Upper Yard's Truth!

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After being abducted by a giant red lobster the crew that was on the Going Merry at the time, Zoro, Nami, Chopper, Robin and Luna found themselves on a stone building in the middle of cloud sea. "That special-express bastard just left us here." Zoro was saying all annoyed.
"What is this place?" Chopper had asking looking out in to area around them.
"All we know is that we're somewhere in,and of Upper Yard." Nami had stated out the obvious as she was looking up at the stone wall placed behind them with writing on it.
"This appears to be a sacrifice altar." Robin pointed out to them all.
"A sacrifice... altar?"
"Luna, whats a sacrifice?" Chopper had turned to the blue hair woman asking.
"It's an act of slaughtering an animal or person as an offering to a deity or a god." She explained simply to him.
"Oh, is that all? I thought I was gonna get boiled alive." For some reason he was signing in relief.
"You idiot, it's basically the same thing." She had grunted at him since he was so stupid in thinking it matter what way they would be offered. He had turned around sweating,
"She's right, no matter their methods, we will still have our lives offered to God." Robin was saying as she stood beside her.
"WHAT!? THEN WE'RE GONNA BE KILLED-!?" Before any of them knew it, the panicked little reindeer had lost his balanced and fallen off the ship onto the tumble down the altar's stairs,
"Chopper!" Nami shouted after hi.
"Dammit." And Zoro followed after him but there wasn't must point as Robin saved him with her Devil Fruit ability. At least that what it first appeared as until something had shot out from the clouds behind him. It had been a giant blue shark with black stripes that was about to devour Chopper if not for Zoro her had been sent flying off after blocking the shark.
"What is that!?" Nami was asking stunned by the shark's appearance
"A shark." Robin had said nonchalantly.
"To be precise is the sky shark." And Luna was no different as she basically corrected her. Either way Chopper had screamed all the way back to the ship.
"ZORO! ZORO!!" The swordsman had gone under with the shark close behind. "What happened?" Chopper was asking the three woman beside him since he was back on the ship. "Zoro..." But no one made a sound as they still were silently waiting. The four of them stood quietly, waiting for the man to reappear, which he did... not exactly how they expected, which was to be in the mouth of the skyshark. "There he is!"
"ZORO'S LOSING TO THE SKYSHARK!" Chopper was completely losing it before Zoro and the shark when under again. "T-They went down again...." Chopper's looked like they were about to pop out of his head. "ZORO'S NOT COMING BACK UP!"
"He... didn't get eaten, did he?" Nami had gone completely pale in shock. She was completely covered in sweat.
"ZORO GOT EATEN!" But her saying that only caused Chopper to lose it again.
"If he got eaten, the clouds would be turning red." Robin pointed out to them.
"And even if he was eaten, who cares." Of course Luna said that, but at the end, both woman were pretty calm about it.
"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO SAY SUCH MORBID THINGS, ROBIN!?" Nami was shouting right to the woman and then turned to look at Luna. "AND HOW CAN YOU BE SO COLD, LUNA!?"  But as soon as she did that the shark had come flying out of the clouds and Zoro was walking out of them up to the ship.
"Damn. Guess we won't be swimming away from here." Zoro had spoken when he made it up to the top of the altar.
"You punch that shark, yet you call yourself a swordsman." Nami had said down to him, her hands on her hips.
"Zoro is so strong!" While Chopper was admiring him. But Nami continued asking him about what happened to his pride as a swordsman.
"Shut your trap, woman!" Zoro snapped while taking his soaking wet shirt off,
"This is so stupid." Luna was saying leaning against the side railing. "But he is right. It's impossible for you to swim across." She had then said as more skysharks' fines had popped out from the clouds.
"There wasn't just one! There's still a bunch of Skysharks down there!" Of course the little guy was completely freaking out again.
"If I fight each one of them, we'll be here until nightfall." Zoro was saying as if he could do that over and over again without them attacking him. "We'll never get to the shore like that."
"Indeed. And we can't stay here forever." Robin said just before she had leaped down off the Merry to join him,
"He really screwed us over... that big shrimp." He was say as he was currently trying to dry his shirt out.
"It was a lobster." Luna was correcting him.
"Perhaps Heaven's Judgement is to let us starve here." Robin ended up suggesting to them.
