Race Against Time!

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The Sea Train had completely crammed into the Tower of Law, where it broke through the stone walls sending all in its way scattering, not to mention those ridding it to come flying off of it before it crashed on its own. The first one to stand without any hesitation or issue was Luna, who was dusting herself off as that was the only thing wrong. Franky had gotten up soon after and had noticed Cocoro, Chimney and Gonbe all laying on the ground not moving. "Oi, are you okay? Old hag! Little ones? Why the hell are you here?" He was panicking asking after having run over to them. "To have brought something as dangerous as Rocket Man... though we were saved thanks to it... hey! Oi, old hag! Pull your together! Oi, please! Don't die, okay?! DON'T DIE~!!" Luna was looking at him as he screamed in annoyance. But it was because of the yelling that all three had sat up completely fine.
"We got bloody nose..." except that their noses were bleeding.
"You should be lucky that was all you got." Luna walked over to them saying.
"WE'RE HERE!!" But then all had turned to see Luffy bursting out from underneath large amount of rubble.
"Looks like his fine." Luna stated as he really was completely fine.
"Straw Hat..." Franky had turned pale at the sight of that.
"Oi~!" Cocoro, Chimney and Gonbe were all waving at the guy, catching his attention.
"Monster Granny! Thank you!" Luffy shouted to them pleased but then turned back. "Oi, you guys! Hurry and get up!" He was shouting the arms belonging to his crew mates that were underneath the rubble, shouting that it was nothing.
"Don't compare us to a rubber guy like you..." Sanji was saying that for people of flesh and blood like then ti make an entrance like that there was no way they would be okay. However, even though saying that, one by one they began bursting out from under screaming.
"Everyone's fine." Luffy stated seeing them all standing up without problems.
"You guys are a bit strange, too!" Franky pointed it out to them.
"Yes, that is very true." Luna looked at the lot of them agreeing with him. But when she had said that, eyes fell on her. "Hmm?"
"Luna!" Chopper and Nami had leaped at her wrapped themselves around the woman crying. As the others had all ran surrounding them.
"Let go." But Luna seemed completely uncomfortable with it all, trying to push them away. "Stop that. Don't you Morons have other things to do." She reminded them all.
"Right! There are some stairs once there!" Luffy pointed out to the others. "Let's hurry and get Robin!" He then ran off which the others followed after a few seconds of blinking.
"Wait!" However, they all stopped when Fukurou spoke up in the corner above them.
"What the hell is that?" Luffy asked not knowing.
"It's Fukurou, a member of CP9." Luna informed him.
"Chapapa...We've been invaded! Even if you get to that last room, Nico Robin's no longer there." He was informing them that Lucci was already taking her to the Gates of Justice along with the chief.
"He has a habit of leaking information." Luna spoke to Nami since she seemed a bit confused at why he told them such information.
"Is that right? Thank you for that valid piece of information." She said right to him pleased.
"Chapapa... I told him..." he had realised that he shouldn't have done that.
"What an odd guy..." Chopper was being nice about it.
"That's okay. Where they're headed now... i'm not gonna tell you how to get there, no will be of CP9 allow you to get there. We've been given orders to eliminate you guys, Chapapa." He was once again telling them everything. "You guys will all have to get through us in order to free Nico Robin."
"Yeah! We don't need you to tell us that, that's our intention." Luffy said right at him.
"Chapapa... you have such good spirits! But, let me just tell you one thing." Fukurou held up a finger to express such a thing
"What is it?! Do what you want." Luffy was all ears.
"Thank you." Which caught Fukurou off guard since no one listened before. "Then, frankly speaking..." He began to rummaged through his jacket. "Look at This!" And pulled out a key.
"A key?"
"What's that for?" Sanji asked not understand the significance of it.
"It is the key for Nico Robin Sea Prism Stone handcuff." Luna had been the one to inform them.
"Sea Prism Stone?" Franky never heard of such a thing.
