repeatedly directly abusive language towards us, and for obstruction of a public servant... These Class-5 criminals are  sentence to cloud-drifting!" It had been decided.
"But I told you that was an accident! Jeez... hurry!" Nami had grabbed Luffy's hand and was about to make a run for it,
"ARREST THEM!" They had pulled out bow and arrows.
"Please run away!" Conis had shouted to them saying that they can't fight them. "Fire!" But they weren't going to listen. "Milky Arrow!" When they had fired the bows, it creates a spiral stream of cloud.
"Go on ahead, Nami!" Luffy had pulled his arm back.
"Okay!" And she began running for the ship. While the arrows had head right for Luffy he had dodged them but they had created a large amount of obstructions to restrict his movements.
"What the hell is this?!" He had tried to climb up them only to have to duck his head from more being fired.
"Charge... White Berets!" They had began to surf on the cloud streams, confusing Luffy as one was heading right for him.  He had leaped up and grabbed onto one of the streams above but the White Berets were chuckling.
"What? How're you doing that?" Luffy was asking them but they only pulled out swords.
"Get him!" And started charging for him again. Since Luffy was made of rubber bullets won't work on him, however, swords on the other hand did, which was the reason he was running. At least he was trying to but he was on clouds so his feet were sinking into it.
"It's so fluffy I cant run!" The White Berets began shooting for all over the once trying to cut him down.
"Watch out!" Conis shouted after one of them was above Luffy,
"How foolish. Trying to escape from us." Captain Mckinley was saying it was then when the White Berets had gathered and lined up in a single stream,
"So that's it! A skate type, huh?" It was surprising that he actually knew about it or at least remembered. "Pretty neat!" They had then began heading right for him. "You guys have some pretty cool stuff?" They had attacked without hesitation however, when they blades hit nothing but air they were completely stunned. Luffy had Stretched his right arm around a near by tree and sent himself flying away.
"What the...? What the hell is he?" The White Berets were in shock as seeing what had happened,
"His arm... His arm stretched!" But they weren't the only ones, both Conis and Pagaya were gasping. It was as if they've never seen a Devil Fruit before.
"Gum Gum..." Luffy's body began to spins around rapidly. He then stretches and wraps himself in his own arms and legs like a rubber ball
"Impossible....! The Devil's Fruit!?" Captain Mckinley was shouting in shocked as he knew what it was
"...Fireworks!" When the rubber rebounds and the 'ball' is unwrapped he unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks of increased speed, that go in every direction due to his fists and feet bouncing back and forth. All the White Berets, including Captain Mckinley were sent of flying all but one that had pointed an arrow at Luffy. But both Zoro and Sanji dealt with him.
"By the way... Nami! What's our financial situation right now?" Zoro had put his swords away as he had asked.
"50,000 beli left. Usually, that only enough to last us one or two days." She had explained back to him.
"Why are we so poor? As your captain, I have to tell you. You need to be more careful about how you spend our money!" Luffy was shouting but the reason they were so poor was because of him and his stomach.
"IT ALL GOES TOWARD FEEDING YOU!" But when Sanji had shouted that to him he was stunned.
"Yosh! It seems my idea to use Formation B was a success." Usopp was taking the credit where there really no point in taking it.
"The White Berets..." Pagaya had stated saying.
"They beat them... I thought people from the Blue Sea were supposed to find strenuous exercise difficult here." It would be true for any other from the Blue Sea but this crew were all just monsters.
"Hey Coward, it seemed that your Formation B just backed fired." Luna had spoken, pointing into the small forest where Captain Mckinley was badly injured but laughing.
"You fools! Completely idiots! There's no going back now!" He had shouted to Luffy and the others, "You should have just obedient followed our orders! The White Berets are the most gentle and understanding of all the guardians in Godland. But they... will not be so forgiving!" Nami had gasped hearing that because she knew who he was talking about. "You are now Class-2 criminals! Beg and plead all you want... The Priests of Upper Yard... will be the ones to judge you!" Captain Mckinley was laughing none stop as he shouted. It was after that the others had made it back to shore as the White Berets began to crawl backwards away from them.
"What's with them?" Luffy was asking annoyed.
"More importantly... we've been marked!" Nami shouted, reminding them of what the old woman Amazon had told them they may pass. "Now we're here and they're calling it illegal entry!? That's fraud! I should beat the hell outta her!" She was right about that.
