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After escaping from Moria and his commander Nami had been taken by the Invisible man, Absalom to take her as his bride. Usopp and Chopper tried to save her but they had been attacked but an army of zombies that were trying to capture them. But the two pirates break free and race back up the stairs. Only that they were completely surrounded and just when they thought they were done for, they tripped rolling down the stairs crashing into the zombies and before long was crushed under them once they hit the floor. "Give us your shadows!"
"Gah! W-We... We're doomed...!" However, as they were once again grabbed by the zombies...
"Save me!" One of them began groaning in pain as something black was coming out from its mouth as an arm sprouted from it's chest chocking.
"Hey, someone else is here!" The zombies began to sweat upon noticing and one by one zombies were being terrified as on sprout it out with salt in their hands.
"Our bodies are getting purified!" Some were grabbed by large hands before salt was placed in mouth, while others were wrapped up in blood with salt sliding down their throats. But one by one the souls-shadows were flying out from the mouth before collapsing.
"You'd better get your mitts... off my sworn little brothers, punk!" All had come to a stop
"C-Certainly!" But Usopp and Chopper were released and they look at those causing all the damage. Robin, Luna and Franky that were surrounded by the corpses of the now lifeless the zombies. "Who the heck are these guys, they're rottin' bad!
"Big bro!" Chopper cried
"Robin!" As did Usopp.
"Luna! Your alive!" They both bursted into tears seeing her, after she had completely disappeared.
"Please, I'm not like you idiots that want to avoid danger but always end up in it." She wasn't wrong about that since that after Luna had disappeared they got out of one situation into another.
"Did we take too long? We're shorts one." Franky had noticed that Nami was missing.
"Usopp, Chopper, are you too alright?" Robin asked them smiling, but they were just crying in tears of joy as they were saved. And it was soon after being saved that the two joined Robin, Luna and Franky as they were running down a flight of stairs. "I heard that after a person loses his shadow, he gets taken down this long staircase." Robin was explained to the newcomers as they ran.
"Right! Luffy got carried this way." Usopp had stated to her since he, Chopper and Nami had been chasing after him.
"Do you think Nami is okay?" The Doctor was worried.
"It doesn't appear that he wants to kill her. We can save her once we come back." Luna had said after hearing what had transpired.
"That's all the more reason to hurry to Sunny!" Franky was right, as they were moving as fast as they could. Although, Luna could have moved faster if it hadn't been for the silver and fire. "We'll wake up Straw Hat and the guys and recover the shadows!"
But the islands is infected for zombies. That won't be easy!" Chopper had reminded them of that fact.
"Speaking of zombies, how did you take them out?" Usopp had recalled the zombies that the other three taken down which wouldn't get back up. 
"That skeleton taught us how. We used this!" Franky was holding out the sack of salt that Brook had given them earlier.
"Zombies have a weakness?" The Doctor was completely shocked hearing that.
"So we can purify them if we stuff salt into their mouths, huh?" Long nose was making sure he got it right.
"You saw what happened!"
"By the way, what exactly was that monstrous war that came from upstairs?" Robin asked the burning question that come across the new pirates that were completely shaken by the large roar that caused them, or one, to lose their balance on some stair case.
"When we came to investigate we ended up finding you two." Luna stated as for that had been the reason the crossed paths.
"That what Luffy's voice." Usopp stated to answer but the three didn't quite get what he meant. "I'll tell you all about was we saw. Long story short, we're in big trouble!" And as they were running he had explained that Luffy's shadow had been taken by Moria and placed in a large monster called Oars, that had been responsible for the large roar that shook the entire building. The group rush across the stone bridge back towards the Thousand Sunny.
"A monster that could tower over giants?" But Franky was still having a hard time believing that.
"Yeah! He's the one who made all that noise and screamed. I bet Luffy's zombie is hooting and hollering as he runs rampant."
"So nothing new." Luna had said since that was Luffy in his normal state. But the group were once again the climbing up stair case to the top of large brick walls. "It looks like Sunny is ahead." She had pointed out seeing the training room over the wall.
Yeah! The skeleton knew what he was talkin' about!" Franky had to admit that fact and both Robin and Luna agreed with him. With Usopp slowing down behind them, the rest had jumped up to the top once they reached their own points, where they stood on top the brick wall were they could see the Sunny tangled up in a spiderweb, which was most likely due to the Spider-monkey from before.
I get it! Those stairs lead to the entrance. I couldn't tell through all the fog when we barged in, but the stairway up was a shortcut to the last boss' room..." this had been where Luffy and the others had began on the island, and they were looking back to the room where Moria had been located.
"Folding stairs...?" Usopp had made it to the top out of breath. "Is this how we're supposed supposed to get down?" With him noticing that, the stairs had been lowered and one by one they began climbing down right after the other until they reached the docks below. "Whoa! Man, we've been wiped clean!" Usopp had ran ahead to the ship where he was shouting from after climbing the stairs of Sunny's.
"The zombies must've done heaps. There are muddy footprints everywhere." Robin was looking down at the wooden deck where large dirty footprints were left.
"What?! They could still be around." Chopper was a little freaked out at the thought. Once they were onboard, they could see the deck was a complete mess with dried food out all over it and all doors open.
"This Place sure is messy." Luna have spoken the obvious looking around.
"Yeah, they looted us, alright. Not that we have anything worth taking." Franky was right about that. Both Chopper and Luna had began sniffing or sensing any presents belonging to the zombies, which there weren't.
"How about the guys in question?" Usopp had asked since they was no sign of them.
"Hey, Luffy! Zoro! Sanji!" Chopper shouted out their names.
"Where are you!? Say something!?" The others began walking around on deck to find them.
"They must be inside." Robin turned around stating.
"That makes sense." Luna didn't seem all that surprised at hearing that
"What makes you so sure?" But Chopper didn't understand why they would think that.
"We were told that if the original host of a shadow dies as does the zombies. Which means they can't be exposed to sunlight." Luna explained not just what Brook had told them but also about why they thought that way.
"Gotcha. Chopper and Franky, you two search the first floor." Usopp was shouting between them. "Robin and I will search the second floor. And Luna check the third just to be safe. Zombies could still be hiding somewhere on board, so be careful!"
"Right!" They had took off, Franky to the male's cabin. Chopper the aquarium. Robin had ran to the woman's cabin, while Luna had headed to the library running pass Usopp that headed for the kitchen. She leaped herself up to the second and then third heading right for the library, which she found to be completely trashed with books everywhere on the floor, along with Nami's maps and her own paintings.
I have a sudden urge to burn those zombies to ash again." Luna said picking up the canvas that had been torn, and it was a painting of the Going Merry which seemed to have angered her quite a bit, since her eyes were glowing looking at it. But of course her facial expressions didn't change at all.
"Found them! Hey, I found them! They're in the dinning room! All three of them are up her!" Usopp's voice had pulled her away from the canvas that was placed against the wall as she headed back towards the bow. Luna jumped down to the second floor right before the kitchen where everyone had gathered inside.
"Luffy!" Chopper was in completely shocked.
"How... could they do such a thing...?" Franky was just as surprised while Robin was completely speechless.
"Who would have thought that zombies were spiteful." This had been said by Luna as they were looking at their unconscious crewmates sitting in

Battling the Demon (One piece)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang