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Luna had once again heard the same voice from before, it seemed a bit clearer, however, she was still unable to make out what they were saying completely. But the thing was, that she felt that she knew what it was saying and yet at the same time she didn't. "Are you alright, Luna?" Chopper's voice had called from outside the rubble
"Yeah... but it's time like this I'm glad I was born a demon." If she hadn't been born one then every bone would be broken and that was the best scenario the worst would be that she is dead. "Move." She stated just before pushing off everything that was on top of her, while then dusting herself off like this had been nothing. At the same time
"Three-Sword Style..." Zoro holding his two swords horizontally above the shoulder and the other in his mouth in the same direction. "...108-Pound Phoenix!" Attacked again with a circular swing that launches had it's attack flying right at Oars.
"Yokes! That was close." Who had completely dodged it.
"Damn! That stupid demon dodged again!" Zoro was beginning to become annoyed.
"Shrimp, quit sneaking around!" That had been shouted at the swordsman leaped back to join the others.
"Zoro! Luna! S-Seriously, don't do anything crazy!" Usopp had shouted as now everyone had once again joined up. "Even if by some miracle you manage to defeat him, all you get out of it is Luffy's shadow!" He didn't seem to understand why it was that both of them had attack like that. "We don't even know where your or Sanji' shadow are. But if Luffy defeats Moria, everyone will instantly get their shadows back! You don't need to get hurt fighting an immortal giant Demon zombie! Let's believe in Luffy and work on keeping this behemoth busy!"
"It's not that we don't believe in him." Luna had spoke up saying. "But you have completely forgotten about Luffy's one weakness."
"Huh?" Usopp didn't quite understand what she meant by that.
"Gullibility. Everything and everyone on this island, the invisible man, the ghost girl, and the master of shadows... each of them have their fruit abilities the handrail on deception. Luffy is a complete moron who falls for everything, giving the enemy an advantage over him." She had explained that to them all.
"That's a good point." And none of them could deny how much of an idiot that their captain was.
"It means if Gecko Moria tricks Luffy slips away, when morning comes... then Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji would no longer be able to fight anymore." Everything she said had been pretty much what was going through Zoro's head.
"So at the very least, if we can get Luffy back to normal before dawn, he'll take over from now." This had been the main reason he had been fighting and Luna knew that since from the beginning he had been speaking to her telepathically.
"I would say we have less than 30 minutes until sunrise. But these are foggy waters. The morning sun won't hit everywhere." Franky was stating looking up to the sky that had gotten a little lighter.
"So morning is on the horizon.... This fog is the only thing in our favour." Sanji had been right about that. "Honestly, the fear of annihilation is just now setting in with sunrise so close." They couldn't deny it no longer.
"Ah, I found the runts!" Oars was looking down at the group after the dust had settled, however, everything began to shake.
"Wh-Whats this!?" Usopp fallen to his knees as the others were trying to steady themselves.
"Why is the ship shaking!?" It didn't make sense for it to suddenly behave like that.
"The fog..." Luna had noticed that the fog before them had began to dissipate before their eyes. The ship had hit a wind current which had caused Thriller Bark to began leaving the Florian Triangle. "This is not good."
"That thick fog... was our one ray of hope!" Usopp was sweating looking up at the clear sky.
"Who planned for the fog to clear up now of all times!?" Even Sanji was beginning to sweat worried. "The morning sun is going to shine straight on to us!"
"Dammit! We've got enough problems on our hands without having to deal with Oars!" The long nose had gasped out of nowhere looking back to Oars.
"The sky is unexpectedly clear tonight."
"M-Moria! It's Moria!" Usopp had completely fallen over in shock as he looked up.
"Where?! Where is he!?" But no one else could see him.
"Hey, don't mess with us!" He was no where around them.
"The sun will be rising soon. Should you really be farting around?" But Luna had looked up
"Why is he here? What happened to Luffy!" Usopp was asking since their captain was supposed to be taking care of the man.
"Huh? I can hear Master's voice!" Even Oars had no idea where his master was.
"Hey! Hold up, Usopp! Where the heck is Moria?" Sanji had asked as the others, excluding Luna, were looking to the long nose confused.
"He is right there." She had spoken pointing up to Oars' stomach where it was opening up like curtains. Which had the others looking to where she was pointing.