"Got that right! And we won't mention the part where we would've gone through even if she said we couldn't." Usopp was right about that as well.
"You shut up!" Causing her to snap at him.
"Nevertheless, this is certainly a terrible predicament. As you are now Class-2 criminals, we... cannot be of help!" Pagaya was saying from a far way away with Conis and Suu.
"Why is it that you're talking from so far away?" Luna had asked them since she really didn't see the point in it.
"Well, it doesn't really matter. We're used to being wanted." Luffy didn't seem to have a problem with it as he was laughing. "By the way... why'd you come back?" He had turn to Nami asking it's not only seem to have use her but Tessa off slightly. "We were just about to set off for the that island we must never set foot on to have a great adventure- No, I mean... to look for you!" He had quickly backtrack but it was already too late.
"I can see right through you." She had used her hand to peak him like a bird in the forehead. "WHAT great adventure!? Didn't you hear me!?" She had did again and again, Chopper had this point I got in so scared that he ran behind Sanji for protection which he didn't seem to mind. "There are cruel, murderous people on that island! Didn't see them so you have NO right to say that! I don't know whether it was God or not but that horrifying, insurmountable power was real!" She had continue her rampage. "I am not going back! Not to that island!" Luffy fell to the ground
"Okay, we'll go, and you can wait here." Luffy still hadn't given up on the idea.
"No! They'll come after me!" Shut up responding and the ordered that they were leaving this land.
"Leaving!? Bullshit!" Luffy had stretched his neck to get his face into hers. "What's more important, adventure or your life!?" He was asking as if there was no other choice
"MY LIFE! Followed by my money!" She shoved his head into the sand cloud.
"Followed by me?" Sanji had gone up to her only to end up like his captain
"Wait, That's right! We are in such a hurry to get to Sky Island... we never thought about how to get back down." They had all turned to Luna at that point.
"I only know that the way back is the same way here, through the High West. However, that would mean that you would all most likely die." She had explained to them being honest, which seemed to have turned the normal three pale.
"Hey, is there any safe way to get back? Can we get back to the Blue Sea?" Usopp had turned and asked Conis and Pagaya that had walked back over to them.
"I can't really call it safe given you situation, but... there is another way. You must go to the edge of the cloud, Cloud End." Conis had answered but Luna felt that there was something off.
"Cloud End? How do we get there?" Usopp had then asked her, which had said that it lied far east of the cloud and that the way to get there was to descend to the White Sea. "Yosha! So we can get back to our own Sea that way, eh?"
"No. I'm not going back..." Luffy still refused and wish to go to Upper Yard.
"Hey, did you wanna stay here and be executed?" Usopp had turned to him asking.
"Anyway, you'd just cause trouble for Conis and her father!" Nami shouted at him,
"Oh, he's no trouble..." Conis had tried to speak up.
"Well, even if we run for it, we might not be able to escape from those guys. If that's the case, it doesn't matter where we stay. They know where we are, so we have to get a move on." But it seemed that Nami didn't hear as she spoke. "Okay guys! Let's set sail!" She began heading for the ship
"Aye..." with the other following after her.
"Conis, Pagaya, thanks for everything!" Nami was waving as they were leaving until
"Oh, yeah!" Luffy had shouted coming to a stop.
"Wait, Luffy!" She tried to stop him but..
"Oi, old man!" He had already called out to Pagaya.
"What is it?"
"Can we take the rest of the food you gave us earlier?" Luffy had ran up to him asking.
"Yes, of course you may." He had responded.
"Sweet! Sanji, lunch box!" Luffy had waved him over shouting with excitement.
"Nothing gets by him." Sanji could only sigh since it was normal.
"In that case, there's something I've been meaning to ask. Pagaya, you're an engineer, right? Can I bum some ship-repair materials off of you?" Even now Usopp was asking for a favour that would extend their stay.
"Yes, Yes, that would be fine. They're at my house." The six of them began heading up to the house once again as Zoro, Chopper, Robin and Luna didn't seem all that dazed as they were heading for the ship again.
"Hey! Where are you going!?" Nami on the other hand was shouting to them.
"I'm gonna get some food! You guys, get the ship ready for an adventure!" Luffy had showers back in response were pointing towards the ship is this only seems to anger Nami, but it didn't matter to them.
"He still wants to go! It's really scary there!" She had turned to the other four that were heading for the ship.
