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The Whitebeard's pirate and their allies coalition celebrate their victory while the Marines were horrified and angered that Ace was freed. With Ace now glowing with fire and free-falling with Luffy, the Marines were about to fire a second barrage. "Stay sharp, Luffy! Let's take 'em all out!" The older brother shouted as they watched the weapons being aimed at them.
"Right!" It was then when the Straw Hat pirate throwing Galdino aside.
"A-Are you crazy!?" Not that he didn't have any complaints as he was sent flying.
"Flame..." Ace amasses a large amount of flames around his body. "...Commandment!" He swinging his outstretched hand around him, summoning the flames. "Fire Pillar!" He shoots the collected flames straight downwards to clear any enemies that were below him while he was in mid-air.
"They're strong! Be careful!" The marines were getting ready to battle as the two brother's were surrounded by flames acting as shields.
"Can you fight, Luffy?" Ace asked as he was still on fire.
"Of course I can!" While Luffy was behind him, already in a fighting stance.
"Ace! Luffy!" Jimbe shouted out to them in delight and even Whitebeard smirk to see his son was safe now.
"Got it? Fire Fist Ace is made of fire! He is a Logia Type!" It meant that ordinary weapons and attacks wouldn't work on him.
"I never even dreamed that the day would come... when I would be get saved by you." The flaming man stated as in implying that it was always him saving the little brother all the time. "Thanks, Luffy."
"It's all because that old Whitebeard guy and his men helped me out." He seemed embarrassed as he was chuckling and rubbing under his nose.
"Don't think you're safe just yet!" Neither of them had time to relax as the marines surrounded them. "This is your execution stand!" The began firing as they had completely forgot that bullets don't work on them. They passed right through Ace, while Luffy had stretched and sent them flying back in the direction they came, taking out the firing squad.
"Now! Take him down!" Two marines dashed at Luffy with swords in hand, but just before they strike, Ace appeared and pushed his little brother's head down while the sword struck him. However, they passed right thought him as he was made of flames and could not be harmed.
"He's my little brother. I'd like you to back off of him." He told them before pushing off of Luffy and into the air above. "Fire Fist!" And came to attack him with his most famous attack, a fire tunnel that took the form of his fist. The marines were blasted away.
"Second Gear!" While Luffy had began steaming as he was beginning to get ready to attack.
"Shive!" Three Admires appeared above him, about to impale their swords into him. However, Luffy disappeared before they could blink. "Gum Gum..." he stretched his leg out... "..Jet Stamp!" And swings it at the three that attacked him causing them to fly away.
"Fire..." Then Ace followed up with pointing the index and middle fingers of both hands like guns. "... Gun!" He turns his fingertips into fire and shoots bullets made of compressed flame from them.
"Die!" A marines with a ball hammer leaped behind him to attack., but Luffy appeared and slammed his foot into his face, kicking him away. These two brothers were unstoppable as they were fighting together, covering each other's back without fear the other wouldn't make it.
"Get moving, Luffy! Let's hurry an get out of here!"
"Yeah!" Seeing them caused the pirates to become fired up as they were shouting in battle cried preparing to create a path for the brothers. But the marines weren't going to let that... At least until something came flying passed them, catching their attention as they thought it was an enemy attack. Even Ace and Luffy followed their sights thinking the same thing. However...
"Vice Admiral Keshvi!?"

Battling the Demon (One piece)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz