A Small Romantic Moment With Him - Dean

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You & your boyfriend Dean were in Baby doing some survivance for the current case you were on. The person you were keeping an eye on was at risk of becoming the next victim. Thankfully the two of you had stopped at a local diner & got some food to go since Dean had the feeling that the two of you would be stuck in his car for quite some time. Which currently was proving to be true. So far you'd spent 2 hours watching the guy & the most movement you saw was him going to the kitchen & make himself some food. Once you guys had hit the 1 hour mark of your watch you had started to get a bit hungry & started to pick at the leftover food you had. Well, mainly whatever was left of the order of fries since that was the only thing you two didn't finish off. While you started to eat you couldn't help, but notice how every once in a while your boyfriend would sneak a quick glance at you & the fries. You were quick to get the message that he was trying to send you. So you picked up one of the fries & placed it in front of him, only for him to open his mouth & take it from you. He mumbled a small thank you as you took turns feeding yourself & then him until the fries were completely gone. When it started to close in on the 2 hour mark you were trying your hardest to stay focused though, to be honest you were bored out of your mind. But then you got an idea, so turning to your boyfriend you saw how he was just intently looking through his binoculars seeing if he could spot anything suspicious. You decided to scoot a little closer to him, which in turn made him side-eye you trying to figure out what you were doing or trying to do. He soon got his answer as you laid your head on his leg using it as a pillow of sorts. He tried his best to ignore what you were doing, but when he felt your eyes literally burning a hole in him he caved & looked down at you. You were just looking back up at him admiring all his lovely features with a sweet smile on your face, your gave from him only broke when he started to stroke the side of your head. You closed your eyes & just soaked in this moment. It was rare the two of you got to have small intimate moments like this so you were sure as hell going to enjoy every second of it. When you opened your eyes you were a little startled since Dean's face was mere inches from yours. But you could see nothing but pure love & adoration in his eyes as he closed the gap between you two & place a sweet, but deep kiss on your lips. Words couldn't even begin to describe just how much you loved this man, but a part of you knew that he knew just how much you loved him & he only further proved it when after you two broke the kiss he placed his forehead on yours & gave you a look that told you I love you.

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