How Long Prompt - Castiel

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You'd somehow managed to sprain both your right ankle & left knee on your latest hunt. You also managed to dislocate your right shoulder. But with your vast amount of knowledge you were able to pop it back into place. Needless to say, you were pretty banged up, but since it was a solo hunt you just managed to deal with it by yourself. Plus you'd be back home in the bunker in a few days so you were confident you could deal until then. What you weren't aware of though was the angel who'd been keeping watch over you while you were out on your case. Mainly because if something happened to you he would never forgive himself. So when he saw you get injured he was confused as to why you didn't ask him to come heal you. Since he'd healed many of your injuries in the past I mean he was your boyfriend & your angel so it was his job to help & protect you right? Well, that's what he'd thought until this moment. So he watched you hobble around & was starting to get fed up with watching you in pain. So he racked his brain thinking if it'd be better to just show up in your motel room & question you or wait until you got back to the bunker. When he heard you hiss out in pain for the umpteenth time he decided to go with the first option. "How long did you think you could hide that?" He said making his presence known from behind you. Which in turn gained a surprised yelp from you. "Well, I was planning on leaving tonight & having you fix me once I got back." You said sheepishly. "Why not just ask for my help when you first got injured, love?" He asked confused. "Because my pride was bruised & I just didn't wanna bother you since this was supposed to be my solo hunt & I just wanted to prove to you & the brothers that I was more than capable of handling this shifter. But instead, I just got banged up in the process." You said while taking a seat feeling embarrassment start to wash over you. You watch as Cas stepped towards you & pressed his hand to your forehead healing all of your injuries. "You never have to worry about asking for my help or me questioning your strength because I've seen firsthand what you're capable of." He said with a sweet smile on his face. You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him in for a hug while whispering a thank you to him.

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