Great Panic!

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The entire building fell in silence in shock after Luffy sent Charlos flying with a single punch, which wasn't the smartest thing to do as his actions would bring an Admiral and a warship down from the Marine Headquarters to Sabaody Archipelago. "S-Saint Charlos..." it was clear that the man wasn't going to get up due to losing consciousness from the punch. Luffy pulled on his hat that had fallen to his back and began to crack his knuckles that he used.
"Sorry, you guys. If I had these guys, they call an Admiral from the Navy and a warship here, right?" Luffy seemed to have remembered that as he was saying this to the crew.
"Because you went and beat him up... I didn't get to cut him." Zoro was only disappointed that he was denied the chance cut Saint Charlos as he had completely put his sword back in its sheaf.
"Hachi! Hang in there!" Nami had ran over to join Luna, who was holding the octopus still.
"You guys... did something terrible..." he was trying to tell them.
"Even if we want to stop him, I doubt Luffy would listen since he does this all the time." Luna had come to tell him, which was the complete truth.
"Well, then..." Sanji lite up a cigarette.
"Then, it's clear what we've gotta do, right?" Franky was asking the others, since he didn't know if they knew.
"I'm sure the key to Camie's neck-ring is somewhere behind the stage." But they already knew. I have to take a look at Hachi's injuries, so I'll leave this to you!" Chopper says to the cyborg.
"You guys...!" Pappug had also made it down the stairs to Hatchan where both of them were crying again.
"Ah! Big brother Charlos!" It seemed that the other Dragons were calling out to him. "Not even father has even hit him!" Which might be why he was such a spoiled brat.
"Why, you...!" And that father, Saint Rosward was furious. "How dare a lesser human like yourself lay a hand in my son!?" He had then fired at Luffy.
"H-He angered the Celestial Dragons!"
"Run, outside!" This had sent the audience in panics mood as they began running to the exist and evacuating. from the building, with the exception of the Kid Pirates, Heart Pirates and the Celestial Dragons.
"I shall let you know what happens when you lay a hand on the descendants of this world's creators!" Rosward was stilling firing at Luffy, but even if he wasn't made of rubber it wouldn't matter, since none of the bullets came close to hitting Luffy.
"Enough." But out of nowhere Rosward came collapsing to his knees. "The lesser humans are you." Luna was standing above him, her eyes glowing as she was using her ability on him. "I never gave you permission to breath." With that being said, the man began to suffocate.
"How dare you attack Saint Rosward?!" Two of the guards came running towards her.
"Joue!" But Sanji had jumped in to interfere. "Concasse!" (Cheek, Crush, French) He had taken the down with little effort. "Get going, Franky! Fo free Camie!" He was saying to the cyborg that was punching his way down the stairs.
"Got it! I'll handle it Superbly!" And he took off down the stairs, while more of the Celestial Dragons' guards tried to enter the building through the crowd trying to escape.
"They just keep coming!" Chopped was shouting as some of them had used the back entrance were were running up the stairs.
"You fool, trying to protect a mere fish!" The crew had began an all out attack at those that were trying to stop them.
"Gum Gum..." Luffy began with pulling his right leg back, which stretched out. "...Whip!" Before he sent it swing around as those coming at him in armour. Zoro was slicing down them as they were coming at him.
"Got you!" A group of them had leaped onto him.
"Dragon..." Although, "...Tornado!" It didn't last long as Zoro spun with his swords to create a dragon-like tornado that both slashes and blows them all away. Franky was running down the stairs were a few of the guards grabbing onto him, thinking it would stop him, but it really didn't. Although, it did annoy him and forced the cyborg to rip them off.
"Strong..." Before turning around to a bunch of others running down the stairs after him. "...Right!" He sent his right arm flying and knocking them out. "And..." before he turned back around to the front. "Fresh Fire!" Breathing out Fire like a dragon. 
"Oi, Franky!" Zoro had come to snap at him. "Luna is right there!" He had pointed at the vampire, weak to fire, off to the side slightly.
"Ah! Sorry Luna!"
"Do it next time and I'll..." A bunch of the guards had come at her, but in an instant they had all been sent flying off like bugs. " that to you."
"Sorry!" Shouting that before he took off running.
"Nooo!" Nami was screaming running down the stairs while being chased by two. "Don't come here!" Out of nowhere she came to trip and was rolling down them to only roll into a row of stairs. They thought they had her but... "Beware of thunderclouds." She was smirking up at the group with a large black cloud right behind them. "ThunderBolt Tempo!" The lightning had struck down at the two guards knocking them both unconscious. "Excuse me." Nami was saying after standing back up smiling with her tongue out.  The crew were completely mowing down all that came at them without even the slightest problem.
"So, you people intend to defy us to the very end!?" And it seemed to angered Rosward, who Luna had released before as he was nothing but insignificant.
