You Drink In Front Of Him For The First Time - Sammy

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You couldn't remember the last time you & Sammy had an actual date night. But you were sure as hell going to make the most of it because who knew when the next time you'd get another chance like this'd be. Normally you weren't a drinker. Only if it was a very special or important occasion would you order something with alcohol in it. Preferably something sweet like a martini or cocktail or a fancy drink that you just thought looked good. But you'd never drank around or with the boys mainly because you just didn't like the taste of beer or straight alcohol unless it had something sweet with it. So you decided to order a drink called Pink Balls. It looked good so you wanted to try it. The drink tasted as good as it looked. But of course, you didn't down the entire thing in one go. No, you enjoyed & savored it. Plus the last thing you wanted was to get hammered. But you did notice how when the waiter brought you your drink that your sweet boyfriend was visibly surprised. "I didn't know you drank." Came his words as you took a sip of your drink. "Only for special occasions, plus I have a bit of a sweet tooth so just plain beer or straight alcohol isn't really my taste or style." Came your response. "You're more than welcome to try it though since I know it's different from what you're used to." You said giggling while you passed your drink to him. You watched as he took a sip & seemed to genuinely enjoy the taste. "Wow, that's actually really good." "Told you, sweetface." You said while taking your drink back from him. "There are a lot of drinks I could introduce you to if you'd like. Though I can't guarantee you'll like all of them." With that, you pulled out your phone & sent him a little list of your favorite or preferred drinks that you'd come to enjoy the taste of. You watched as he looked at his phone & gasped in surprise. "Wow, that's a really long list of drinks." You just let out a laugh. "Not my fault I have a good eye & good taste, unlike you simple Winchesters." You just smugly went back to sipping your drink while Sammy looked over the long list of drinks you'd sent him.

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