Going Grocery Shopping With Him - Dean

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You were in the middle of making a list of things you needed to pick up for the bunker. You had already gotten a list of things that Sam wanted you to pick up from the store so all you had needed was Dean's list. You were about to go get it yourself when your boyfriend just strolled into the room you were in & told you how he was just gunna go with you. You didn't really mind since you always enjoyed his company & because having him help with carrying the groceries was something you always welcomed. You had decided to split up & each took a cart so the shopping wouldn't take that long. You had managed to find everything on your list so all you needed now was to find Dean & see if he got everything on his list. When you found him you weren't surprised to see that he had literally every flavor of pie imaginable in his cart& besides that, he had no real food. Which was something you weren't gunna let fly. So you compromised with him that he would get some real food & then & only then could he get the pies that were in his cart. Otherwise, his only other option was for him to put all the pies back since you were the ones with the cash & credit cards to pay for all the groceries. But to him as long as he was able to get the pies he had no problem with compromising with you. To make sure he didn't just get more junk food you went with him & helped him pick out some things. Then when you two were done you took your carts to the checkout line. When you two made it back to Baby you didn't even have to ask him to help you load the groceries since he just did it himself & every time you even tried to lift a bag he immediately took it from your hands & put it in the trunk. But when you got back to the bunker it was Sam who came out to help carry & put away all the groceries & you told him not to ask any questions about why there were so many pies.

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