"Trust me when I say that come with high power wouldn't do something so simple." Luna responded to her since it wouldn't make sense to bring them here just for that.
"Who do you mean by that?" She asked up to the woman that had moved to the side as Nami throwing down a dark blue tank top to Zoro.
"That looks pretty bad." He had spoken, looking at the damage the Merry had on her. "With the hell looking like that, we can't set it in the water. Think of a way to repair her in the meantime, Chopper." He looked up to him saying,
"Huh? Me? Okay..." He was flustered at first by ended up agreeing.
"Repair the ship? What are you going to do?" Nami was looking down to him asking.
"I wanna go check out the forest." He had answered throwing the tank top on. "We might as well use this spot as a base for now. I'm sure Luffy and the others are gonna try to find us here." What Zoro said was true when when he said that when one gets lost, don't move.
"The one that it applies to is you." Luna stated to him as she had noticed Robin had walked to the other side of the ship, where the altar had old ruins on it.
"Hey, Zoro... you said you're going into the forest... but what are you going to do there?" Chopper had asked him a smart and honest good question.
"God's on this island, right? I'm gonna go meet him." It was too bad that the response was completely stupid.
"Stop right there! Why would you want to meet someone with such horrible power!?" Nami was now the one asking the question.
"Who knows...That depends on his attitude."
"Zoro...is more arrogant than God." Chopper seemed impressed by it but...
"You are all morons. How is it that you're all alive still?" Luna could only wonder over and over again, shaking her head in annoyance. Nami had then reminded Zoro of the priests that were also on the island and then went in about one isn't supposed to anger God.
"Sorry, I've..." Zoro had turned around smirking up at her. "...never prayed to God."
"OHH! SO COOL~!!" Chopper thought he was amazing, while Luna only looked at him with lifeless eyes as is stupidity.
"I don't believe in him, so why should I pray to him?" Although he is right about that.
"Oh, Lord God, I do not know this man. Please don't punish me with him!" Nami was speaking up to the sky crying.
"YOU'RE SO COOL, ZORO~!" While they were going on like that, a strong sense of eyes had caused Luna's head to wrap around to the shoreline, which she glared at since that was where she felt someone.
"Looks like we can use that vine." Zoro had spoken, causing Luna to pull herself away from the shoreline.
"Oh, Yes. Good idea. Do you mind if I come along, Mr. Swordsman?" Robin had spoken, asking him.
"Fine, just don't get in the way." He had answered not really caring,
"Wait!" Nami had stopped praying and ran to the side shouting at Robin, asking where she was going.
"Look at this." She had turned around to the ruins. "It's been at least 1000 years since this altar was constructed." She ended up explaining.
"Something this historic makes me throb with excitement." Robin was saying with completely honest. "A place with such deep history must have many relics to be discovered." She seemed like a completely different person.
"And normally in places like that, there's jewels or gold." Luna had added that on which seemed to have changed someone.
"I'm going too!" Nami had raised her hand shouting.
"WHAT!? DIDN'T YOU SAY YOU WERE SCARED!?" Chopper was stunned by her sudden change.
"We're going to dig up some history." Her words didn't match her beli sigh eyes and Chopper saw that.
"I, too, shall come." Luna had looked up to the vine and without even a moment of hesitation she had ended up leaping towards it with only one push. She grabbed ahold of it and swung up above onto the branch it was attach too and stood onto it.
"Amazing!" Chopper's eye's were sparking up at the woman that had then throw the vine down to Zoro that was in the crows nest.
"That's all you're getting." She had told him as she headed for the trunk of the tree.
"It's perfect." Was his response grabbing the vine. That was when he had began to cough as if he was trying to do something. Finally, after a bit, like Tarzan he had taken of swing across to the other side with the same cry.
"What is that?" Was all Nami had to ask in confused. When Zoro made it to the other side the vine was then sent back this time it being Robin that crossed.
"Robin's so cool!" And she had no problem, even when Luna came falling out of the tree above and landed gracefully beside her. "How amazing!" This only left Nami.
"They makes it look easy." Who was completely doubtful as she grabbed ahold of the vine. "This is a bit high..." She was sweating buckets as she stood on the edge of the the crows nest looking down.
"It's about 50 meters. If you don't make it, you'll die." And it wasn't like Robin was helping with things.
