Stop Distracting Me Prompt - Lucifer

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“Stop distracting me.” You whined to your boyfriend for the millionth time today. You had been in the middle of researching on behalf of the boys while they were on their way to the next case. You were in a bit of a time crunch to get everything done that way you could relay all the info to the two brothers. Yet every time you opened up a new book Lucifer popped up from behind you & pulled the book away from you. You cursed him for being taller than you since all he had to do was hold it above you & it was out of your reach. At first, it was cute, but now it was starting to get on your nerves. To which he replied, "Good now you know how I feel since you've just been ignoring me for those stupid books." You let out a sigh. "Luci I promise this is the last book I need to look through then all I have to do is call Sammy & relay all the info I've found out about this case & monster their hunting. Then you'll have my full undivided attention for the rest of the day. Maybe days depending on how long they're gone. So please just give me back the book so we can hurry up & have some us time." You were right & as much as he hated to admit it he knew you were right. He'd been too busy annoying you & begging for you to pay attention to him that he failed to realize he was the reason why your research kept dragging on & on. So he shyly handed you your book back & quietly took a seat in front of you swearing that he'd behave until you were finished. You thanked him & as a reward gave him a short, but sweet peck on the lips. Now that you had no more distractions you were able to dig your heels in & finish up everything within the next half hour. Once you were done relaying the info to Sammy you hung up the phone & pranced your way over to your patiently waiting boyfriend. You wrapped your arms around him & nuzzled against his neck. "See now that wasn't so hard was it? And thanks to you behaving I was able to finish everything which means now I'm all yours with no distractions to stop us." You watched as a wicked grin began to form on his face & in a matter of seconds he had you over his shoulder & was making his way to your room.

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