"Gum Gum..." Luffy legend stretched high in the sky above. "...Axe!" Before slamming it down and taking out a bunch once again. "Camie isn't for sale!" He was shouting at the man in anger,
"Call an admiral and warship here!" Rosward had ordered to one of the government agents, who was shocked at this order. "Show them what they're up against!" No matter how many they took out there was just no end to them. Luna had a few more after her, but as she was beginning to get a headache she was leap back a few rows at a time, standing on the back of the seats.
"This is annoying." Sue came to land on the row right before Law, who still hadn't left and was clearly finding this all amusing. "Having fun, aren't you."
"What makes you think that?" He was asking, looking up at her smirking and her eyes began to glow
"Zhivoy Kristall Krovi..." However, it was due to a bunch of crimson crystals that suddenly began to appear in front of her left arm she extend out. "...Belyy Medved'" (Living Blood Crystal: Polar Bear, Russian) it had taken to form of an average size polar bear which had leaped towards the guards trying to attack her. Luna was definitely not able to do this before, but it was something similar to Demon Lord Amman. The woman had then leaped off where she stood and came to land on the polar bear running amok as she was sitting on riding it. At the same time, Luffy and Sanji were back to back as they took out another one each that came at them.
"There's no end to them!" Luffy was beginning to have enough.
"You said it! My shoe heel is going to waste." That had been said right back to him in agreement by Sanji.
"Prepare yourselves!" But they didn't have time to rest as three more had come leaping towards them.
"Duck!" Zoro's voice had come to shout loudly. "36 Caliber..." He only had out a single sword which was pulled horizontally above the shoulder of his sword arm "...Phoenix!" Before performing a circular swing that launches the air compressed projectile spiraling towards the three trying to attack Luffy and Sanji.
"YOU TRYING TO KILL US!?" But the two of them had barely manage to dodge it and were screaming at their ally.
"I warned you, didn't I?" Who had responded to the shouting calmly.
"YOU WERE TOO SOFT!" But the two of them really couldn't complain as Zoro's attack had sliced the top of the tank holding Camie captive.
"Hacchin!" Which had allowed communication.
"Are you alright? They didn't hurt you, did they?" The injured octopus was asking her.
"I'm fine. But Hacchin, what about you?!" The mermaid was more worried about him, which made sense.
"Don't worry! Who do you think I am? I'm the takoyaki merchant, Hachi, you know! Just hold on for a bit longer! Wait right there!" He didn't seem the slightest be worried about himself, since Chopper was there to treat him.
"Sure! Hacchin, everyone..." the battle was continuing without much problems, just that there really was no end. But then, out of nowhere another flying fish came crashing in through the roof of the building.
"Another flying fish!" And there was still plenty of people, trying to run away, inside. Then another came crashing in and both were flying around the building.
"Thank you!" One of them had Robin on it.
"Be careful."
"Cien Fleur..." (Hundred Flowers, Spanish) Who had leaped down from the flying fish with arms sprouting from her back. "...Wings!" That formed large wings for her to fly down.
"Alright, good luck!" While the other flying fish
"I'm off!" Had Brook falling down off it.
"Clutch!" Robin instantly took out two attackers them moment she landed. While Brook ended up tripping into his face.
"My waist just made a snapping sound." He stood up not long after as he said that, but his back was slightly bending.
"Brook!" Until Chopper appeared out of nowhere with a bottle of milk.
"I am just bones, so drinking milk should heal me!" He chucked it all down and then began to shin. "I am just bones, and ta-dah! Viva calcium!" He was back to normal once again. Well, as normal as a walking, talking afro Skelton can be. "Now, excuse me for talking so long..."
"Damn pirates!" A guard had dashed for Robin, where he grabbed his shoulder, however, at the same time a pair of arms had sprouted out firm his shoulder.
"Clutch!" And pulled back after grabbing ahold of his head along with another attacking her from the front.
"Why don't you quit?" Luna was still sitting onto of the crystal blood polar bear she created, which was slashing through the guards like insects as it was making its way towards Robin.
"That's an interesting pet you got there." The woman had come to say as it stood before her.
"You think?" Although, Luna wasn't able to understand why she would say that looking down at the bear.
"God Damn it! Guard the mermaid! We're gonna get 500 million for her!" It seemed that Disco still planned to sell Camie off, despite the situation he was in.
"I've kept you waiting, ladies and gentlemen! Now that I, the great Usopp have arrived, you need not be afraid! It's a given that the hero always shows up at the last moment! After all, that's just the way I do things!" The last to arrive, Usopp was standing on the roof shouting with confidence. "So high!" Until he looked below and saw how far he was. Luna had already noticed him not to mention heard him. "Now that I'm here, maybe I should wait a little longer...?" He was not daring to jump.
"Just go already!" Until he had been pushed by the flying fish.
"I didn't want to go, you know!" The long nose was falling down screaming.