"STOP SCARING ME!" The sight of the skysharks eating the one Zoro had defeated seemed to have caused more problems. "She's right. It's all over if I fall." She was shaking uncontrollably but... "Okay, already! I'm coming! Here I go!" She took off across the river completely quietly but then she began to scream when she realised that she was going to fast and heading to the train of a tree. "TOO FAST! IT'S TOO FAST! I CAN'T STOP!" Nami had come to a completely stop before she even realised it.
"You are completely useless." Luna had ended up grabbing her by her bag pack, which caused the girl to hang.
"T-Thanks." Until she was dropped without a care in the world. "Hey! That hurts!" Her shouting had caused Luna to stop as she had been walking swaying.
"Would you have rather become one with the tree?" She ended up looking back asking, but the look on her face terrified Nami. "I didn't think so." Luna took off again, along side Robin, heading deeper into the forest as Zoro was repeating the jungle cry.
"It's because you didn't do the call." And saying that it was the reason she almost smashed into a tree.
"THAT'S NOT THE PROBLEM!" Of course she snapped at him.
"This truly is a huge forest..." Robin had noted as both her and Luna were looking around as the large trees. Luna ended up placing her hand on one of the roots belong to a tree.
"This isn't normal." She muttered only to the sniffed the air around her. "Blood?"
"Okay, Chopper! The ship's in your hands!" Zoro was shouting back to the Merry,
"We'll leave it with you!" As was Robin
"We'll be back soon!" And finally Nami as Luna headed further into the forest without a word.
"Okay! Be careful, guys! Come back safe!" Chopper was should back to them before the entered the forest even deeper and after some time had passed
"So where's God?" Zoro had come to a stop looking above him asking that question.
"Being God, he may already be watching our movements." Robin ended up stating as they stopped.
"This wouldn't take half as long if he'd just get his ass over here." He was now saying with his hand placed over swords
"I'm fine with him right where he is!" Nami was tell him after she wiped all of the sweat away from her face. "What do I have to say to make you listen? This island's god is wrathful!" Just remembering what she saw frightened her, making her pray again. "Oh! And please help me to find lots of treasure."
"You had to end it with that!" Zoro walked to the edge of the river, which they had been walking along side with. "Anyways just walking along the river isn't getting us anywhere. Let's cross the river and check things out in the other side."
"Good idea." Robin agreed with him.
"But, how do we get across?" Nami was asking them as she had gone to the edge. "Swing across on vines like before? Or maybe there's a tree..." The ground beneath her feet had caved, in which had caused her to head right for the cloud river, or at least before the skyshark came out. This didn't give much time for Zoro or Robin to react. Zoro had grabbed ahold on Nami throwing her behind him and ended up kicking the shark across the river. Meanwhile, Robin had sprouted arms out of the tree Nami was heading right for a tree,
"Those annoying bastards are here too!?" Zoro was breathing heavy as he was shouting that.
"I quit! I'm not crossing that river! I refuse to get eaten by a pack of Skysharks!" Nami was shouting and crying.
"But, we need to search the other side of the river too." Zoro had tried to tell her,
"No means no! If you want to go so badly, Zoro,  go by yourself!" He had only gotten that shouted at him until
"What's wrong with you idiots?" They had all looked ahead to see Luna standing there completely unharmed and unfazed by any of this.
"Where have you been!?" Nami was in tears asking.
"Is that really any of your business?" Luna only asked back before looking to Robin and Zoro. "Have you guys not noticed?" She ended up asking them.
"Noticed what?" They had asked her since they didn't know what she was talking about.
"The ground." She stomped on it saying. "It's soil." Some of the dirt had been kicked in as she did that,
"Well, obviously. It's the ground," Nami had said up to her not all that shocked or surprised.
"Yes, but the island we were on before was made of clouds." Luna had reminded them which seemed to have made them realise that she was right.
"She got a point. It's not fluffy at all." Zoro was pointing as, smelling his heel on the ground.
"Oh, right. Sky Island's made up of Island Clouds." Nami had realised what Kuna said was true as well as she had picked up some soil in hand. "It feels like ages since I've felt soil like this. So why is this island different?"
"Whatever the case, it seems there are mysterious islands even among those in the sky." Robin had stated to them, which she wasn't wrong. "There seems to be a great deal worth investigating."
