Another Counter-attack!

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Oars had completely taken out the entrance to the mansion where Usopp had been running to. Out of concerned chopper had taken off running for the mansion crying out his name as the large arm had been pulled back. Moria seemed to be in enjoyment as he was laughing. "Shit! Oars is acting intelligent now that Moria is with him!" This had been what Luna thought would happen.
"Usopp! Where are you!? Answer me!" Chopper was calling out for their friend.
"He's okay!" A voice had spoken from above, which pulled all to look up where they saw something falling. "I thought that you might need salt, so I gather it's in bulk!" The one that had come landing on the ground was Brook, who had completely disappeared from the battle, and he had Usopp on his left shoulder as the right had salt in hand.
"Brook!" They were honestly surprised but it wasn't an unwelcome to one.
"You're a lifesaver!" Especially for the one that was about to die.
"Brook, you can move?" Franky was asking since the last time they saw him he was unable to.
"You seem to be doing really great." Chopper noticed as the skeleton was laughing proudly and seems well enough to fight against Oars and Moria.
"I owe ya one. Thank you!" Usopp was still trying to catch his breath.
"Indeed, I was severely injured! I drag my battered body to the kitchen in search of salt. Upon someone across some milk, I happily drank away and look what happened!" He was once again laughing after explaining.
"Wait, just how regenerative is calcium!?" The long nose snapped at him asking. 
"Doesn't milk help mentally broken bones?" That had been asked back, but
"No, that's not how it works." Luna seemed to be the pointing that out.
"What are the case maybe, we got a massive amounts of salt just in the nick of time." Sanji and moved on to more important things. "The path to the kitchen has been cut off. Brook's salt is our last hope."
"We are running out of time. We must fight!" Everyone was ready to do so, looking up at Oars and Moria. "If we can stuff the salt down that monster's throat and take Moria's butt before dawn, we win!" But the man in the stomach laughed loudly looking down at them.
"I still can't believe he has a cockpit. I thought the freak had a normal body." Franky had brought that up since everything, besides his size and horns, were normal.
"You should be grateful that I have decided to join the free! And I'd be extremely careful of were you. I'm not simply a passenger here! I'll show you the ultimate nightmare!" Moria was shouting with his extremely creepy looking face.
"I shall fighting this battle as well! I will give it my all!" Brook had pulled out his crane sword pointing it up to Oars. "I could never begin to repay the debt I owe you guys for recovering my shadow, but I will fight to the fullest!" He was spinning around and around until he bent down to one of his knees. However, it seemed that he had cracked something. "I'm still!" He collapsed.
"Don't push yourself!" Zoro simply told him to stay on to of the salt, since it was the only thing to take out the giant monster.
"Let's go, Chopper! Luna!" Sanji said running off
"Yeah!" The doctor had followed after him.
"Alright." Along with Luna.
"I'll give you a taste of my anti-monster shells!" Franky had placed bullet shells into his left arm.
"Victory goes to those who take the initiative! Apparently it wasn't big enough last time!Franky I'm counting on you!" Usopp was a few steps behind him with Kubuto pulled back. "Special Attack! Special Oil Star!" It had been fired heading upwards.
"Okay! Now we're talking!" The cyborg shouted before taking a deep breath in and then out which had been fire that the Oil Star had entered and gone through.
"Transform!" It had taken the form of a bird. "Super Size! Fire Bird Star!" Oars had been completely hit by the fire.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow... Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!" He was trying to put himself out.
"Sweet! Serves you right!" Usopp cheered.
"Okay, now get that one contraption ready." Franky told him, which had caused him to take off.
"Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!" Oars was whining still trying to make the fire go out.
.Pathetic! Don't shrink back, Oars!" Moria had to,d them that he only thinks things hurt or are hot because of the time is spent living. But as he wasn't a zombie he couldn't feel anything. "Calm down and put out the fire!"
"Now that you mention it, he doesn't feel the least bit hot." Oars had stopped freaking out upon hearing that. But at the same time.
