Giant Take Down!

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The Straw Hats were all once again standing, regardless of the horrible beating they received moments ago. And those that were standing before Oars had gone off for the preparations for this final Count attack. Sanji and Chopper were together and running as fast as possible down the hallways of the mansion castle. At the same time, Usopp and Franky were away building something inside the mansion as well. But Oars at the moment had no idea as he was looking down at the Straw Hats. "I don't believe it! These guys haven't back down, even one inch!" The Rolling Pirates were in shock at this fact, since many would have already given up.
"Hey! You guys are in the way! Move!" Zoro ended up snapping to those every Pirates.
"IF YOU GUYS SAY SO!!" And without hesitation they all took off running.
"Pierna Fleur!" (Leg Flowers, Spanish) Robin began the operation with have her legs sprouting out crossed and up the wall of the tallest building that acted as the mast.
"Yohohohoho! Here we go! Yohohohoho!" Brook took of running towards where they had sprouted out from.
"I'm counting on you!" And he was carrying Luffy in his arms.
"Yohohohoho!" And the skeleton wasn't having any problems climing-leaping from Robin's legs up the tower.
"Wait! Where're you goin'!?" Oars was about to go after the duo, however, he had become distracted as to suddenly have grey clouds appearing around him. "Whazzat? Smoke? Clouds?"
"The weather is 'Rain'!" Nami had created the clouds and had only a single part of her Clima-Tact in hand. "Cool Ball!" And large amounts of blue air bubbles began to flow out from the tips, heading directly for the clouds. "RAIN TEMPO!" And before anyone knew it, the clouds began to pour all over the the giant demon zombie.
"Rain! Why?"
"Is that girl a witch!?" The Rolling Pirates had poked their heads out from where they were hiding to be shocked at what Nami was doing.
"Dammit... I'm soaked..." Oars stated all annoyed as this entire body was covered in water, and a puddle was under him.
"COUP DE VENT!" Franky's voice was loudly shouting from behind the walls of the first floor of the mansion, which had soon been blasted away.
"Whazzat?" Oars became confused.
"Turn it as hard as you can!" But Franky wasn't wasting any time.
"Turning!" And a large
"Let's go!" Franky was holding it. "Super-Large Freezer Ultra Cool Blast!" Making use of Moria's large freezer and several debris, Franky, with Usopp's help, constructed a large hose routing from deep within the refrigerator itself. "FIRE!"
"I'm frozen! I can't move!" Which had been fired off at Oars and in the matter of seconds it froze Oars' legs and midsection.
"Whoa! Awesome!"
"The cold air froze the rain!" The Rolling Pirates were watching in shock and impressed. But there was more to come, which had been at the mid point of the tower where two stood beside large chains.
"Now, it's my turn!" Until Sanji had leaped off and had purposely caught his left leg in on of the hops of the chain.
"No way...!"
"GO!!" And with all his strength, Sanji had sent it flying towards Oars.
"What!?" Which had