"Then it's better to continue." Luna had pointed ahead of them where she had come from.
"Let's go then." And they headed for it, however, Luna had come to a stop looking off into the forest. "Oi, Luna! What are you doing?" Zoro had called back to her noticing that she was just standing there.
"The ground is shaking." She had answered feeling the vibration of the island.
"Shaking?" The man looked at her confused along with the others.
"There is a battle taking place." She had stated but
"What?" Nami was even more confused completely doubting here
"What's happening?" But for some reason Robin didn't nor did it seem that Zoro did either.
"Those that serve God are fighting the guerrillas but it appears to be one sided." She had explained to them as if she was actually there watching the fight.
"Who's winning?" Zoro didn't seem to have any doubts at what she was saying,
"The priests." She had answered before looking away. "There is no need to worry as they won't be coming in this direction." This was more direct at Nami as the girl seemed to have gone pale as she walked passed her.
"Let's go, Nami!" Zoro had called to her as they continued. But it wasn't long before Nami ended up coming to a stop so that she could catch her breath.
"Hey, did you just see something move over there?" Nami had then turned to Zoro asking him.
"Not really." Had been his answer since he didn't see anything,
"Hey, did you see anything, Robin? Luna?" She had then looked back ahead of her asking the woman.
"No, I didn't see anything." Robin shrugged back smiling sort of making it hard to tell if she was lying or not.
"You probably just saw a monkey or something." Zoro suggested that possibility
"A Monkey? Maybe..." but Luna was looking right at the thing Nami was talking about, except it was nothing but a person. A little girl to be precise, that had ran off the moment she made eye contact with the woman. However, they still continued walking the way Luna was moving in, like she was on some sort of mission. But there was something off, Zoro and Robin both noticed that she seemed to be acting different then when she normally does. She was on edge for some reason, and it wasn't because of the forest or the battle she spoke of. In fact she could care very little about it. More time passed and the ground had changed, which seemed to have caused Robin and Luna to both bend down to touch it and the ground was stone pavement which was odd but it continued ahead of them, it was then when the faint sound of a whistle echoed in Luna's ears.
"Hey, did you hear something just now?" Nami had slide down the root she was sitting on to the ground,
"Yeah. Don't move." Zoro had told her, flicking up his sword. Nami was confused but when she saw his face she gotten slightly scared. However, it wasn't just him, Luna and Robin were also on guard until something come out from the cloud river above and was heading right for Nami.
"WOULD YOU THINGS KNOCK IT OFF!!" Zoro ended up punching it in the jaws after Robin had used her ability to close it shut.
"Are you a jinx?" Luna looked down to Nami asking, as she had been the one that always seemed to be in trouble. "Stop causing so much trouble."
"Y-Yeah... Sorry...." She had ended up saying as she knew Luna was right. As Nami refused to cross the river the only thing the group could do was look for a way to cross it that was far above them and when they came to a root that stretched cross the river from the other side, Nami could no longer complain.
"Oi... Nami, walk faster, dammit!" But she was shaking a lot as they walked over.
"Shut up! Quit talking to me! What if I fall!?" Nami was shouting back at him but the moment she did that a Skyshark had shot up causing her to lose her footing. Zoro dealt with it in the mean time, slinging away.
"Oi, you Okay?" He had called asking down below.
"Yeah..." Where Nami was handing upside down by a leg which had been grabbed by arms sprouted by Robin. "I guess so..." without even paying any attention to what had happened, Luna stood on the other side and instantly noticed the makings of man made ruins but she had then leaped off down to the ground with little effort. This had caused the other  to be confusion but Robin had followed after the woman.
"What the hell is up with them? Wandering off by themselves... they're so self-centred." Zoro was asking Nami as the two of them followed suit.
"You're calling someone else self-centred?" She couldn't believe he had the nerves to say that stating that she's never out up with that crap him. Which only seemed to confused and annoyed him. "I have a feeling we're having a lot unnecessary trouble because of you." She didn't know how right she was since they weren't at the Going Merry. The two of them had joined back up with Robin and Luna, only to see Robin looking over a glass tub with dirty water in it. 
"Is that well really that unusual?" Zoro ended asking them both since he didn't see why she would be so interested in such a thing.