"Now, Zoro!" Chopper called out the swordsman.
"Okay!" Who had began charging for the reindeer and the two worked together, with Zoro jumping off Chopper above a broken tower. Both Sanji  was waiting below for something which had been when
"Three-Sword Style..." Zoro and pulled his arms across wed with his swords outwards. "...Great Buddha Slayer!" And slashed a series of horizontal sword slashes that were powerful enough to cut apart a small building.
"Jenga..." Sanji was dashing for the building that had been sliced through. "...Cannon!" He sent one of the kicking flying at Oars which had him stumbling back. "And here! Here! Here! Here! Here!" But it was over yet as Sanji continued kicking the remaining sliced building at Oars.
"You bastard!" But the giant had punched them away, sending them in the Direction of Franky, Robin, and Brook.
"The tower is heading this way!" Franky was freaking out and Brook was about to take off running but his back cracked curing him to fall.
"Veinte Fleur!" (Twenty Flowers) Two arms had sprouted out from a piece of rubble, but it had more arms sprouting out like ropes heading for Brook
"M-My bone..." He had been grabbed by the ankles and pulled out of the way, just before the tower piece came crashing where he had been. While at the same time Franky was running for it
"Stop! You idiot!" He was dodging the piece that were flying at him. But had turned around to fire at the rest that had been completely destroyed.
"Damn it! He used the attack against us!" Chopper had panicked at this p.
"Oi! You guys all right?" Sanji called out over to them and the three of lifted up their thumbs to state they were fine.
"Hmmm...?" Oars had turned around as a shadow had began to appear behind him and it was where
"Krovavyy..." He came face to face with a enlarged amount of blood that was appearing and gathering while taking shape before Oars
"So cool!" The giant seemed completely shocked but excitement at the sight of it.
"... Kulak!" (Bloody Fist, Russian) It shape was that had a fish which had been sent flying right into his face, following Luna's motion. But this had been a distraction as...
"My new weapon... Kuwagata..." Usopp had revealed a massive sling that he had began pulling back with all his might, as it had it's side hammered into some large pieces of rubble.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah... yeah!" Franky had leaped in front of the sniper posing like he normally did. "Super!" With his catch phrase.
"Nice to hear you're 'super' but this is quite tiring... to hold it." That had been informed to the cyborg.
"Yo! You ready, Usopp?" But it seemed that he didn't hear, or at least pretending not to.
"Sure but you know... I made this while experimenting... no guarantee if it'll work." Usopp explained still holding on.
"Don't worry about it, idiot! This week I am particularly super!" But it didn't seem to bother Franky one bit. While in the back ground Oars was stomping at the ground where Luna was.
"Then hop on!"
"Yeah! Now shoot me right at the stomach!" Franky had placed his back in the centre of the sling.
"Go!" Usopp pulled it back a bit more. "Ultimate Iron Man Comet!" Before he had launched Franky at the giant zombie.
"Hmm... that's supper acceleration!" He seemed quite calm despite bing fired at the stomach of the beast. "Prepare yourself!" He had his left hand Bazooka out pouting it at Moria. "These are a trench mortar to use against sea monsters and sea kings! I'll rip open a hold! Eat this! Moria!" He fired the Bazooka shouting loudly, but Oars dodges with ease.
"What agility!" It was completely hard to believe that after all the damage it's taken it still can move around like that.
"I sometimes forget that he's Luffy after all..." And if it hadn't been for Luffy's shadow, maybe it wouldn't move like this. However, it had then been when Oars had sent his foot right at Franky that still had been in mid-air, crashing him into the building mansion.
"Fraaankyyyy!" Usopp screamed in terror for his friend that had taken the heavy blow and feel to the ground. "Franky!" He called out to him, hoping that he would reply. However, he was completely out could as Oars stomped over towards him and bent downwards to see if Franky was still alive, which he had been coughing up blood.
"Not yet, Oars! He's still breathing!" Moria wasn't going to show any mercy with a large grin across his face. "Finish him off!"
