Something Came Out..

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Luna was sleeping away peacefully due to being on watch the night before and being kept up thanks to Luffy afterwards. The Sunny had soon found itself right before the Red Line where they we're dangerously close to Marie Jois, the home of Navy Headquarters. Although, it didn't seem to bother some as Chopper and Usopp were out swimming in Channel Six that contained of an inflatable pool previously held in Channel Four. Then there was Zoro exercising  while thinking of how he barely managed to survive Kuma's assault. As for the others, they were spilt into two groups. "How is it, Robin, Brook, Luffy?" Nami had asked into a Transponder Snail that sat on a low table that Franky were sitting at, where Usopp and Chopper soon joined them after some time last
"No use. It's completely black." Robin's voice came to the snail as she, Luffy and Brook were all inside the Shark Submerge III to look for clues to Fishman Island.
"It's totally blacked out here! Hey, I think I saw something there!" Luffy seemed to be having the time of his life.
"W-W-W-Was that the eyeball of a monster?" But it seemed that the captain was the only one as Brook sounded panicked.
"A-A monster?" Chopper become frightened upon hearing that.
"We are going to die!" All had fallen silent after Brook screamed that and the others waited, tense. "Although I am already dead!" But it all disappeared upon that being said, which everyone was sighing in relief. "Oh, by the way, Nami? I have a question... What patties are you wearing today?"
"SHUT UP! TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!" Nami had completely lost it at him, and the guys were taken back a little.
"He's a plucky guy, huh?" Usopp could only describe Brook as that.
"Hey, you guys! The Shark Submerge III can't go any deeper than 5000 m, so be careful!" Franky had reminded them of this fact.
"Hmm? The hull seems to be freaking." Brook had suddenly said that.
"Yes. Because we are deeper than 5000 m right now." While Robin had informed him of why it was doing so. She was completely nonchalant about it all as well.
"Ah, that means... but that is terrible! We are going to be crushed by the water pressure!" It took a bit for Brook to progress the information.
"Oh! The monster from earlier! It's still here!" Luffy seemed to have spotted the monster Brook had been panicking about before.
"What a big mouth it has." And Robin seemed to be find it amazing.
"Watch out! It's gonna eat us!" Despite saying that
"Here it comes again!" Luffy seemed to be having the time of his life.
"This sounds pretty bad..." Franky was standing up, the back of his hands placed over his hips.
"I don't want to ride the Shark Submerge..." Chopper could only say that as they were listening.
"Me neither." With Usopp agreeing with him completely.
"NAMI, DEAR~!" Sanji had came out if the kitchen spinning with excitement. "The 'Horror-Nashi Tarte' from Thriller Bark is done!" He leaped down to the grass from above before presents some tarts.
"Ohm it looks good!" And she was delighted.
"Oh! Look behind us!" The Transponder Snail was still going.
"Here it comes! We're gonna be eaten!" It was really hard to tell it they were in danger or not.
"But this is a problem..." Nami had said before placing a fork of tart into her mouth. "It's tastes great!"
"It's good!" The guys were behind enjoying the same thing.
"It's the problem we had with Sky Island." Sanji stated this after thinking about it.
"That's right. We know the direction we have to take, but we have no idea how we're gonna get there." Nami was looking down that the Log Pose which pointed directly downward now. "Huh are we gonna reach Fishman Island?"
"Wait, couldn't we just ask Luna?" Chopper had come to ask this, upon remembering hearing stories from her about a time she was in the New World.
"Oh, you're right!" Usopp had come to realise what it was that he meant. "Luna has traveled to and from the New World before."
"Yeah, but who knows if she'll tell us." Nami had stated with a sigh.
"What do you mean?" But Franky didn't quite understand what she meant by that.
"Well, Luna knew of Sky Island and traveled to them before..." Think back...

It was moments after arriving in the sea of the sky and being saved by Gan Fall who had found out that they took the Knock-Up Stream and was quite shocked. "It's was better to take the Knock-Up Stream because if we had gone the other way all of you would be dead." Luna had spoken at that time as she knew about it all.
"That's right, by using the Knock-Up Stream, either you all die or you all survive. There are a few left willing to risk losing everything. Especially in recent years. I have great respect for your brave and trustworthy Navigator." Gan Fall had explained this afterwards but
"You know about this?" Nami began releasing dark aura from herself. "You knew but didn't say anything?!" And become incredibly angry as she grabbed Luna's collar and started shaking her wildly. "WE COULD HAVE DIED!!"
"You would have died if we went the other way too. I thought you would have appreciated not dying since the chances were higher if we went through the Knock-Up Stream." Luna turned her face away from Nami as if she wasn't there. "Also, there was no current nearby for us to use."

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