You Get Pretty Banged Up - Crowley

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He immediately knew something was wrong because you never, ever called out for him unless something bad was happening. He had gotten wind of how you were joining the Winchesters on a hunt to deal with some rogue demons. Who quite frankly your boyfriend, The King Of Hell could've cared less about since in a way the three of you were doing him a favor. Though he hated to admit that he was a little worried for your safety since he knew just how nasty any monster who went rouge could be, let alone demons. What had happened was the three of you had found the location the demons were using as their hideout, a giant old abandoned factory. But with the place being so big meant you all had to split up in order to cover more ground. Well with just your luck you had been the one to stumble across a room where a few of them had been lurking. You had tried to send out a call to either of the brothers letting them know you needed some backup, but one of the demons had spotted you & knocked your phone from your hand meaning you were now in a 1 v 4 situation. You had managed to gank one of them fairly easily until they started moving in sync with each other. To be honest you were getting fairly banged up, but kept fighting through the pain because you knew if you stopped or let the pain get the better of you it'd be game over. You had taken out another two which left only one more left in the room with you so now it was the real test. Since you had cuts, scrapes, bruises & slashes all over your body & you could feel that you'd only have enough strength left for one good blow to your enemy. You had managed to dodge it's incoming attack which gave you the smallest of opportunity which you took plunging your knife into it's back, but when you stumbled back you saw that it came at a price. The demon had managed to plunge its own knife into your stomach meaning if you didn't get help now you'd be dead just like the bodies of the fallen demons around you. So you did the only thing you could call out to your boyfriend praying that he'd hear your weakened voice & know something was seriously wrong. Luckily for you, he did & he was quick enough to catch you since you had started to pass out & lose your balance as soon as he appeared in front of you. He took no time in propping you up against the wall of the room while he quickly got to work doing the best he could with healing your injuries. because the last thing he was gunna let happen was having you die while under his watch. He had managed to fully heal all of your injuries, but you were still out cold from having lost a lot of blood along with using up all your strength & energy from quite literally having to fight for your life. So he picked you up & turned around only to come face to face with the two brothers who had been looking for you once they noticed you weren't picking up your phone. Your boyfriend on the hand was fairly quick to fill them in on what happened & how that until you woke up he was gunna be the one watching over you & taking care of you since quite frankly he didn't trust either of them to since a part of him blamed them for what had happened to you. But for now, you were more important to him than picking a bone with them.

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