"Yes, it's unthinkable for the tree to be overtaking it like this. The balance between nature and civilisation has been upset." Robin had explained to him after turning around to face the man.
"Well, whatever it is, if we don't find a way to cross the river, we won't be able to walk through the whole forest." The river they had crossed before was not the one they actually wanted to cross but the larger main one. "We'll never get to meet God here."
"The civilisation didn't expect the tree to grow so large. This is the first time I've ever seen such a case." Robin was now basically saying to herself.
"Oi, Luna! See anything from up there!?" Zoro was was shouting up to the tall tree as she was standing on the branch far above the ground. "Oi, I'm talking to you! Say something! Do you see God!?" Zoro ended up snapping up at her, since he knew she could hear him.
"Why isn't she responding?" Nami was asking them since she had yet to say anything.
"Maybe she sees something." Robin had suggested that, which was true and it was something that none of them would expect, that was except
"Who would have thought... to think this island really is..." Luna was speaking to herself looking up and over. It was after saying that she ended up falling forwards.
"Oi! What are you doing!?" Zoro began to panic seeing her heading for the ground at a incredible speed. Robin was about to sprout out arms until she saw the woman somersaulting in the air until her feet were pointing to the ground, where she landed. But if it were a normal person, their legs would have broken from that high and speed and yet Luna didn't even have a sprain before she took off walking in the direction she had been looking in.
"Hey! Luna! Where are you going!?"
"It's probably easier to show you then explain." This had caused the others to follow after her since she had such a serious expression placed on her face. One way or another they ended up walking across branches above the ground where Luna was taking the lead. But everyone had stopped when more explosions caused the ground the shake around them.
"What was that?" Nami was asking like it wasn't obvious, as they had all looked back.
"An explosion, obviously." Zoro had told her but it was pretty obvious what it was.
"I heard one early too, but this one sounded a little different." Robin had informed her
"I've been hearing them since we began walking in the forest." Luna ended up telling them. She had been gifted with really sensitive hearing making her able to hear things that mostly animals would be able to. "But this isn't the time for such things. Would you idiots hurry up."
"What're you all worked up for, Luna?" Zoro had climbed up to the branch She was shanking on before asking,
"You've been acting strange ever since you came down from that tree." Robin added on, continuing to walk.
"That's right, What did you see?" Nami was slowly following behind them.
"You see God or something?"
"Stop asking that." Luna said right back to Zoro that had asked her that before. "Like I said before, It's easier to show you-" as she was saying that, Nami's sudden shrieking had caused her to be cut off. The reason behind the shrieking was because she ended up slipping on some moss almost losing her balance.
"This is getting ridiculous! Why is it so hard to walk around here!?" Nami was beginning to lose it more then before as she had regained her footing.
"But Luna was the one who said this way would be faster." Robin had remained her as to why they were up in the trees.
"Quit wasting time and spit it out! What the hell did you see?" Zoro ended up snapping at the blue hair woman that had already leaped to the next branch ahead.
"Just shut up and follow. Is it that hard for your human brain to understand that much?" She was telling him without even looking back at the man. "This is the way that heads straight to the shore."
"Come and help me!" Nami was shouting up to the three of them as she had slipped once again.
"The shore?" Robin had ignored the girl's screaming to look up to Luna, who was glancing down at her before looking back ahead.
"Yes, there's something that I need to look at up close to make sure." She explained before Zoro took off like Tarzan again, but she took off after him leaping through the trees with ease. Luna noticed a while ago, once she saw the trees and earth, not to mention the altar and the strange familiar calls of birds ringing through the trees. The moment she saw what ever she saw from above had made it all clear.
"We're nearing the sea." Robin was saying after a while of them walking on the trees they were now climbing over the roots of them.
"Huh?" Zoro didn't understand why she would say that,
"Can't you hear the waves crashing against the shore?" But Luna knew since she heard it loud and clear. That was when he went quiet and the sound of waves reached both sets of ears.
"Right! We're almost there!" Nami was breathing heavy as she was shouting. "Here we go!" Nami ended up taking the lead.
"Just tell us what you saw." But when Zoro asked that Luna looked at him annoyed. "What's with that look?"
"I hear another sound mixed in with the waves." Robin had mentioned to the pair remaining, as the sound of guns and metal clashing with the sound of explosions echoed in their ears,
"Yeah, a real nasty kind sound..."
