Your A Sweetheart To Him - Asmodeus

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As you pulled into the bunker's garage you noted how the Impala wasn't there meaning you'd have the bunker all to yourself until the boys got back. Which to be honest was something you were quite looking forward to. Especially after the case you were coming back from went on for longer than you were expecting. So you were happy to have some much-needed alone time. But making your way into the bunker you weren't expecting to find a man dressed in all white standing in the middle of the planning room. The noise from the bunker door opening seemed to have caught his attention as he watched you descend down the stairs. "If you're looking for Sam or Dean my guess as seeing as the Impala's gone they're not here. And seeing as I just got back I have no idea where they went off to this time. But I really need to take a shower so make yourself comfortable in the meantime." You said while passing the man. He didn't seem to give off any evil vibes & there had to have been a reason to why he was in the bunker. But you decided to deal with that after you'd taken your shower. When you walked back into the planning room you noticed how he was now in the library looking through all the books. "Do you want a cup of coffee or something? I mean it's the least I can do while you wait for the boys to get back." You asked him. He stood there for a minute trying to wrap his brain around why you were being so nice to him of all people. Then it hit him that you probably didn't even know who he was. Plus he hadn't even told you his name. Of course, he could easily use this to his advantage to manipulate you, but for some reason, he just couldn't bring himself to. Which for someone like himself wasn't normal. He noticed you staring at him so he finally decided to speak. "A nice glass of Whiskey or Gin would do just fine darling." You nodded turning & making your way to the kitchen to fetch him that drink. Making your way back you noticed as he was now seated at one of the library tables. So you placed the drink down in front of him & decided to take a seat across from him. Curious to know more about this stranger & what brought him here in the first place. He did tell you his name, Asmodeus which to you was a fitting name for such a handsome man. And you were able to find out he was indeed here looking for Sam & Dean to discuss & take care of some business as he put it. But seeing as how they were nowhere to be found & instead he was lucky enough to find himself graced with your presence. You did pick up on the fact that he was a pretty sweet talker, but it wasn't something you minded too much seeing as how honey-sweet you found his voice to be. But your conversation with him was stopped short when you heard the familiar rumble of the Impala pull into the garage meaning that the boys were back. Standing you walked over to the stairs to wait for them, but when you turned back to let Asmodeus know you were surprised to see he had vanished. As you told the boys about your encounter with the man they were quick to check you over for any injuries. As they explained to you just who Asmodeus was or the fact that you had not even a scratch on you was quite the shock to both of them. You'd later find out from Asmodeus himself the true reason why he couldn't bring himself to harm you. Since you were the only person to treat him like well a normal person & not some murderous demon. Well, that & the fact that you weren't scared of him even after finding out who he really was may have piqued his curiosity to find out more about you.

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