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With everything have being said and done, the others had began moving upon Luna's orders. It turned out that even though the outside was strong, the inside wasn't. Or to be more precise the power source wasn't. As long as the destroyed it will be useless, however, it would create a huge explosion that would destroy the entire island and everything with 20km of it. Which was why they had go inside of it. The crew, excluding Luffy, had split up into three groups. Nami and Franky as one, that would head to the Thousand Sunny getting ready for a quick escape. The second was made of up of Robin and Chopper who had taken all those within the castle and that off the land that was up top. And the last was made up of Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, and Luna that had headed into the cannon. "A-A-Are you sure this won't go off while we're inside?" Usopp was shaking with clinging onto Zoro all frightened.
"It needs someone to activated from the outside." Luna stated to them, and since everyone besides had been taken care of there was no one to use the cannon.
"Is this it?" A large glowing crystal stood right in the center of the hollow insides.
"What is it?" Usopp couldn't help but be captivated but the bright light.
"It's called a Sleza. Think of it as a giant Magic crystalline substance." Luna had explained to the group as she began pulling out dynamite. "It can be powered up with different spells and used for different purposes. Like communication and such. But they can only be used by Demons." She handed the sticks to them
"Too bad." Sanji thought it would be interesting to use such a thing, while walking over to one side of the cannon walls filled with dynamite in hand.
"That's for sure." Zoro had gone to the opposite side with more dynamite.
"Don't any of you care that we might die!?" Usopp was in tears sticking dynamite to the walls. It wasn't before all along when the entire war had been covered in dynamite and all had been connected by a string.
"That should do it." Luna had placed the last dynamite onto the Sleza.
"Are you sure this work?" Sanji had asked after it was all done
"To be honest?" She nodded after being asked that back to her. "I can't be a hundred percent sure." She explained to the others that were looking at her.
"Magic isn't exactly a science. So when you trying to destroy the Sleza, the magics has to go somewhere." Luna tried to explain it so that they would understand. "Hopefully it shoots up into the as it have nowhere else to go."
"And if not?" She looked to Zoro that asked, however, she didn't answer as they began running out from the cannon, with the the string following right behind them
"Wait! What about the people in the village below!?" Usopp had come to remember about them.
"There's no need to worry. I have already informed of this might happen. So they should have left." And since they had wings it would make things a lot easier for them.
"So how long will we have to get out of here?" Zoro asked as they came out of the castle
"Five minutes." Luna had answered without hesitation, however
"Seriously!?" It seemed someone began freaking out.
"Yeah, that's why you're here." She turned to Usopp who was sweating.
"I see. You want Usopp to fire the bird thing when we're far away." Sanji had come to realise and when the made it outside the string was dropped as the Sunny had come in sight.
"Come on guys!" Nami was shouting from the deck where Robin and Chopper beside her telling the group to hurry. However, the sound of a battle had caused all to turn where vines were shouting up high into the sky.
"Stop moving!" Zoro had snapped at Usopp who had stopped as the other three were still running and when only a meter away from the Sunny.
"Coward, do it now!" Luna shouted at him.
"Special Attack!" He had pulled back his Kabuto as he had turned to the castle. "Fire Bird Star!" Where the fire nord. had taken off and Luna grabbed ahold of Zoro, Sanji and him with them on her shoulder she jumped onto the Sunny in on leap.
"Franky!" Nami turned to the cyborg.
"Alright!" Who had grabbed hold of the lever beside the helm. "Coup de..." A large amount of air began to gather behind the ship. "...Burst!" (Wind Burst, French) a giant cannon downward rocketing the ship into the air. Which was only a few seconds before the castle had exploded due to the dynamite and a large light had blasted off into the sky.
"Hold on!" Which was what everyone did. The explosion had caused and after effect that sent a strong wind heading right for the Sunny. Even as the sails weren't unfurl the ship was sent spinning around us of control. However, the entire ship began to glow crimson which had everyone turn to Luna, who was bent down on the deck with sweat rolling down her face along with blood from her eyes.
"Shut up." She stoped him from breaking her concentration as the ship had become steady. And with that the ship fell onto the ocean without any issues, while the island...
The island still stood but the tree... the tree that stood high began to come crashing down as the sun shined brightly down into it, due to the light blast cleared all the dark clouds that covered. All that was left had been the one that stayed behind to take carry of the one behind it all. "Luffy..." although the crew had fate in their captain, it still was
But the screams from above had all looking up, which was were they saw someone with s Strawhat flying right for the Sunny, where he had crashed into deck. A large cloud of dust that had shot up began to clear where
"Luffy!?" They saw the boy's head stuck in the deck.
"Wait, let us help." Usopp had walked over to him, only with Chopper that changed into Heavy Point where they both grabbed onto him. Which he had been pulled out but was completely beaten pretty badly. But despite all of that.
"Did you see? I won! Luna!" He shouted at her and in that moment, Luna seemed to have lost all of her strength and completely collapsed.
"Luna!" however, Zoro did managed to catch her. And everyone began surrounding them out of worry.