"I see him!" All could see a large humanoid creature with very distinct, devil-like features sitting inside Oars' stomach. "Hogback! This was his doing!" He had two horns protruding from the sides of his forehead and stitches running vertically from the top of his face and down his neck, which were rather long and thick in comparison to his body. His ears and teeth were both pointed, while his lower body is relatively fat and stubby in comparison. Moria's hair was red and his skin is a pale blue, matching his lips, armbands and the edges of his gloves. His coat and gloves were black. He wore a fishnet shirt underneath a cravat, a necklace, and a blue crucifix-like ornament with claw-like appendages sprouting out from three of the cross's points.
"Is he a demon too?" Franky was looking over to Luna asking
"Don't be ridiculous. A demon would never eat a Devil Fruit." But she had stated to him as if what he said had been an insult.
"What is Moria doing there?" Robin had become confused, but whether it was because he was in the stomach of Oars or because Luffy hadn't defeated him was unsure.
"So where's Luffy? Did Moria seriously give him the slip?" Sanji was asking and it had been the only thing that made since.
"Or did he...?" Franky was about to being up Luffy's being defeated,
"No one can take Luffy down!" Chopper snapped at him before he could finish.
"That's strange. I could have sworn I heard Master's voice." The only one that hadn't noticed was the being that had the Warlord in his own stomach. "There he is! Is that a cockpit?" He had finally noticed looking down at his stomach. "I'll be! Is my tummy a cockpit?" He almost seemed excited about it as he began to place his fingers inside as Moria was laughing.
"Hey!" The master had shouted seeing the large fingers poking inside.
"This is pretty well made! I wanna ride in the cockpit!" He truly had Luffy's personality to the core.
"Hey, stupid! Don't stick your fingers in the cockpit!" Moria was kicking at the fingers inside.
"Okay, master!" And the fingers had been removed. "This is so cool! I'm like a robot. Roar! I'm a giant robot!" Oars was playing around. "Creak, creak, creak, creak! Screech! Screech!" He raised up both his arms, and one of them had hit the mansion, causing some of it to break off.
"Whoa, that was close!" Some barely missed Usopp.
I'm the giant robot, uh, Oarsbomber! Nice to meet you!" Oars had suddenly shouting but
"Why Oarsbomber?" Usopp could only asked not understanding it.
"Oarsbomber?" Chopper had repeated the name like a question.
"How could you be a robot when you're a demon zombie!?" Franky was completely offended since he was a cyborg and all. "Robots are like, 'Ka-ching!' and 'Ka-ling!'" He was posing as he was shouting that.
"That's your problem with this?" Luna was looking at him in disbelief.
"I'm psyched that I get to be a giant robot!" The idiot monster was saying as he had completely forgotten that he was a zombie. He was over excited as well laughing his head off.
"Oars, give it a rest! Don't get so hyped up." That was until Moria had shouted that.
"Okay, master." He had completely calmed down
Okay, punks! I am going to offer you the chance to fight me." Moria was laughing looking at the crew below him. "If you're victorious, you can set all of the shadows free. All of you can attack at once! But if you don't feet always, you'll never pull me out of him."
"That creep... that's low!" Usopp bursted out.
We can purify Oars if we don't have feet Moria, but Moria went inside of Oars!" Chopper had been right about that.
"But doesn't that simplify things? Our target is right there." Sanji had stated that
"That might be true, however, things might become difficult." Luna didn't think it would be that easy, especially since all of them were pretty beaten already. Luna was running low of blood as well.
"We have to take them down!" Zoro was right about that since there was no other way. "Usopp! If a little won't cut it, go find a boatload of salt!" He was shouting to the sniper. "That is the only way to purify Oars. Well we can him as much as possible in the meantime."
"Yep! Leave that to use!" At that being said, everyone had gotten in their attack stances ready to go for it.
"Okay! You got it! I'll go get some!" Usopp had taken off running as fast as he could. "I'm pretty sure there was a kitchen in the first mansion we went to! There should be a bunch of salt there!"
"I thought they looked pumped, but there after salts." Moria seems a bit disappointed but he was expecting that to be the case. Hey, Oars! Cross the path to the mansion, along with that Longnose guy! Make it impossible for them to reach the kitchen!" That had been ordered.
"Okay, Master."
"Usopp!" Zoro had tried to call out to him.
"Huh? What!?" And he had turned around to look back only to find Oars' fist right behind him and before long Oars had completely destroyed the path with his fist.
"Crap! Usopp!"

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