You Feel Sick - Gadreel

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Garbage. Complete & utter garbage was what you were currently feeling like. No matter how hard you tried you couldn't seem to fall asleep let alone stay asleep. Just like no matter how many blankets you had you couldn't seem to stay warm. So you had just given up & decided to go pop in on your love, Gadreel. Not caring if he was in the middle of something because, to be honest, you just wanted to see him & hope that he'd be able to help you in any way possible. Luckily he was alone in his room in the bunker. He was though surprised to see you there but noticed right away how something seemed off. Then he saw your body shiver & wondered if something was wrong with you. You explained to him how you were feeling & he was quick to piece together that you were coming down with a possible cold. So before you could say anything else you felt a warmth envelope you. When you looked you saw that he had draped one of his blankets over your shoulders. It acted like a heater that your body was so desperately seeked so you pulled it as tight as you could around you just taking in all the warmth of it. Then he helped you over to his bed. Helping you to get comfortable. He stayed by your side while you slowly drifted off to sleep. Deciding to watch over you as you slept since he wanted to make sure that you were safe & be there to take care of you if or when you needed it.

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