Leaving the island far behind them two days had passed. Everyone, but two people were out on deck. Chopper was in the girls' cabin where he was treating Luna. "I'm just glad, in any case. Your recovery is amazing, maybe because you're a demon. But you still take it easy." He had told the woman
"It's fine." Luna was telling him as she sat up on the bed, putting shoes on.

"If you want, I can write a book about medical treatment for demons?""Really!?" He got all excited about the thought of it

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"If you want, I can write a book about medical treatment for demons?"
"Really!?" He got all excited about the thought of it.
"Yeah." She stood up from the bed. "I need so fresh air though."
"Yeah? Okay. Then let's go. Everyone will be happy to see you." Chopper headed to the door with Luna right behind him, but not before she stopped in front of the dresser, where her pendent was. Looking down at it for a second she remembered her home with her eyes closed. And when they opened she grabbed onto it before heading to the door while placing it back on. "You guys! Luna's up!" Chopper had informed the others that were waiting.
"What?" They had gone excited as they looked as the woman was walking down the stairs.
"Luna~!" Sanji was spinning around in excitement.
"You're well already? That's a demon for ya." Franky stated looking at her while standing up.
"Yeah. I'll live." She stated.
"I'm glad your alright." Robin had to say relief.
"Yeah, same." Nami was beside her smiling.
"Take a lot more than that to take her out." Zoro stated with completely confidence.
"That's because she's an actual monster." Usopp had stated to him, which was completely normal for him to say but surprisingly he didn't seem all that scared. All were focused upon Luna until...
"I just realised something!" Luffy suddenly bursted out causing everyone to turn ti him. "You're a 300 year old hag!!" All eyes had widen in shock that he said that, but began to back away with
"You..." their heads turned back around to Luna who had her head lowered. "...really are those idiots son and grandson, aren't you?" Her eyes were glowing brightly as they stared Luffy down, before he was sent flying into the wall.
"Luffy!" Usopp and Chopper cried out to him.
"Oi! Don't damage the ship!" While Franky cried out for the Sunny.
"That's what he gets." Nami shrugged not surprised by Luna's actions as Robin chuckled agreeing with her.
"Scary Hag." Zoro said, which only had glowing eyes on him before he was along side Luffy on the ground.
"It doesn't matter how old you are Luna~! Your still lovely~!" It seemed that comment had appeared to be an insult because Sanji had joined the two of them.
"Listen here, you twits. My kind live for, at least, ten times longer then humans, in other words I'm in my late 20s by human stands."
"We're sorry!" She explained to them, but they were bother unconscious. The pendent around Luna's neck wasn't designed to seal her emotions, overwhelming negative emotions that would make her us control her ability. It meant that she could feel sad or anger, or even happy it was just that after losing everything she didn't have a reason to feel anything. All she needed to do was to make sure that the world didn't get thrown into chaos like during the Blank Century. However, thinking about it now, those words that her father said were probably the last gift he gave her. Because if not for them, she would have died a long time ago and never of met the people se can call friends that thawed out the heart that she froze so many decades ago.
"Thank you."

(I apologise if it wasn't all that good)

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