"These people... I will have the women stuffed and mounted! And the men will be sentenced to Waverley without food!" Rosward was shouting in anger, as if the crew was getting defeated. Although, out of nowhere, he had become crashed and knocking him unconscious with broken his glasses.
"Huh? That didn't hurt all that much..." this was all due to the fact that Usopp came crashing down upon the old bastard. "Sorry, old man!" But then came to notice he was on top of someone, not realising that he was a Celestial Dragon
"Even Saint Rosward..."
"Those pirates committed another sin!"
"Usopp, Robin, Brook!" Luffy seemed to have noticed the three of them.
"Now, we're all here!" Nami stated with Robin and Luna against her back taking down enemies.
"Luffy! Where's Camie?" Usopp had gone up to his Captain to ask, as he hadn't noticed her on stage.
"There she is!" Until it was pointed out to him. "As soon as we manage to remove that exploding neck room, we're out of here!" That had been the plan and until then they had to fight the guards coming at them.
"If we don't hurry, a warship and an admiral will arrive!" Nami had come to tell him about the imminent arrival of a warship and an admiral.
"The Navy is already here, Straw Hat." Someone had come to say, which pulled the crew's attention.
"Whats up with you?" Luffy was saying to the one who spoke, Law, and he was pretty annoyed. "And what's with the bear?" He asked like that was the more important question.
"Those guys have had this hall surrounded before the action started. Aren't that right, Miss Luna?" Law was smirking over to her, and seeing this didn't sit well with Zoro.
"That was obvious, The archipelago has an outpost from HQ." But she didn't react much to it as it wasn't a surprise to her, since she did notice the marines hiding out of sight.
"I have no idea who they wanted to catch... they could have known that someone would beat up the Celestial Dragon though, right?" Luna had come to the same conclusion but she didn't see or smell anyone that the navy saw as a threat. And she knew a lot of them and their smell. "You've showed me something rather interesting... Straw Hat Crew." Law was honestly enjoying himself.
"You are Trafalgar Law, right?" Robin had come to identified who he was. "Luffy, he's a pirate." And informed the Captain.
"Huh? The bear too?" But it seemed that he was still stuck on the bear.
"There's also that man over there..." Luna had come to say, as her attention was pulled towards a tall, muscular man with light skin and bright red hair, resembling flames at the very back. His nose had a particular shape, being quite pointed and having little protrusions on both sides. He had dark reddish purple colored lips and fingernails, red/orange eyes with no eyebrows. He was dressed in extravagant attire consisting of black and yellow lizard-print pants with a red fringe, motorcycle boots, and a blue sash under a green belt fastened by a large circular buckle with a four-leaf clover-like pattern in the middle. He also had a slim bandolier, with minuscule bolts that go diagonally over his right shoulder then ties to his waist, where he keeps a dagger with a Japanese-style hilt and what appears to be a flintlock gun. He also has gold bangles around both wrists. He wore a pair of studded, square shaped goggles on his forehead, and a large fur captain's coat over his bare muscular torso. The dark brown coat is adorned with spikes on its shoulders lined in maroon. The collar of the coat is extremely flared and wide. He typically wears this coat with his right arm in its sleeve and his left arm under the coat itself. "... is Eustass 'Captain' Kid, a notorious pirate from South Blue and the captain of the Kid Pirates." She identified him to Luffy.
"That is the man with a bounty higher than Luffy's!?" Brook had come to say as he had heard of it before. Luffy had then glared over to the man.
"Unforgivable! Now that it has come to theirs, I will just kill the mermaid they came to save!"That was until they come to see Saint Shalria with a gun pointing down at Camie.
"The 500 million beli! Please... Please wait, Saint Shalria!" Disco began to completely panic at the thought of his money being lost. "We haven't received the payment for that item yet! Please! Wait! Saint Shalria!"
"Be quiet, you inferior human!" But then the gun was pointed at him and fired. "Now, fish. I shall finish you off for good this time!"
"Damn it! Camie!"
"Stop trying to resist! Died now." 
"No! We won't make it!" The crew looks on in horror as they are unable to stop her in time. Just as she was about to pull the trigger a chill ran right down Luna's spin as she felt a force. It was like that time with Luffy and , however, this one was far more powerful and familiar to her. Out of nowhere Shalria had come to faint and falls off the ladder.
"S-Saint Shalria!" But no one understood what had happened and all had come to a stop as something had broken the back wall of the stage and had everyone looking at the person that came walking out, along with a giant. Luna eyes widen as he sight feel on an elderly man of relatively tall height with a very strong, defined build and tan skin. Two of his most distinguishing traits were his round glasses and facial hair, which is arranged embattled across his lower jaw. He also had a scar over his right eye. He chooses to dress quite simply, in a nearly plain t-shirt, shorts, and sandals, with a large silver hooded cloak, though the hood was down.
"...Now I see why the Navy was here..."

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