The Plaza!

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While Luffy and that appeared to be keeping the Marines occupied, something behind the wall appeared to be going on as the Whitebeard Pirates were swimming across the boiling water toward Oars Jr.. "Go across the sea towards Oars!"This had caused Sengoku to become immediately alerted by it.
"Get to the plaza whatever it takes!" They were swimming with all the strength they had.
"They are desperate. Defend the open space in the wall!" This was being shouted as the Navy were watching, slightly unconscious as they watched.
"They've gone crazy after losing their ships and the ice they stood on, stupid pirates!" It appeared that the Marines thought of this as desperation. They might be right, but it didn't matter to them. "They're fair game for us! Shoot!" They began firing that cannons at the swimming pirates without hesitation.
"Don't hesitate! Keep going forward!" But the pirates didn't look back and continued. "Head towards Oars!"
"Wh-What's wrong with them? How can they keep their morale in this situation." Seeing this caused the lower ranking Marines to begin panicking as the pirates keep advancing without hesitation. None of them seemed to have notice Whitebeard was no where to be seen. But then again, they were occupied by the sight of something underneath the water bubbling up. Soon it came bursting through the water's surface.
"Everybody, get on board!" Carrying some of the pirates onboard as they were directly onto of it.
"N-No way! It's a ship!" It had been another ship which had been coated and hidden the entire time.
"We have a problem! Another coated ship is entering the bay!" The ship was flying high in the sky, but of course it was soon losing altitude and began falling.
"Damn it! It must've been hidden at the bottom of the sea all this time!" Many were surprised upon this.
"Damn those two...!" While seeing this caused Sengoku to look in the direction were Luna was, knowing that she and Whitebeard had planned for this to happen.
"I don't remember saying that that was all of our ships." On that ship Whitebeard stood stating more to himself then anyone.
"It's a paddle boat! It's coming towards us at full speed!" A marine was shouting with a pair of binoculars in hand, informing everyone of the situation.
"What!?" Hearing that it was not a sail but pad caused Sengoku to seat since that meant that it was traveling faster towards them.
"Sink it like the Moby Dick!" The Marines order to shoot down the ship, but it is too fast for them and none were hitting the ship.
"No! Not the boat! Shoot at Oars!" But Sengoku changed the orders to Oars.
"Huh? Why Oars?" However, his men didn't appear to understand why.
"Morons, you're already too late." Luna was saying to her as she send marines flying. The reason she said this was because...
"Get ready, everybody!" Oars Jr. had already grabbed ahold of the ship pulling it out of the water, allowing the pirates a safe pass through the plaza.
"He pulled the boat out of water! They broke the encircling walls!" This caused panic to break out every further.
"We made it to the plaza!"
"Let's save Ace!"
"Let's burn down Navy HQ!"
"Wait for us, Ace!" while the pirates broke into battle cries once again at the victory of entering the plaza.
"They got us! There was only a space the side of a rathole! But they went for it wisely! The walls could become an obstacle this time!" Garp was commending Whitebeard for his tactics.
"Pops!" Seeing the old man caused Ace to scream out to him.
"Whitebeard!" As Sengoku appeared to be reaching his limit with his nerves.
"You still have you head, right, Ace!?" This had been asked by Whitebeard up at the young man. He looked strong, however, Luna could see that he grew paler then before and was sweating much more. The wound and health were starting to get to him.
"We did it! Now we can save Ace..." Just as Oars was speaking, a cannon balll blow up in his face, which had been followed by more aiming all over the up body of his.
"Oars!" His allies screamed out his name.
"Save Ace at any cost..." Oars falls unconscious after telling Whitebeard that.  The tension began to raise as man began heading to the front of the ship, standing looking down at the Navy before he entered the plaza.
"Whitebeard has descended to the plaza!" The soldiers began to panic as the man stood up straight, they all began pointing their weapons at him, guns, swords, spears, bazookas and etc.
"Stay back, my sons!" However, the old man had spoken to those standing on the ship, glaring down at the enemies before him. His spear had been pulled back over his head and shoulders, a small sphere began surrounding the blade and soon Whitebeard had swung it around, unleashes a massive shock wave with his weapon. The low ranking officers were being sent flying over those of higher rank and strength, since they were able to hold their grands. Soon all the commanders of Whitebeard's crew leaped off the ship and stood in front of the man, ready to fight. "Guys! Rescue Ace and...destroy the Navy!!" The pirates erupted in shouting in agreement of Captain
"Garp." Sengoku could see that what was about to come.
"Yeah." And Garp was able to as well, knowing what it was that his old friend was getting ready to say.
"i don't think we can make it through this unscathed!"

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