"Seastone is a rare naturally occurring metallic mineral substance. It gives off a wavelength that is the same as the sea itself and referred to it as the sea in solid form. In other words its used against Devil Fruit users to nullify their ability. It is also as hard as diamond." This information had been given by Luna once again. She was a walk Dictionary and Cyclopedia.
"So that's why Robin was being so timid... when she's really so strong..." Chopper had come to realise why she wasn't fighting back now.
"Yeah... The usual Robin wouldn't be so weak as to keep captive by these assholes." Sanji had to agree with him on that.
"It must be eating her up..."
"I see." Franky seemed to have come to an understanding now.
"Just in case you guys are able to save Nico Robin, the Sea Prism Stone is as hard a Dimond." Which they had already been told. "Those handcuffs can never be taken off." The crew were shocked at hearing that. "Chapapa... I told them again..."
"He really is an oddball." Chopper was being nice about it.
"If you're still okay with that, then keep going and save Nico Robin. Chapapapapa!"
"Then..." Luffy pulled back his right arm. "GIVE IT HERE!!" And sent it right at Fukurou but he had used Shave and dodged. "Looks like he can use that technique, too."
"Don't panic." Fukurou landed off to the side of them. "I haven't said whether or not this is the real key yet."
"WHAT THE HELL!?" Everyone but Luna had snapped.
"It may be a key to some other handcuffs~! Chapapap~!" He was singing while spinning in the rubble. "In the tower... including me, there are six CP9 members~!" It was then when he began using Moon Walk, taking to the sky still singing. "Each one of use has a key, and we're waiting for you guys~!" For some reason Franky was dancing to the rhythm of it.
"Then if we don't capture you, take your key and try it out on Robin's handcuffs, we won't know if its real or not?" Zoro had asked to make sure he had it right.
"What a stupid way to gain time... and while we're doing that, you're planning on taking Robin in, aren't you?" Sanji had understood right away the plan that they were doing.
"Exactly~!" And he didn't deny it at all. "I told them again..."
" in this situation, Robin comes first." Nami spoken to the others. " we have to get Robin herself first. The key can come later. Just leave that idiot and hurry on on."
"Chapa. Chapapa... you're a smart one!" Fukurou stated still in the air. "But if you do that, then I'll just have to throw this key into the ocean, Chapapa!" He had informed them while holding out the key and they all become alarmed. Excluding Luna of course. "We're giving you a chance. Seeya." And then he was gone.
"Hey! Hold on a second!" With Luffy about to run after him.
"Oi, wait up!" If Zoro had grabbed onto his cheek, but he was still trying to run ahead. "Why don't you wait!? Just hold up a bit! Just wait until we decide what wet each gonna do individually!" Zoro was trying to stop him, along with Sniper King but Luffy was slowly dragging them with him.
"Let me go! Just let me go!" He shouted at them both.
"Is Lucci that pigeon guy?" Sanji turned to Luna asking her,
"That's correct."
"If that guy and Robin are together, then we should send Luffy ahead after them." That had been what he suggested to the others. Before turning to the captain. "Luffy. You go ahead and blast that pigeon guy away." But it was unclear if he heard or not. "Excluding Luffy, there are the seven of us here.From the six CP9 that are here, we'll grab the six keys that can unlock Robin's handcuffs, then follow Luffy." No one said anything against that idea.
"If Robin crosses the gates, then everything is over! Everything is a race against time!" Sniper King shouted the truth.
"Losing is a waste of time!" It was then when Zoro release the hound who took off. "Everyone must win, even if you die trying!"
"Yeah!" The others ran after him.
"Do your best."
But as they made it to the stairs, where they began to climb Zoro notice Luna not taking the stairs like the others.
"Oi, where are you going?" He had called out and asked her, as she was walking down the passage instead.
"I've told you, I have my own reasons for working with the World Government." Was all she told him, not even bothering to stop and look to him heading out on her own.

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