"Yes!" And with that being ordered, Oars had stomped over even closer to Franky. To have then lifted up his left foot above his head with its aim being the unconscious Franky.
"Oi, you still plan on attacking?" Seeing this had Zoro dashing towards them.
"Don't! He can't even move!" With Chopper right behind him and Sanji closer behind.
"Franky!" Usopp was just standing screaming, while both Robin and Brook seemed speechless watching.
"Damn..." Luna was about to dash over to him, until she noticed the sky above Oars that had gotten dark. "Isn't that..." the dark clouds had lighting sparking from it, and the lightning had come striking down upon Oars out of nowhere. Lightning had struck down open oars out of nowhere, having the giant collapsing to his knees in shock and then onto his hands as well.
"It worked! He's been brought down to his knees!" Zoro shouted seeing the attack that they all knew well.
"Lightning! This attack is..."
"The Clima Tact!" Sanji was looking all over the place for the one that could use this attack. "Is Nami alright?" He was completely panicked looking around. "There she is! It's Nami!" It had then been when he spotted her above, on the large broken bridge that was Perona's garden. "Nami! Nami! Nami! Nami! Nami Swan!" He had hearts exploding from his body while shouting up to her.
"Hey! Don't shot out to me! They'll notice me!" Which had Nami lose it down at him, which he had appeared shocked.
"Thank god..." But he was now bawling his eyes out. "Thank god... Nami is unharmed! Thank god... Please forgive me for being so unreliable, Nami!"
"This guy is so noisy!" Zoro seemed to have become annoyed but the man's shouting. But it was because of the shouting that Oars' lifted his head up towards Nami, who had become frightened.
"Orange Woman!" He had stood up calling to her.
"Doing such a foolish thing!" Moria seemed completely amused as he ordered Oars to show her true strength.
"Gum Gum..." He began pulled back his fist as if he was going to stretch like Luffy.
"What? What? He can stretch?!" But since Nami had only just gotten her, she didn't know
"He won't reach here, right?" Oars wasn't capable of stretching since Devil's Fruits don't transfer through shadows.
"Usopp, go get Franky while nothings on him." Luna had turned to the long nose ordering
"Yeah!" And he ran off
"...Pistol!" His fist had been sent flying, however, it hadn't just been that, it had completely stretch like it normal would if Luffy used that move. The attack had struck the bridge Nami was on completely shattering it.
"Whaaaa—!" Chopper was in shock but he had been the only one. "I-It stretched?! How!?" The rubble was falling
"It stretch... this feels so familiar..." While Oars' arm had come back to normal, as Moria was laughing at all of this.
"No way!"
"Nami!" Sanji took off running but then noticed a figure above along with screaming belong to Nami. "Over there! Nami is all right!" Chopper spotted her in the arms of someone that was falling to the ground. "Thank god, Luna saved her!" And it had been Luna, who had used the falling rubble to climb up to Nami to grab her.
"Stop screaming in my ears." The demon woman had told her landing open the ground without any hesitation or problems.
"What a surprise!" Robin was in front of where she landed, placing Nami onto her feet only the girl had collapsed to her hands and knees. "You all right, Nami?"
"Thank you... you saved me..." this had been directed at Luna beside her, while she was breathing heavily to catch it.
"Something bad just happened!" Zoro had come over and stood in front of the small group of women, and Brook with his jaw hitting the ground, saying.
"Why this bell did his arms stretch!?" Sanji was standing in front of him, asking the question that everyone wanted to know. "There's only one rubber man in this world, right!?"
"My guess... it had something to do with Moria." Luna looked at the man laughing his head off looking at the group of pirates that gathered together.
"Gum Gum..." but this had been the time to worry about that, as Oars began pulling back one of his legs. "...Whip!" And sent it flying at them. Zoro and Sanji had leaped out of the way, along with the others, but Luna had pushed Nami and Brook down to avoid it, as they were both slow.
"Like this, he's a real monster version of Luffy!" That had been the truth.
"What's Luffy doing!?"

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