"...the sound of human war. How pointless." That being said by Luna she had jumped down from the root that all stood on.
"Do you think we should be worried?" Robin had asked the man, since many would be in this case.
"You don't have to worry about Chopper. He really comes through when he needs to." What his response but she wasn't talking about Chopper but Luffy and the others. "Luffy?"
"After we were addicted, he must have come after us." She was right about that.
"He was pretty hot about coming to this island."
"I don't know what God intends to do... But he most likely wouldn't let them pass freely." In a sense she was right
"And then there's those guys over there starting their own fight." Zoro had added looking in the direction of the battle,
"This seems a lot more complicated then before." Luna spoken up with Nami along side her catching her breath once again. Zoro couldn't help but agree with her on that but in the end he said the others would be fine since they were used to getting in trouble, but that was because they were centre of all it. Luna had then looked a head where she could see the shore line and before the others knew it she was running,
"Oi, Luna! Oi!"  Zoro tried to call out to her but she just continued. With no other chose they followed after her, but they weren't running,
"Why's she in such a hurry all of a sudden?" Robin was asking the other two, thinking they would know the answer.
"Jeez, as soon as we see the sea, she gets all fired up." Zoro was only grunting,
"I don't know, this doesn't seem like the normal Luna." Nami had pointed out to them since Luna was mostly annoyed or disgusted or even emotionless at times.
"So, it's as I thought from the beginning." Luna was at the shore looking at something causing a shadow over her, when both Robin and Nami had made it and saw what was causing the shadow, and they were shocked.
"Look at this...!" Robin called back to the other two as they still were getting there.
"Oi, Luna. I've had enough. Tell us what's going-" Zoro had stopped in his tracks and had become just as shock a the women.
"Do you understand now?" Luna slightly looked over her shoulder asking them. "Your brains are so rotten that they don't recognise this, right?" She asked them.
"It's not a fairy tale." Nami had walked up to the stone before them and placed her hand on it, "We saw it just this morning."
"What the hell does this mean?" Zoro had stomped over asking of an explanation. "What's something from the ground doing way up here?" He was asking saying it was the exact same.
"No, it isn't." Robin had spoken up to correct him. "This is a piece of what we saw back on the ground." She ended up saying, making him even more confused.
"I thought it was strange. No mater where on Skypiea we went, There was no sign of earth and yet this island was different." Luna had voiced her thoughts looking ahead. "It could only mean one thing... this place known as Upper Yard is... ordinary from the blue sea."
"I knew there was something wrong with that house." Nami was now speaking. "It had two floors but there was no staircase to get to the second floor. And there's no reason to build the house over that cliff." She began to smirk. "The coastline there was actually a tear in the island." The stone building before them was the other half of Cricket's house that was on Jaya. " This island was Jaya!"
"So, some time in the past, the island split apart... and half of it ended up in the sky." Zoro understood more then one would think he would, but it only made him ask how.
"What other way could there be?" Luna turned to him asking since the answer was obvious. "The same way we got here... the Knock-Up Stream." He couldn't believe something like that was possible but in the Grand Line, just because something can't be explained, doesn't mean that it's not possible. "The City of gold that was discovered on the surface it didn't sink into the sea... it was shot into the sky, where it's been for the past 400 years." It was beginning to make sense how even after all this time it hadn't been found at the bottom of the sea.
"Thank you, God!!" Nami had shriek in joy causing Luna to cover her ears. "Enduring all that suffering to get to Sky Island... and then find out it was the Land of Gold! This must be a reward for being such a good girl, right? God~!"
"Hey, I thought you were scared of this island's God." Zoro had said since all she was doing since they arrive was scream and yell about how powerful this God was.
"Eh? God? What good is he? Is he worth more than gold?" She had asked like a completely different person then before.
"Didn't you just say, 'thank you, God'?" Robin reminded her completely taken back by her change in character.
"This chick makes no sense!" Zoro said right out.
"In all honestly, I doubt this person is actually God." Luna ended up stating looking back to the forest.
"Don't say that! He'll hear!" Nami had ran over and covered her mouth but they were flicked away.
"He can hear me, since he can use haki."
"Haki?" None of them seemed to have heard it before.
"How are you all still alive?" Making Luna repeat the same question she's been asking since traveling with them.

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