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At the bottom of the tree's roots sat a village that somehow, after becoming separated from each other and the Thousand Sunny for days, the crew had all found themselves at the village after being chased by beasts. The strangest thing about them with that in the matter what they did it wouldn't cause any damage towards them. And then when they ended up in the village, they found a group of people with the same crimson eyes as Luna. It wouldn't be strange of one or two people but every single person in the village. "So what's the plan?" Zoro looked to the captain that was sitting above them.
"Find Luna!" Of course, that was gonna be his answer.
"But where do we start?" Nami had been the one to ask.
"They said there was a castle on top of this island." Robin had stated looking to the piece of earth on the tree above.
"Yeah, even if we want you to, how do you suggest we get up there?" Usopp posed that question to her. It would be hard for Luffy to get up there but the others were different story.
"Since there's a water fall it means that a lake or river above, so we could get up there with a Coup de Burst." (Wind Burst, French) Franky had placed out there.
"Yeah, but the Sunny is gone." Sanji remained him of that, which seemed to have caused someone to cry.
"We just got back together and now both Luna and Sunny are gone." And that had been Chopper.
"Something emerging from the water!" Some of the villagers were shouting, which had caused the crew pulled out of self pity. And become on guard after being chased around the island by beast that were more like monsters then anything. However... it soon became clear that it was a person that was carrying someone.
"That's... Luna!" Chopper had noticed when the figures became clearer as they come closer.
"KARA!?" The villagers were shocked to see the girl in Luna's arms as they approached the land.
"Luna!" The crew had all ran to the large lake as she made it to the land.
"Oi, take me somewhere to place her." Luna ignored them, turning to one of the villagers.
"Y-Yes!" Who had began walking away with Luna following after, and she had the crew following after her. Making it to a hut, Kara had been placed on the bed, which left Luna alone beside the child as she was wrapping up the wing that had been injured. Until...
"" the little girl had stretched out her arm to Luna, which she toke.
"What is it?"
"S... S..." Kara was having difficulty speaking. "...Suzhdeniye..." But when she finally said it, Luna's eyes had widen.
"But you'll accept." His words flowed back into her mind. "You'll beg me to join us once you know." Everything was making sense. "There are favours I'm willing to do for my people." And upon release that, Luna had bursted out of the hut, walking off.
"O-Oi! Luna! Where are you going!?" The others who were outside were stunned to see the woman taking off.
"Where are you going, Luna?" But she didn't answer as she was heading towards the tree, but she did come to a stop and turned.
"You should leave." She looked to them saying.
"What!?" They were shocked upon hearing her say that.
"What do me we should leave!?" Luffy shouted asking her, not understanding.
"You don't know anything and you'll only die." She stated to them about to leave again.
"She's right!" But a voice had pulled everyone's attention to the forest where someone was coming out.
"Whose that?" Luffy had asked
"Vladimir..." while Luna had called him by his name when seeing him.
"Vladimir? As in the boss?" While in the Village the credit come across a lot of information and one of them was the man who was torturing the lives of those on the island and the other the one behind Luna's abduction.
"Get back, Luna!" Luffy shouted as the others stood between her and Vladimir.
"I finally found you." Vladimir was smirking looking at her. "But really that was cold, leaving the palace without saying anything. I'm kind of hurt."
"Shut you, Damn bastard. You tricked us and had abducted Luna!" Sanji was completely furiously
"You can't expect me to not take her, since I've been hunting her down for over 30 years." He had stated back that if they didn't wanted to lose her, they should have put up a better fight. "But then again, I think that she's the one that doesn't want to leave. Isn't that right?" Vladimir was looking right at Luna saying, but she didn't say anything. 
"You bastard!"
"Hey, Boss guy!" Luffy had shouted up to him. "Don't think you can steal my crew members and get away scot-free." He looked quite angry.
"Oh? What do you plan to do?" That had been asked.
