No Time for Morning!

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It didn't take long for Robin, Luna and Franky to take down every marine that got in their way as they were heading for the ship. It didn't matter how many of them there were as they were of no much for the three of them. They sent them all into the see. "Sorry, guys! We're gonna be taking this ship." Franky was saying down to those in the water as the three had taken away the ship. "The former convoy ship is now an escape ship."
"Yes." Both Robin and Luna agreeed.
"Now we just wait for the Straw Hats." But when he had said that, Luna looked over the side of the ship, noticing something coming. The others had noticed the same thing when something was causing the water to bubble. "What?" What was behind it
"Don't you..." had soon came popping out of the water. "...die on me!" And it was Kokoro not wearing anything by shells over her breast with a large pink fish tail.
"Oh, it's just Kokoro." Luna wasn't the slightest bit fazed, Franky on the other hand was screaming in terror at the sight of her. She had soon landed on deck while pulling a group of unconscious people onto the ship. The other three had gained around them.
"Oi, you guys, wake up!" She was telling them, after her tail had spilt into two.
"Oi!" Franky was also trying to wake them up and when they began to regain consciousness, the seven of them began coughing up water and coughing as they were breathing once again. "It must be a miracle... I just can't believe it... they must've had a real shock..." Franky was saying looking down at them. The shock had random them unconscious and cause of that they didn't taken too much water and where able to survive.
"Good. I wonder what shocked 'em that much..." Kokoro asked completely unaware of the cause
"That would be you." Luna pointed out to her, since that was the only answer.
"It's you, right. The friend that the pirate king kid came here to save, along with Missy." Kokoro was looking at Robin saying. "We met at the Shift Station, right? I remember you." Robin smiled at her in response as she was pulling clothes back on. "Back then I never would've thought you guys would do something like this."
"Hurry up and put some clothes on, stupid hag!" Franky had shouted at her.
"I laughed when he said he would be the Pirate King. But it seems it might really happen." The drunk old lady busted into laugher. It was then when the guys had all began to wake up completely.
"I-Is Nami okay?" Sanji was asking.
"You guys're as lively as ever..."
"I'm glad you're alive." Kokoro was pleased at them all up and well, however , when their eyes fell on her and Sniper King screamed in horror.
"It's true! Mermaids really didn't exist!" He eyes were about to pop out if his sockets.
"Seems like what they always say is true! 'If you think you saw a mermaid, it's really a Dugong!'" And for some reason Zoro was in tears as he shouted that.
"Idiots! She didn't say if she's a mermaid yet! Don't ruin my dream!" Sanji was still trying deny the truth.
"I'm an icefish mermaid." But it had been completely crushed.
"Stop it, no more!"
"But... I've never heard of a mermaid with feet before." Sniper King placed that out there.
"I object too!" Sanji was on his knees, slamming his fist into the deck. "Mermaid should be... Mermaid should be more..." As he was crying he was trying to describe have a supposed to be like sailors say. With beautiful white skin, beautiful, flowing hair, shine brightly. He was off in his own world imagining who who knows watch but completely snapped out of it seeing Kokoro. "Stop it!" He was once again on his knees crying.
"You idiots should learn that when merfolk reach 30 their tails will split into two. It then they can live on land like humans and that." Luna taught them that fact which was quite known in the Grand Line. "Once you reach fishman island you'll be able to see it."
"In two? I get it, it's like those cats that live to be 100, then their tail splits into." That was said but Sniped King after listening.
"Oh, a Cat Goblin?" Sanji stood up, no longer depressed,
"Don't mix us up with them!" Kokoro tole them before asking where their gratitude for saving them was.
"Thank you very much, Granny Kokoro." The three of them bowed to her saying.
"Don't mention it!" With that all being done, Sanji's eyes had moved into where Robin was standing smiling. He looked completely cool at first anyway
"Robin~ my love~!" He was flying over the her with eye the shape of a heart.
"Huh? Where am I?" Chopper had regained consciousness confused as to where he was.
"Robin!" But he hadn't been the only one. Nami throw herself at the woman screaming while Chopper was on her back also shouting. They had ended up moving away from where she stood, which lead to Sanji smashing into one of the masts of the ship.
"I'm so glad we made it in time, Robin!" The Orange hair girl was in tears with her arms wrapped around the black hair woman. "You're okay, right?"
"Robin!" Chopper was also in tears.
"Yes. All because of you. Thank you." Robin stated to them both, smiling happily.
"Don't worry about it!" But they only cried more hearing that. They were ignoring the fact that Sanji was stabbed in the mast.
"Granny, You're amazing! You were a mermaid? Chimney didn't seem to know until now. "I always thought it was weird that you had a fin and scales!"
"You should've figured it out!" Franky snapped at the little girl upon hearing her say that.
"Chopper?" He had fallen to the ground.
"Are you alright?" Robin asked him while slightly bending over down to him.
