Laying Low!

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Before Usopp even had the chance to finish his question, Luffy's sudden shouting had caused him to fall onto his back side. Everyone in the room had their eyes looking at the rubber boy that was now standing in the counter, looking anger. "I don't wanna know where the treasure is! I don't wanna know if the treasurer exist or not! We put all our lives on the line and set out to sea, even though we don't know anything! I'd rather give up being a pirate than have the old guy tell us stuff now!" Nami, Usopp, Sanji and Franky were stunned by his words. "I won't go in a boring adventure!"
"S-S-Sorry! I knew that, but it just slipped out of my mouth...!" Usopp had finally managed to say after being stunned speechless. "I-I don't wanna know, either! Oh, I forgot! I have the I'll-die-if-I-learn-about-the-One-Piece disease! Hold on, old man! Don't say anything!" Shakky seemed to be laughing at this amused.
"Do you think you can do it?" Rayleigh was asking, saying that the Grand Line had many things that will surpass anything they could imagine and that their foes will be powerful too. "Can Yui rule this might sea?!" He was asking if Luffy could conquer the Grand Line.
"I'm not gonna rule anything!It's the free is person in this see who is the king of the Pirates!" Luffy replied that he didn't intend to conquer it. Luna was looking up at the boy and she couldn't help by see Roger's image overlapping Luffy's and the same could be said for Rayleigh
"I see." As he and
"Ireally am a fan of yours, Monkey." Shakky had smiles coming across their faces.
"Your ship is in Grove #41, was it?"Rayleigh began heading towards the door. "I think I'lol head over there. What will you do?" He looked  back asking the crew, informing them that they could be an hour bro already on the island.
"We'll only be a nuisance if we stay here, so maybe we should go shopping somewhere?" Nami had come to say like there wasn't anything wrong about it.
"What is this, 'laid-back life'!?" Usopp came to shout at her asking. "We're being chased! We gotta hide, you idiot!"
Yeah. The people chasing us might show up if we all stay together." Franky seemed to be onboard with Nami's idea. "It'll help him finish the work more smoothly if we low in town." And he wasn't wrong about that.
"Then let's just split up and then meet back there when he's all done." All had turned to Zoro that had suggested that.
"Who're you to talk strategy about meeting up and stuff like that!?" Sanji was looking at the swordsman in disbelief and cold sweat.
"It's scary when the morons actually have a smart idea." Luna had to say since normally the guys come up with stupid plans to get them all killed.
"Shakky. Do we have any?" Rayleigh was still standing in the door way asking the woman.
"Yes, there's one left." She had responded to him and not long later, with the decision to their split up and draw attention away from the shop, the crew moved outside
"This is a Vivre Card!" Where Shakky give each member a Vivre Card
"Oh, if you know what it is, that simplifies things." Rayleigh had large brushes on his back and something wrapped up in blue cloth. "Since I happened to be a bit notorious myself, I think I'll move it from Grove #41 somewhere else before I start on it." It was so they could find their way back to Rayleigh once the coating is finished. "I'll need three days to complete the coating."
"It takes three whole days!?" Luffy became surprised upon hearing that. 
"Your life depends on this work. It's the fastest I can go." It had been explained to him.
"I guess it's three days of wilderness survival then. How frightening." Brook stated as they would need to keep low for three full days.
"Sundown in three days, let's say." Rayleigh gave them a deadline to it all. I don't know what groove I'll be on then, so where ever the Vivre Cards lead you, i'll be there finishing the coding and waiting for you. You should probably also buy whatever you need for your underwater voyage to Fishman Island." With that all being said
"Luffy-chin! Everyone! Thank you so much!" Camie was telling the crew as she was still in the bar.
"Yeah! Thanks so much!" With Pappug crying, once again, behind her.
"I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble!" And Hatchan was still going on about that. "I can't thank you guys enough! Will show you the way to Fishman islands, so don't worry about a thing! Watch out for the Navy for the next three days!"
"Hachi! Get plenty of bed rest!" The doctor was telling him.
"Let's meet again in three days. We'll see you off." Shakky informed the crew.
"See you later, lady!" Luffy response to her farewell. "We're up against an a moral! We gotta make sure none of us guys killed!"
"Don't say unlucky things like that!" Usopp snapped at him as it was almost a jinks.
"Three days, huh..." Luna and Robin, spending their lives that way before joining the crew, wouldn't have any problems. Nami probably wouldn't either.
"Alright! Let's go!" It was the guys that were the problem, especially Luffy, that's always getting into trouble and Zoro, that's always getting lost. "To the amusement park!" That going double for Luffy as he suggested the idea.
"Hey, now!" Though the others (save for Chopper and Brook) reject this idea. But either way, the crew began climbing down the stairs in front of the bar.
"Take care!" Camie was waving down to them.
"Don't be too reckless!" Pappug was standing in a bubble beside her with Shakky waving.
"Yeah, yous too!" The crew were either waving or just looking up at them.
"I'll leave Hachi to you!" But the ones waving were acting like they were going away for a long time.
"You guys are completely over exaggerating, it's only three days." Luna had come to tell them
"Parting is always sad..." although, they didn't seem to be listening.
"I guess I should go, then." Rayleigh had come to say heading off in the direction of Grove #41.
"Yeah, I'm counting on you!" Luffy was now waving to him before they themselves began heading in the opposite direction.
"But who'd have thought... thatbwe'd meet one of the Pirate King's crew in a place like this?" Franky was saying as the crew walked. "Im surprised." The others turned to still walking, confused at what he meant. "How should I put it... He really liked and impression, especially for a geezer." It was then explained.
"Well, he is the most famous of Roger's crewmates, after all." Usopp told him not all that surprised.
"So he was a crewmate in the Oro Jackson, huh?" That had been the ship Tom, Franky's master had designed and made for the Roger Pirates. "I'm glad I meet him." Franky had come to say.
"So, you're the type of guy who respects his elders?" Usopp seemed surprised in that.
"It happens form time to time! Just like with Luna!" That was then when the cyborg had found himself being held up by his shirt. "I'm only 299." Which might have been the reason he was saying that, but for a demon she was still young.
"Who are you referring to as an elder?" It seemed that Luna had been insulted by his comment.
"Calm down, Luna!" Chopper began to panic looking at her. "T-That reminds me, Luna traveled with the Pirate King, too!" He tried to change to topic in hopes it would stop her.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Sanji was asking her while none of the others had bothered to stop, and since it seemed like something she could or should have mentioned.
"First of all, I never traveled with them. Roger followed me around whenever we meet after that one time, telling me to join his crew, after a few days I get sick of it, knock him out, and before he had the chance to regain consciousness his crew or I took off." She had explained to them as it was a re-occurring thing back then while dropping Franky. "And the second is that you never asked. I don't go around telling people things if they don't ask." It was expected of Luna and her personality.
"Ah..." All had looked in front of them to Luffy that done that. "Why don't we go to the amusement park?" But it seemed that he hadn't given up on that.
"Will you shut up!?" Only to have Usopp and Franky snap at him.
"Don't you understand the situation we're in?" That was asking as it was clear going to an amusement park wasn't showing the seriousness of the situation.
"You still don't get it!?"
"I want to go..." But not seemed that Luffy wasn't the only one, Chopper and Brook had been the ones agreeing with the idea.
"You, too!?"

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