"GO!!" And with all his strength, Sanji had sent it flying towards Oars.
"What!?" Which had wrapped from his front.
"You did it!" Chopper shouted loudly to Sanji below.
"The chain from the helm!?" Oars was trying to remove it while looking back to where it came from.
"Thanks!" The cook made it to the ground with any problems. And high above, on top of the Thriller Bark mast, Brook had made to the top, Luffy held above his head, where they were looking down at Oars.
"THROW ME!" The captain shouted at the skeleton all full of passion.
"Am I really going to do it?" Brook didn't seem completely alright about this
"I'm fine! I'm a rubber-man!" But there wasn't a need to worry.
"Be careful!" With that being said, Luffy was thrown down by Brook.
"Third Gear!" His thumbs had been brought to his mouth where Luffy bitten and blow into them. "Bone Balloon!" Which and inflated and enlarge both his arms. Oars had looked up and noticed Luffy above him.
"ZORO! LUNA! ATTACK OARS' STOMACH!" Chopper had shouted down at the two of them.
"Leave it to us!" And the two of them had gotten ready
"Krovavyy..." Luna had placed both hands, slightly blow midway as the scythe was pulled behind.
"Three Sword Style..." Zoro holds two of his swords at an angle against each other and rotates them rapidly. "...Secret Technique!" They had both took off towards Oars. And
"...Knut!" (Blood Whip, Russian) Before she used the strength she still had to whip the blade forwards in a horizontal fashion. This had sent a hardened wave over blood to be sent whipping out towards Oar's stomach.
"Three Thousand Worlds!" While at the same time Zoro had also slices up the foe with full speed and power with all three of his swords at once. It didn't kill him, but it was fatal enough to cough up blood and weaken him so that Sanji could tighten the chains on Oars' neck.
"GREAT JOB, SANJI! NOW, OARS' SPINE IS COMPLETELY STRAIGHT!" Chopper had shouted as Oars was being upper body was being forced to become straight due to the fact that his lower body was frozen in place.
"What's that good for!?" But there seemed to be a lot of confusion by those watching, since it didn't sound all that great.
"Humanoids species' spines are shaped as an S, this is in order to protect the spin as much as possible." Luna had spoken up, to explain it. "It means if you straighten it then it takes the full damage which will snap the spine." It had all been explained in a simple why for anyone to understand. This operation had been created thanks to Chopper's medical training and Luna's insight.
"Get him, Luffy!" At the top of her lungs, Nami screamed to the sky.
"Good Luck!" Brook from above after catching his breath.
"Take this special Bazooka!" Luffy was falling at high speed down at Oars.
"Huh! I'll just send another Bazooka right back at'cha!" Had been the Demon Giants' response as he began to move his own arms behind him. "Gum Gum... huh?" But something was off about his right arm.  "It ain't movin'! My right arm ain't movin'! It ain't stretchin' either!" Which would make sense as Moria was still out.
"The weakness of a zombie is that they don't notice how much damage they taken." Robin stated, as Chopper had explained earlier about how pain is a warning to the body. And since Zombies don't feel pain they don't have that warning.
"It's your shadow... Finish him off, Luffy!" That had been shouted by Zoro.
"GUM GUM..." His arms stretches both far back
"GET HIM, STRAW HAT!" While the Rolling Pirates cheered loudly for him.
"How's that!?" As did Usopp and Franky, while the others continued to watch as
"...GIANT BAZOOKA!!!" Luffy stretched both his inflated arms forward, striking Oars with both instantaneously with a double open palm strike with both hands. This attack when right into Oars' face, pushing it downwards slowly snapping his spine. Everyone is in surprise and awe as Oars falls down defeated. All but the Straw Hats who weren't at all surprised smiling at their captain. Excluding Luna from the smiling, of course.
"THEY DID IT!!!" The Rolling Pirates were able to shout loudly now. The Demon giant had been defeat at long last and laid on the ground. "THEY WON! THIS TIME, THEY REALLY DID IT!
"STRAW HAT REALLY IS THE KIND OF MAN WE THOUGHT HE WAS!" Their were all celebrating this fact, Althing my when they looked behind them. "So tiny...? Who are you?!" They found a child version of Luffy laying on the ground. "Why'd you shrink!?"
"It didn't hurt, yet... I can't move..." Oars had spoken, not losing conscious at all
"It's amazing that even after all that, it's still alive." Luna was saying that but he wasn't able to move, which was good enough. "But I hate how it insults the dead." But despite saying that, her expression hadn't changed at all while speaking.
"You must have been really pissed off about that Demon Lord corpse." Zoro was standing behind her stating, since he was able to tell.
"Of course it did." She glanced behind to him. "Who wants to see someone they know being manipulate against their will?"
"That's true." And he couldn't disagree with that. "But where did that come from? You didn't have it at the beginning." His hand had been pointed to the scythe in Luna's hand.
"Ah... it's a long story." Was all she could say, as it began to glow and soon disappeared. "Really long."
"Tell me about it over drinks." Zoro had already decided that he wanted to know and Luna wasn't going to deny him or anyone on the crew of that. The night sky began to lighten as the morning sun had began, however, Luna couldn't help but feel uneasy about something. She hadn't been the only one, as none of the Straw Hats were celebrating unlike the Rolling Pirates.
"HEY, LUFFY! HURRY UP AND GET YOUR SHADOWS BACK! THERE'S NO TIME TO REJOICE! YOU'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" Usopp was shouting at his captain and all of the other Pirates celebrating.
"Shadows... That's right! We have to hurry!" Large Ricky shouted remembering that fact.
Now, let's wake up Maria, and force him to return our shadows! Dawn is just around the corner!" Lola shouted this as there was no time to waste. Although...
"No need... to wake me..."

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