"Huh? I... can't move." He had said, shaking while trying to move his arms or legs.
"Yeah. I'll explain it all later." Zoro was saying looking over his shoulder from the stair case before going up it, however, he wasn't all, Luna was slightly ahead of him, walking up to the bridge,
"Zoro! Luna!" Us-Sniper King called out to them a bit confused but when they didn't stop he began running after them. "Zoro! Luna! I mean, swordsman, Miss!" He made it all the way up to the bridge to see them both standing looking out.
"Oi, look at that." Zoro told him, looking at the island that was burning in a sea of fire. "It's hard to believe it's the same island we were on before." The battle ships continued to fire cannonballs on the island.
"What's up with these attacks?" Sniper King couldn't understand why they were still attacking the island. "It's like a sea of fire!"
"It seems they were ordered to attack so that Nico Robin remained alive." Franky had joined three of them.
"So, they're nit firing at this bridge?"
"It only means that they are planning on take her back." Luna stated to him, since that was the only reason they would being keeping her alive. "When the island of Enies Lobby is destroyed, they will come at us with everything they got to recapture Nico Robin."
"That's bad! We're already all beaten up...most of us..." Sniper King noticed Luna without a single scratch on her. "...and those ships are bound to have all sorts of strong guys on board." What he spoke was true, as they would be captains and such. "Where!s Luffy?"
"There." Luna pointed over to the start of the bridge, where the first tower was. "It is where he is fighting Rob Lucci." She explained to him, where the smoke was coming from.
"That's not far, we should go help." The boy was saying moving forwards.
"Don't." But Zoro had stopped him with that single word. "The pigeon guy's not normal. If you get caught up in that, who knows what'll happen." Lucci was the strongest in all CP9's history. Not to mention the ruthless of them all. "We don't know when that fleet of battleships will come this way; we don't wanna lose our way out of here. So we'll wait for Luffy here. That's all." No one said anything after Zoro's speech. "The Strom starts now."
"Got it." That was right, the only thing they could do was wait for the battleships to turn on them. Along with Sanji that had stepped onto the bridge now.
"Franky... are your friends okay?" He had asked them man, since none of them had been heard from since the courthouse. The others were all looking at him now, as he remained silent.
"Idiot!" He bursted into laugher looking behind him to Sanji. "Those guys are good no matter what! They're fine, they're running away!" But he still was worried looking at the island.
"We can leave anytime! As soon as Luffy comes out, we'll go!" Nami voice was shouting up to the group informing them.
"Yeah." As they all stood in silence looking out to the cloud of smoke that covered their view now.
"But thinking about it... right now, that's about as many ships as there are us. Even if we try to leave, getting out of here it is nearly impossible." What Sanji stated was truth, no mater what happened they numbers of them escaping were low.
"Report from the main North-western gate- All Enies Lobby marines and agents have been collected." Someone's voice was broadcasting across the entire island from the battle ships. " we have also located the Pirates, around 50 total, in the middle of escaping at the maingate."
"Zambai and the others! See, didn't I tell you? They made it off the island safely! No need to worry 'bout them! Even if you kil 'em, those bastards won't die!" Franky was all smiles hearing that laughing as he was over joyed. "This one time-"
"After our attack, nothing remains; they have all died. In the island's current state, survival is impossible." That had been reported and had completely destroyed Franky's happiness. "Amount of survivors in Enies Lobby: Zero."
"This is a report from ship two. From the south-eastern courthouse and Tower of Law, as well as the underground tunnel connecting to the bridge, everything is destroyed. The only target remaining is the Bridge of Hesitation."
"Franky..."It truly was an attack without mercy that destroys everything.
"Those guys..." Sanji spoke about the Franky Family
"The Galley-La guys, too?" While Zoro thought of Paulie and that.
"Oimo... Kāshī...!" Sniper King's was that of the two giants.
"Yokozuna was with 'em too..." Kokoro spoke of the large scared frog.
"Sodom... and Gornorrah... everyone!" Chopper was beginning to cry.
"Can people really die this easily...?" Nami could only ask looking out to the island.
"You can't see people on a map.They are simply uncaringly erasing an island of that map." Robin had stated the truth of the Buster Call. Franky on the other hand had walked a bit ahead of the others.
"Hurry up, Straw Hat! Your friends are waiting for you! I'm not gonna accept it if you die!" He was shouting over to the tower which echoed.
"You don't have time for morning." Luna spoke up to the others.
"How can you be so cold?!" She had been asked by Sniper King.
"Because in the end tears won't do anything for you. You can beg and cry all you want it won't change anything." He had been taken back by her words but not as much as the look of someone who spoke from experience. "If you don't stay focus, then you might end up the same." The tense in the air began to raise after she said that since she spoke truth. Now that the island have been destroyed, the battleships would be heading this way towards them and none of them know how they planned to attack the crew waiting.

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