"So what? I don't care either way!" Zoro was the only  one that had stopped and responded, then told her not to take it out on him.
"Chopper~!" It became clear that Nami had called out to him as he was most scared of her. He had completely frozen in place when she called. "You're on my side, RIGHT?" While they were chatting away, using her Devil Fruit, Robin climbed onto deck as for Luna, she merely leaped onto it without even trying.
"Don't threaten him!" Zoro walked passed grunting which seemed to have freed  the little guy, who had then ran for the anchor that he climbed on
"Heavy Point!" His appearance had changed into a human-like one with the height. In this form, nearly all of Chopper's reindeer physical characteristics are gone. Only Chopper's blue nose and parts of his fur remain. It was only for a few seconds thathe was like that before changing back because he only never it to jump onto the side railing of the Merry.
"I was just about to put down the ladder." Robin chucked at seeing the little reindeer with the ladder in hand, which she had then throw over for Zoro and Nami to climb up on.
"Don't you get it? You can't convince Luffy." Zoro was already up on deck as he spoke back to Nami, whi was climbing up the ladder. "Even if we all told him together, he won't listen." He was waving it off while walking down the stairs heading right for the mast.
"Fine. Then I'm not coming!" She had said in response, only leaning on the rails as she were on the rope ladder, waiting for his response.
"Yeah, do that." But it wasn't what she wanted to hear .
"'Do that'!?" She climbed onto deck and stomped over so that she could see him. "I'd be killed by those maniacs!"
"Well, do that then." Zoro had sat up again the mast, hugging his swords before he had instantly went to sleep.
"Why you..." Nami was about to lose it again but calmed down for a second, "Robin? Luna? Could the three of us take down Luffy?" She turned to both woman asking.
"That's impossible." Was Robin's reply.
"I could by myself, but I just don't care." Had been Luna's as she had her arms crossed looking away.
"I suppose we're just going to end up fending off whoever comes after us." It had appeared she given up. "Those White Berets must be gathering more of their friends to pursue us again." Little did they know that it wasn't it at all. Robin had began to pull up the rope ladder but stopped once she saw Conis beside theship.
"Excuse me, I have something to tell you." She had said up to the half of the crew onto ship causing Robin to drop the ladder again.
"There's a special cloud current to to take us to the White Sea?" Nami had echoed back after hearing Conic explain about the current.
"Yes, by riding it, you can quickly cross this expanse of sea to the White Sea. Then you should be able to reach Cloud End without any problem." Hearing that, Nami had become incredibly happy. "If you manage to get onto that current, It is unlikely anyone will be able to follow you."
"We just have to keep it a secret from Luffy and get the Going Merry onto that current!" Nami's eyes were sparkling at the thought of them escaping this place. But the two others beside here were slightly leaning away from her, sweat falling down their faces.
"By the time he realises it, it'll be too late, huh?" Chopper had guessed correctly.
"Although whether he gives up or not afterwards is a different story." Robin had spoken the truth because Luffy was a stubborn person by nature. But now Nami was glaring at the woman and since Chopper was in the middle he was a little more then tense.
"I can guide you to the entry point using our Waver." Conis had stated.
"Well, we just need to pull it off without that idiot catching on. I can do that pretty well." Nami was saying with completely confidence since it wasn't that hard to fool Luffy.
"Well then, please raise you anchor and wait here."
"Okay. We're indebted to you, Conis!"
"Oh, it's nothing..." When she said that, two members of the crew noticed the stiffness of her smile and the sweat slightly falling down her cheek. It was clear to them that she was incredibly nervous.
"Bye, Conis!" Nami had shouted to her after she had gotten off the ship. She was waving along with Chopper and Robin.
"Heso!" And then Conis had left the ship after bowing. Nami had turned back around with her arms crossed and a giant grin across her face,
"We can finally see a ray of hope!" She had shouted with joy. She was saying that with everything that's happened she wondered what they would be doing.
"But, does that current really exist?"Robin had asked stomping on her parade.
"Huh?" Nami had responded
"I agree with Nico Robin. Don't you think if such a thing existed then the world would know that sky island exist?" Luna, who had been quiet all these time spoke. She had her arms crossed as she was looking down at the deck.
"Oh, come on. They said that they rarely get people who make it all the way up here in the first place." Nami was trying to wave the statements aside, saying that made sense but all most none of them got away.
"And even then, most of them probably weren't fast enough before someone caught them." Chopper had then said stretching out his arms.
"He's right. If you don't quit while you're ahead, you end up dead." she smiled at the two woman and then said they such get ready to sail and weigh the anchor before she ran off. "Chopper, use that Heavy ball and do the hard work!" She had shouted to him.
"It's Heavy Point." He tried to correct her only to have it blow up in his face.
"And wake up Zoro!" She pressed him to do the most difficult task there was.
"That's impossible." Robin had told her.
"Do you have a death wish?" And Luna had asked.
"It's okay. I can do it myself!" The cheerful reindeer said up to both woman
"If we don't hurry, we'll be wasting Conis' kindness." The navigator had told them but
"Kindness...? Yeah right." Luna didn't see it that way at all as she watch Conis climbing up the stairs to her home.
"Heavy Point!" Chopper had changed and began to pull up the anchor. It was in that moment that bubbles from the sea had caused Luna to look below. She was leaning over the rails as the bubbles were coming from near the aft deck. That was when Nami came our from below deck with a shirt on and rain up to the front deck with the others.
"Now as soon as Luffy and the others get back..." she said wiping the sweat from her face. "Yosh!"
"Yosh!" They had no idea that something was coming, Luna had seemed to be the only that noticed it.
"Oi, you lot..." But just when she was about to inform them it was too late. Something had shot out from the clouds causing the ship to shake wildly.
"Chopper!" Nami shouted to the reindeer that lost his balanced and fell off and ended up smashing his hit into the railing of the stairs. "What happened!?"
"This is why you shouldn't trust people." Luna had stood there with her arms crossed. But the statement seemed to have confused her as she looked at the cold blue eyes belonging to the woman that spoke.
"What the hell's going on!?" The shaking had awoken Zoro from his sleep.
"Maybe we're on the current already!" Chopper was saying as if it was possible because the ship began taking off as if it were being dragged.
"Wait a minute... what's going on?" Nami was still in panic mood as she was trying to hold herself up. "What is that?"
"Did we get onto that current thing?" Zoro was asKing while jumping onto one of the broken wings to get a better look.
"Don't be ridiculous. We're clearly being abducted." Luna was saying as she pointed out to a strange red horn following them in the water, but it didn't take long before they found out who the horn belonged to. It was a giant red lobster that had placed its claws on the wings of the Merry. "You don't see that every day."
"Don't be so calm!" Nami ended up snapping at her since she was more panicked then before.
"Where's it taking us!"" Zoro had pulled out one of his sword and stabbed it down so that he wouldn't lose his balance. He had then shouted at the others to jump of the ship saying that they can still make it back
"But what about the ship!? If it takes the ship..." Chopper had shouted asking.
"Don't worry! I'll stay here!"
"You can't... what are you going to do by yourself!?" Nami was now shouting at him asking.
"I'll think of something!" With saying that, he had leaped of the ship sword in mouth and landed on the lobster where he had then pulled out the two remaining swords, it was clear they He was going to try and slice it, which he did. He did it over and over again but it seemed pointless, with no sign of effect he had pulled them back. "Didn't work..." but just when he said that part of the shell had cracked. "Now we're getting somewhere." While the others were distracted by the stupidity Robin noticed something in the clouds behind them. "Yosh, this'll work." He was about to pull out his swords again when...
"Unfortunately, I don't think that will help." He had stopped hearing Robin speak and turned to see her throwing the rope ladder down. "Come back up!"
"What?" He glared up at her.
"Even if you succeed, there are others that will come from behind." When she had told him that, Luna pointed behind them where they all could see a bunch of large Humongous that were Skyfish.
"With their mouths open like that, it's clear that they plan to eat who ever ends up in the clouds." Luna had noticed them before as well, it was clear that they didn't have much opposition but to let the lobster take them. "However, beating them won't do us any good either because there is probably more. In the end, it appears that it's pointless to fight back. This is Heaven's Judgement." She had spoken, but she spoke as if it wasn't all that big of deal.
"Heaven's Judgement, Eh? Instead of coming after him he's calling us fourth, cunning bastard." Zoro was right about that.
"Then..." Nami had collapsed. "We have to go to that island?" She was in completely shock unable to forget what she saw, "LUFFY! USOPP! SANJI!" She needed up screaming as they where heading for Upper Yard. What exactly was going to happen to them? Were they heading for death?

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