Cute & Ridiculous Prompt - Castiel

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The four of you had had some downtime recently. Sammy had decided to go brush up on some books & whatever shows he's missed out on recently. You had been getting some cleaning done. Mainly all the laundry that needed to be done. You had made all your rounds dropping off all the clean laundry & noticed how there were two people not accounted for. Dean & your angel Cas. You figured that Dean was most likely out working on some of the cars, so you decided to stop by & see if he'd seen Cas. But what you saw when you entered the garage was the last thing you expected to see. Cas was helping Dean work on one of the many cars. Mainly explaining to him what tools were what & so on & so forth. You just stood there watching everything. "You know" You spoke up making your presence known. “I've never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time.” You said motioning to your boyfriend. Which was true because as Dean was explaining everything to Cas it was like he had a permanent look of confusion on his face. You laughed as Dean elbowed Cas & said that he was going inside to grab some more beers. "So what does he have you doing now?" You asked him. "He's teaching me how to work on cars & what these tools are." He said pointing to the tools that were set on top of the workbench. "Well he's trying to teach you, but at least it's giving you something to do." When Dean came back he handed you a beer & you decided that you'd stay & hang out with them since it was better than cleaning that was for sure. Plus you always loved watching Dean & Cas work together or doing things together that didn't involve hunting or killing something.

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