"Slug you butt good!!"
"Wait, Stop!" Luna had tried to stop them but it was already too late. The guys were all charging for Vladimir, while Robin and Nami kept back, ready to back them up.
"Try and slug me, will you?" He couldn't help but find it amusing. "I'll like to see you humans try!" Luffy's arm had stretched out towards him.
"Gum Gum..." His leg was stretching back. "...Sickle!" But his attack missed.
"Weapon Left!" Franky began firing bullets that Vladimir, was jumping around to avoid.
"Special Attack!" Usopp had pulled it large sling shot back. "Fire Bird Star!!" Which had sent a large fire bird flying as Vladimir when released, but it had been dodged by him leaping to the sky.
"72..." Holding his two swords horizontally above the shoulder. "...Pound Phoenix!" Zoro had performs a circular swing that launches two air compressed projectiles spiraling towards the target instead of one, making it twice as powerful. Vladimir didn't even bother to dodge the attack, because somehow he blocked it.
"Arm Point!" Chopper had appeared from behind, hi biceps, triceps, and shoulders extremely muscular in a human-esque form but he retains his hooves, that were put together on the right side of his body. "Clover Roseo Metal!" Where he had began a barrage of Kokutei Roseo punches. Which it left hoof-mark imprints. Vladimir felt that one, slightly leaning forward.
"Poitrine..." Sanji had took this chance. "... Shoot!" (Chest Shoot, French) He had kicks up at Vladimir's chest, which seemed to have worked.
"Not bad for a group of humans." However, Vladimir had used to hand to block it. "I'm impressed that you actually manage to touch me. However, that doesn't mean you can actually beat me."
"Sanji!" Nami screamed out to him. She couldn't attack because it would also hit Sanji. Which was why
"Nueve Fleur!" Nine arms had sprouted out from three specific points of Vladimir. "Twist!" (Nine Flower: Twist, Spanish) Robin twisted the body of his, at least that was what was supposed to happen. "His not budging." She was completely shocked, especially since she used three times more hands that she normally would. But it seemed that all had forgotten about someone that was getting prepared.
"...Rocket!!" He was coming flying right at Vladimir, smashing him into his back, sending him flying off saving Sanji when leaning all had gathered together again. While Vladimir had landed on his feet, patting himself off like nothing had happened.
"I've had enough. Let's end this." The man seemed completely annoyed by it, had lifted up his arm.
"He's gonna do something." Zoro was right because then the ground began to to break and out of them shot green vines that began to wrap themselves around the crew one after another. They had moved too fast for them to be able to fight back and had become completely wrapped up.
"So your have plant demon with you?" Luna was looking to Vladimir asking who had came walking over to her.
"That's right." He seemed proud of that fact, especially when he could hear the groaning and screams of the Strawhats.
"It strange thought, since plant demons are known for being very shy yet kind." Luna had spoke as she looked at the demon before her. "And yet, why is it that they're siding with you to destroy the humans?"
"You of all people should know that." Hearing that being said, she slightly flinch because she knew what he was speaking about.
"I'm clearly different. So, exactly what happen to cause you to hate humans so much?" However, when she had asked that, pure anger and hatred had filled Vladimir's face. "I see." Whatever it was clearly clearly was extreme trauma for him.
"Luna, listen..." Luna gripped onto her pendent around her neck her eyes close for a few seconds before opening them again.
"Please, allow me to join you." She had kneeled down, like a knight, her head lowered to him
"You can't be serious!" The crew were shouting at her not understand why she was doing this. They tried to break free of the vines but they only seemed to have gotten tighter and tighter the more they did.
"You don't mind if I kill them." Vladimir glanced down at her, wanting to see her expression.
"Do what you want." Only to seemed almost disappointed when she said that walking away from the crew. It she had come to a stop one last time, before slightly looking behind to the group. "This is farewell." Then she was off along with Vladimir.
"Stop! LUNA!"

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